Rewrite Base64 with protocols, and update coding style
This major update
- Rewrite Base64 with protocols and deprecated some functions
public protocol Base64Encodable {
static func base64EncodedString(from original: String) -> String
static func base64URLEncodedString(from original: String) -> String
static func base64RawEncodedString(from original: String) -> String
static func base64URLRawEncodedString(from original: String) -> String
public protocol Base64Decodable {
static func base64DecodedString(from encodedString: String) throws -> String
static func base64URLDecodedString(from encodedString: String) throws -> String
static func base64RawDecodedString(from encodedString: String) throws -> String
static func base64URLRawDecodedString(from encodedString: String) throws -> String
public protocol Base64Convertable {
static func convert(with str: String, from old: Base64.Encoding, to new: Base64.Encoding) -> String
This major deprecated
static func base64EncodedString(from str: String, operation: Base64.Encoding) -> String
static func base64DecodedString(from str: String, operation: Base64.Encoding) throws -> String
This major unavailable
static func base64DecodedData(from str: String, operation: Base64.Encoding) throws -> Data