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Define your mongoose models/schemas easily with @decorators


npm install mongoose-schema-decorators --save



  • buildSchema(target: Function, loadClass:boolean = true) - helper function to generate mongoose schema
    • {Function} target name of the decorated class
    • {boolean} loadClass indicating if load setters + getters, static methods, and instance methods from the target class to schema. Default to true


  • @schema(options?: Mongoose.SchemaTypeOpts) - decorates a class for mongoose schema generation
  • @field(options?: Mongoose.SchemaTypeOpts) - decorates a property with schema options if any
  • @required - decorates a property which is a required field in schema
  • @indexed - decorates a property which is a indexed field in schema
  • @unique - decorates a property which is unique field in schema
  • @statics - decorates a property/method which to be registered as schema statics
  • @methods - decorates a method which to be registered as schema instance methods
  • @virtuals(options?: any) - decorates a getter/setter/property (virtual reference to build relationship between collections) as schema virtuals

Sample usage

  toJSON: {
    getters: true,
    virtuals: true,
class Service {
  _id: Mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId;

  product: string;

  description: string;

  @field({ ref: 'Customer' })
  customer: number;

@schema({ _id: false })
class Contact {
  public firstname: string;

  public lastname: string;

  public phone: string;

  public address: string;

  toJSON: {
    getters: true,
    virtuals: true,
class Customer {
  _id: number;

  name: string;

  createdDate: Date;

  contacts: [Contact];

    ref: 'Service',
    localField: '_id',
    foreignField: 'customer',
    justOne: false,
  public services: Service[];

  get getRef(): string {
    return `${this._id}-${}`;

const serviceSchema: Mongoose.Schema = buildSchema(Service);
type ServiceDocument = Service & Mongoose.Document;
const ServiceModel = Mongoose.model<ServiceDocument, Mongoose.Model<ServiceDocument>>('Service', serviceSchema);

const CustomerSchema: Mongoose.Schema = buildSchema(Customer);
type CustomerDocument = Customer & Mongoose.Document;
const CustomerModel = Mongoose.model<CustomerDocument, Mongoose.Model<CustomerDocument>>('Customer', CustomerSchema);

const customer1 = new CustomerModel({
  _id: 1,
  name: 'customer one',

const service1 = new ServiceModel({
  product: 'S1',
  description: 'service one',
  customer: 1,
} as Service);;
