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leob edited this page Nov 8, 2016 · 25 revisions

This is a list of "releases" (tagged by date, I'm not using formal version numbering), in reverse chronological order.

Release [2016-11-08]

Somewhat of a "major" release which I've used to upgrade the Ionic framework version and make the project compatible with the Ionic CLI 2.x. Details:

  • Made the project compatible with Ionic CLI 2.x
  • Upgraded the Ionic framework to 1.3.2 and Angular to 1.5.3
  • Fixed a number of bugs on iOS (e.g. keyboard support, and switching the device to landscape mode)
  • Added Crosswalk for better performance and compatibility on Android (this makes your APK instantly 20 Megabytes larger but in my experience it is more than worth it)

Release [2016-02-25]

  • Code refactoring/improvements of the e2e (Protractor) tests, and a unit test bugfix (thanks @argyleink for reporting the issue). TO DO: document setup/config for Firebase and Protractor on the Wiki.

Release [2016-02-13]

  • Implemented login/auth with Twitter (through Firebase's Twitter Oauth provider).

Release [2016-02-07]

  • Logging service improved and extended with a remote logging option using the Logentries service (

Release [2016-02-06]

The signup process now consists of two stages, "signup" and "change password". This process has been implemented with a "mock" implementation and a Firebase implementation. The "user profile" screen has also been brought inline with this and made fully functional.

Release [2016-02-04]

  • Upgraded the app to Ionic 1.2.4; at a later stage we will start utilizing some Ionic 1.2.x specific features such as the new "ion-input" and "ion-slides" directives.

  • Removed the login/auth implementation in the light of Facebook's decision to shut down in 2017.

  • Upgraded Protractor from version 2 to version 3; note: this requires version 4 of nodejs (e.g. v4.2.6).

Release [2015-11-30]

Release [2015-11-18]

Release [2015-11-06]

Release [2015-10-24]

  • Fixed the ENOENT / "libsass" issue for people with newer nodejs versions (e.g. nodejs v.4)

Release [2015-10-23]

  • Added image manipulation functionality (Cordova Camera, image cropping)
  • Improvements in form handling and SASS styling, bug fixes, more utility functions, improved docs

Release [2015-08-31]

  • Added a Firebase implementation of the user/authentication service

Release [2015-08-26]

Release [2015-08-07]

  • Improved the gulp build system: addition of gulp-inject, and so on
  • Complete overhaul of the directory structure and file naming conventions: modular structure and file naming convention inspired by John Papa's style guide

Release [2015-08-02]

  • Initial version: gulp build system, auth with or 'mock'