Git is a Version Control System(VCS), aka Source Code Management(SCM).
- History of VCS Tools
- Github
- Distributed Version Control
- Architecture
- Git Workflow
- Git Configuration
- Tree-ish
- Commonly Used Commands
- Source Code Control System(SCCS):
- 1972
- closed-source
- only Unix support
- supported text files
- stored original version file and sets of changes
- one user could work on a file at a time (local repository)
- Revision Control System(RCS):
- 1982
- open-source
- cross-platform
- supported text files
- stored latest version file and sets of changes
- one user could work on a file at a time (local repository)
- Concurrent Versions System(RCS):
- 1986-1990
- open-source
- cross-platform
- supported text files
- stored all versions of the files
- multi-user repositories (remote repositories)
- Apache Subversion(SVN):
- 2000
- open-source
- cross-platform
- supported text and image files
- directory based tracking
- multi-user repositories (remote repositories)
- Bitkeeper SCM:
- 2000
- similar to SVN
- closed-source, proprietary
- distributed version control
- community version was free
- used for source code of Linux kernel from 2002 to 2005
- controversial to use proprietary SCM for open-source project
- April 2005: the community version was not free anymore
- Git:
- April 2005
- created by Linus Torvalds(also created Linux)
- replacement for Bitkeeper for Linux source code management
- distributed version control
- open-source and free software
- faster than other SCMs
- better safeguards against data corruption
- 2008
- hosts Git repositories
- purchased by Microsoft in 2018
- different users maintain their own repositories
- no single central or master repository
- changes are stored as change sets
- tracks changes and not versions unlike CVS and SVN
- change sets can be exchanged between repositories ("merge-in change sets" or "apply patches")
- no need to communicate with a central server
- faster than other traditional version control systems
- no network access required
- no single failure point
- encourages participation and forking of projects
- developers can work independently
- submit change sets for inclusion or rejection
- Git uses Three Tree Architecture as opposed to other VCSs that use traditional Two Tree Architecture
Two Tree Architecture - Traditional | Three Tree Architecture - Git |
![]() |
![]() |
- Make changes
- Stage changes
- Commit changes
Sample Workflow - Involving three changes A, B, C
System Config File-
- Scope      :Â
git config --system
- Win Path :Â
Program Files\Git\etc\gitconfig
- Mac Path :Â
- Scope      :Â
User Config File-
- Scope      :Â
git config --global
- Win Path :Â
- Mac Path :Â
- Scope      :Â
Project Config File-
- Scope     :Â
git config
- Path        :Â
- Scope     :Â
The following git objects qualify as a tree-ish:
- SHA-1 hash
- HEAD pointer reference
- Branch reference
- Tag reference
- Ancestry
Use ^ to refer to the ancestors of a commit
- parent -
git show HEAD^
orgit show HEAD~1
- grandparent -
git show HEAD^^
orgit show HEAD~2
- great-grandparent -
git show HEAD^^^
orgit show HEAD~3
git config --global <config_name> <value>
git config --global "Ashutosh Ojha"
git config --global ""
git config --global core.editor "atom --wait"
git config --global color.ui true
- config can be used to set aliases for commands.
- Syntax: git config --global alias.<alias_name> <"command">
- Some popular aliases:
- git config --global "status"
- git config --global "checkout"
- git config --global "commit"
- git config --global "branch"
- git config --global alias.dfs "diff --staged"
- git config --global alias.logg "log --graph --decorate --oneline --all"
// lists all config properties
git config --list
// shows a specific configuration property
git config <config_property>
// shows a user name
git config
// git command
git help <command_name>
// os command
man git-<command_name>
// adds .git to directory
// converts a normal directory into a repository
git init
// gives status info like edited, staged, unstaged and untracked files
git status
git add <change_path>
// stages all changed files in the directory
git add .
// stages a specific change
git add changed_file.txt
// stages multiple files
git add changed_file_1.txt changed_file_2.txt
// stage interactively
// provides a command line based gui
// can stage specific files or even specific lines
git add --interactive
git add -i
Interactive Staging
// makes the staged changes permanent and tracks them
git commit
// commit with a message
git commit -m "<message>"
// commit with a message and additional descriptions
git commit -m "<message>" "<desc1>" "<desc2>"
// amend or modify the most recent commit
git commit --amend -m "<message>"
// directly commits all the changes(no manual staging needed)
// commits all changes(staged and unstaged) except untracked changes
git commit -a
git commit --all
// commits all changes with a message
git commit -am "<message>"
// lists all the commits
git log
// limits the number of commits to be shown
git log -n <limit>
// filter by date
git log --since=<date1> --until=<date2>
// filter by author name
git log --author="<author_name>"
// filter all the meta data of the commits using regex
git log --grep="<regex>"
// filter by a range
git log <commit_1_id>..<commit_2_id>
// filter by file
git log <file>
// formatting logs
// shows changes in form of change-sets or patches
git log -p
// formats log to give a statistical view
// shows the files changed and number of insertions(+) and deletions(-) in the files
git log --stat
// other formats: oneline, medium(default), full, fuller, email, raw
// gives shorter description of commits
git log --format=short
// show commits with one-line commit messages
// better than using --format=oneline
// ignores the descriptions
// shortens the commit id
git log --oneline
// provides a graphical view
// useful when multiple branches are present
git log --graph
// best combination of formatters
git log --graph --all --oneline --decorate
// shows all the changes(git diff) done in a particular commit
// need not type entire 40 character commit id, first few characters also work
git show <commit_id>
// shows difference between two versions of each file
// lists differences in all modified files
// shows the line by line difference between file versions
// compares working directory version against staging tree version of the files
git diff
// shows and highlights word by word difference
git diff --color-words
// shows difference in a specific modified file
git diff changed_file.txt
// shows difference in multiple modified files
git diff changed_file_1.txt changed_file_2.txt
// compares staging tree version against repository version of the files (staged/cached)
git diff --staged
git diff --cached
// view differences between commits
// HEAD can be used instead of the commit id to point to the latest commit
git diff <commit_1_id>..<commit_2_id>
// view differences between branches
git diff <branch_1>..<branch_2>
// hit 'q' to exit out of diff view
// stages deleted file if manually deleted
git rm <deleted_file>
// permanently deletes and stages a file
git rm <to_be_deleted_file>
Manually moving or renaming a file is identified as deleting old file and adding new file.
Upon staging it is recognized as rename operation.
moving a file using
git mv
command is identified as renaming and is automatically staged.// renaming file name git mv <old_file_name> <new_file_name> // moving a file git mv <old_file_name> <new_path/old_file_name>
// undo changes in working directory
// restores the repository version of a file from current branch
git checkout -- <file>
// retrieve old versions of files using commit id
git checkout <commit_id> -- <file>
// performs a dry run and informs which files would be deleted
git clean -n
// actually deletes the untracked files
git clean -f
// remove untracked files in an interactive way
git clean -i
// lists the directories and files under a tree-ish(commit, branch, etc)
// a file is labeled as blob(binary large object)
// a directory is labeled as tree
git ls-tree <tree-ish>
// list the content of a specific directory under a tree-ish
git ls-tree <tree-ish> <path/>
// lists all the branches in the repository
git branch
// lists all the branches that have their commits merged in current branch
git branch --merged
// lists all the branches whose commits are not merged in current branch
git branch --no-merged
// create a new branch
// allowed characters for branch name: [a-zA-Z0-9_]*
git branch <new_branch>
// swtich to a branch
git checkout <branch_name>
// create and switch in one go
git checkout -b <new_branch>
- Cannot switch branch if changes in working directory conflict.
- Can switch branch if changes in working directory can be applied without conflict.
- Can switch branch if files are not being tracked.
- To switch branch with uncommited changes:
- Commit the changes to the current branch.
- Remove the changes, checkout the files again.
- Stash the changes.
- Install to configure command prompt to show the current branch.
// renames the old branch with a new branch name
// does not require the old branch to be checked out
git branch -m <old_branch> <new_branch>
// renaming the current checked out branch
git branch -m <new_branch>
// deletes the specified branch
// can specify more than one branch names to be deleted
// cannot delete the current checked out branch
// git objects deletion if branch is not merged to other branch
git branch -d <branch>
// force delete a not yet merged branch
git branch -D <branch>
// soft reset
// similar to git commit --amend
// moves HEAD pointer
// does not change staging index or working directory
git reset --soft <tree-ish>
// mixed reset
// default choice
// moves HEAD pointer
// changes staging index to match repository
// does not change working directory
git reset --mixed <tree-ish>
// hard reset
// moves HEAD pointer
// changes both staging index & working directory to match repository
git reset --hard <tree-ish>
// revert commit
// alternate safe option
// reverts the change done in the specified commit
git revert <commit_id>
- Both reset and revert serve the same purpose.
- However, there is key difference in how both commands achieve the objective.
- Reset discards and orphans the undesired commits.
- Revert makes a new commit after making the necessary changes.
- Hence, using revert is safer when multiple collaborators share the repository.
- Reset should be used in non-collaborative repositories.
// merge new branch into current branch
git merge <new_branch>
// in case of merge conflicts:
// abort the merge
git merge --abort
// after resolving conflicts
git add <conflicted_files>
git commit
// creates a new stash named stash_name
// moves the changes from working directory to the stash
// untracked changes are not stashed by default
git stash save <stash_name>
// to stash untracked files too
git stash save -u <stash_name>
git stash save --include-untracked <stash_name>
// view stashed changes
// lists all the stashes by name
git stash list
// show the changes in a particular stash
// lists all the modified files along with the changes as stats
git stash show <stash_id>
// to show the line-by-line changes
git stash show -p <stash_id>
// retrieve stash
// applies the changes of a stash to current branch's working directory
git stash apply <stash_id>
// applies and removes a specific stash
// the newest stash is popped if stash_id is not provided
git stash pop
git stash pop <stash_id>
// delete stash
// removes a specific stash
git stash drop <stash_id>
// clears the stash list completely
git stash clear
- Similar to merge, while applying a stash, conflicts might occur.
- The conflicts are handled similar to merge conflicts.
// lists all added remotes
git remote
// shows remotes used for fetch and push
git remote -v
// adds a remote repo url as origin
git remote add origin <url>
// removes the remote
git remote rm origin
// local branches need to be pushed individually
// locally checkout branch to be created on remote
// -u ensures the remote branch gets tracked
git push -u origin <branch>
git push
is also used to push changes to remote repo.- If the remote branch is being tracked, need not mention branch name.
// makes a copy of the remote repo locally
git clone <remote_repo_url>
// to give a custom name to the local repo
git clone <remote_repo_url> <repo_name>
- Use
git branch
to list all local branches.- Use
git branch -r
to list all remote branches.- Use
git branch -a
to list all branches(local + remote).
// syncs remote repo with local repo
// gets info like new commits, new branches
// does not merge any changes from remote to local repo
git fetch
// merges the fetched changes of remote to local branch
// should follow a git fetch command
git merge origin/master
// directly fetches and merges remote branch changes
// fetch + merge
git pull
// checkout a new branch from remote branch
// sets up the remote branch for tracking
// switches to the new branch
git branch -b <new_branch> <remote_branch>
git branch -b <new_branch> origin/branch
// remove a branch from the remote repo
// the branch can remain locally
// useful when a feature branch is complete and merged
// deletes both tracking and corresponding remote branches
git push origin :<branch>
// command support from v1.7.0+
git push --delete origin <branch>
// short notation support from v2.8.0+
git push -d origin <branch>
- If a collaborator deletes a remote branch, the tracking branch still remains on others' local system.
- Use
git remote prune origin
to clean the stale tracking branches from local system.git remote prune origin --dry-run
shows what branches would be pruned.- A
git fetch
does not clean the stale tracking branches automatically.- Shortcut: prune, then fetch -
git fetch --prune/-p
- Config to always prune before fetch:
git config --global fetch.prune true
// done when difference between local and remote branches
// discards the commits in remote branches, that are not present in local
git push -f
git push --force
- Reasons to Force Push:
- Local version is better than remote version.
- Remote version went wrong and needs repair.
- Versions have diverged and merging is undesirable.
- The other collaborators need to do a hard reset
git reset --hard origin/master
after a force push.
- Tags are named reference to a commit.
- Most often used to mark releases or special points in history.
- Two types of tags:
- lightweight tags
- annotated tags
// add a lightweight tag
git tag <tag> <commit_id>
git tag issue136 655da716e7
// annotated tag (most common)
// can add one line or multi-line message
git tag -a <tag> -m <message> <commit_id>
git tag -a v1.1 -m "version 1.0" dd5c49428a0
git tag -a -m "version 2.0" v2.0 94857bb4fc6
// alternate way to create annotated tags
git tag -am <message> <tag> <commit_id>
git tag -am "version 1.0" v1.1 dd5c49428a0
// list all tags
git tag --list
git tag -l
// filter and list tags
git tag -l "filter_string"
// list all tags beginning with "v2"
git tag -l "v2*"
// list tags with annotations
git tag -l -n
git tag -ln
// deletes a local tag
git tag --delete <tag>
git tag -d <tag>
Tags are local unless shared to a remote.
git push
does not transfer tags. -
Tags must be explicitly transferred.
git fetch
automatically retrieves shared tags.// push a tag to remote git push origin <tag> // push all tags to remote git push origin --tags // fetch only tags (with necessary commits) // rarely used git fetch --tags // use push to delete a remote tag // similar to deleting a remote branch git push origin :<tag> git push --delete origin <tag> git push -d origin <tag>
Tags are not branches.
Tags can be checked out, just like any commit.
// optimal way to checkout a tag // create a branch from the tag git checkout -b <new_branch> <tag>
- It's also possible to directly checkout a tag using
git checkout <tag>
.- This leads to a state known as Detached HEAD State:
- Checking out a commit puts the local repo in a detached HEAD state.
- It's like being on an unnamed branch.
- New commits will not belong to any branch.
- Detached commits will be garbage collected (~ 2 weeks).
- There are 3 ways to save the orphaned commits:
- Tag the commit (HEAD detached):
git tag temp
- Create a branch (HEAD detached):
git branch temp_branch
- Create a branch and reattach HEAD:
git checkout -b temp_branch
- To simply get out of the detached HEAD state, switch to any branch:
git checkout master
- Apply the changes from one or more existing commits.
- Each cherry-picked commit is recorded as a new commit on the current branch.
- Conceptually similar to copy-paste.
- New commits will have different SHAs.
// cherry-pick a specific commit
git cherry-pick <commit_id>
// cherry-pick a range of commits
git cherry-pick <start_commit_id>..<end_commit_id>
- Cannot cherry-pick a merge commit.
- By default, the same commit message wil be used.
- The original commit message can be modified using --edit or -e flag followed by the new commit message.
- Can result in conflicts which must be resolved.
Can abort cherry-picking in case of conflict.
Can resolve the conflicts and continue with cherry-picking.
// abort cherry-picking git cherry-pick --abort // continue after resolving conflicts git cherry-pick --continue
- Cherry-picking will automatically be paused in case of conflicts.
- After resolving the conflicts,
git add
is to be used to mark resolution.- Only after resolution is marked, use command
git cherry-pick --continue
- Share changes via files.
- Useful when changes are not ready for a public branch.
- Useful when collaborators do not share a remote.
- Often used in discussions, reviews or approval processes.
// create a diff patch file
git diff <commit_id_1> <commit_id_2> > <file_name.diff>
- Let there be three successive commits:
- commit-3 (latest / HEAD)
- commit-2
- commit-1 (oldest)
- If we want commit-3 and commit-2 to be in a diff patch, command will be:
git diff commit1 commit3 > output.diff
Apply changes in a diff patch file to the working directory.
Makes changes, but not commits.
No commit history transferred.
// apply a diff patch file git apply <path/file_name.diff>
- A patch cannot be applied to any working directory.
- The current state of the working directory is a deciding factor in the applicability of a patch.
Export each commit in Unix mailbox format.
Useful for email distribution of changes.
Is a regular diff file including commit messages.
One commit per file by default.
// export a single commit git format-patch -1 <commit_id> // export range of commits as formatted patch git format-patch <commit_id_1>..<commit_id_2> // scenario: export all commits on current branch which are not in master branch // by default considers blank as HEAD git format-patch master // put patch files into a directory // creates the directory if not present git format-patch master -o <directory_name> // output patches as a single file git format-patch <commit_id_start>..<commit_id_end> --stdout > <filename.patch>
Extract author, commit message, and changes from a mailbox message and apply them to the current branch.
Similar to cherry-picking: same changes, different SHAs.
Unlike diff patch, commit history is transferred.
// apply single patch // am: apply mailbox patch git am <filename.patch> // apply all patches in a directory git am <directory>/*.patch
- Take commits from a branch and replay them at the end of another branch.
- Useful to integrate recent commits without merging.
- Maintains a cleaner, more linear project history.
- Ensures topic branch commits apply cleanly.
- Rebase abandons existing, shared commits and creates new, similar commits instead.
- Collaborators would see the project history vanish.
- Getting all collaborators back in sync can be a nightmare.
- Merge to allow commits to stand out or to be clearly grouped.
- Merge to bring large topic branches back into master.
- Rebase to add minor commits in master to a topic branch.
- Rebase to move commits from one branch to another.
- Merge anytime the topic branch is already public and being used by others. (The Golden Rule of Rebasing)
Merge Rebase Adds a merge commit. No additional merge commit. Nondestructive. Destructive: SHA changes, commits are rewritten. Complete record of what happened and when. No longer a complete record of what happened and when. Easy to undo. Tricky to undo. Logs can become cluttered, non-linear. Logs are cleaner, more linear.
// rebase current branch to tip of master
git rebase master
// rebase speicifc branch to tip of master
git rebase master <branch_name>
- Two very useful commands while rebasing:
- Useful for visualizing branches:
git log --graph --all --decorate --oneline
- Return commit where specific branch diverges:
git merge-base master <branch_name>
- Rebasing creates new commits on existing code.
- May conflict with existing code.
- Git pauses rebase before each conflicting commit, waiting for it to be resolved before proceeding with other commits.
- Similar to resolving merge conflicts.
- Unlike merge, after resolving commits,
git rebase --continue
is used instead ofgit commit
. - Before using
git rebase --continue
, make sure the conflicts are also marked resolved usinggit add <conflicted_file>
. - In order to skip a conflicting commit, use
git rebase --skip
to move on to other commits. - Rebasing can also be stopped by using
git rebase --abort
Has three parameters:
- newbase
- upstream
- branch
The command specifies to gather commits from the branch upto the point where diverges from branch and rebase the commits on branch.
// syntax git rebase --onto <newbase> <upstream> <branch> git rebase --onto master ui ui_rework
Can undo simple rebases.
Rebase is destructive.
SHAs, commit messages, change sets can be altered.
Undoing complex rebases may lose data.
// undo, unless ORIG_HEAD has changed again git reset --hard ORIG_HEAD // undo by rebasing to former merge-base SHA git rebase --onto 9291f0c88 master new_feature
Chance to modify commits as they are being replayed.
Opens the git-rebase-todo file for editing.
Can reorder or skip commits.
Can edit commit contents.
// interactive rebase git rebase -i master new_feature
- Interactive rebase choices:
- pick, drop
- reword, edit
- squash, fixup
- exec
- Squash Commits:
- Fold two or more commits into one
- squash: combine change sets, concatenate messages
- fixup: combine change sets, discards commit message
- uses first author in the author series
Fetch from remote, then rebase instead of merging.
Keeps history cleaner by reducing merge commits.
Only use on local commits, that have not been shared to remote.
// pull rebase git pull --rebase git pull -r
Log is the primary interface to Git.
Log has many options like sorting, filtering and output formatting.
// log commits as patches (diffs) git log -p git log --patch // list edits to lines 100-150 in filename.txt git log -L 100,150:filename.txt
Browse annotated file
Determine who changed which lines in a file and why.
Useful for probing the history behind a file's content.
Useful for identifying which commit introduced a bug.
// annotate file with commit details git blame filename.txt // ignore whitespace git blame -w filename.txt // annotate lines 100-150 git blame -L 100,150 filename.txt git blame -L 100,+50 filename.txt // annotate file at specific commit git blame <commit_id> filename.txt git blame <commit_id> -- filename.txt
Find the commit that introduced a bug or regression.
Mark last good revision and first bad revision.
Resets code to the midpoint of revisions.
Mark as good or bad revision.
Makes use of binary search logic for finding out the bug-introducing commit.
// begin bisecting git bisect start // mark last known bad revision git bisect bad <treeish> // mark last known good revision git bisect good <treeish> // stop and reset git bisect reset