Hello, I built this algorithm visualizer, because I was interested in how sorting algorithms work in real time, so I created a visual representation of a few popular sorting algorithms. I hope this is helpful for the people who have trouble seeing how these algorithms work in action! Check out my application at https://leolew97.github.io/Sorting-Algorithm-Visualizer/ (P.S: use Google Chrome!)
In this project directory, you can run:
1.npm run watch: combines our React components and other JavaScript files into a browser performant file. If there are any changes, it'll re-build the file, so we don't have to refresh the page to see new edits. Run in conjunction with npm run start.
2.npm run start: runs the app in development mode. Open http://localhost:8080 to view it in the browser. The page reloads if there are any edits made, and we can also see any syntax errors in the console via eslint.
3.npm run build: builds the app for production in the build folder. This script optimizes the build for performance. We do not need to use this script if we use npm run watch.