💻 Enthusiastic Backend Developer (Laravel/Php)
🔭 Currently working with Android, Kotlin, Clean Arch, MVVM, Coroutines, JUnit, MockK, Espresso and Koin.
📚 Currenlty studing Jetpack Compose and Architetural Patterns on Android.
💬 Ask me about Android, Scrum, Unit Testing, Testing with Espresso and Dependency Injection.
📫 You can find me at [LinkedIn](http://linkedin.com/in/leonardosibela).
😄 Pronouns: (He/Him/His).
⚡ Fun fact: Knock, knock...
- Smart Habits - An open source project to keep track of your habits in a smart way :)
- Navigation Between Modules - App to demonstrate how to navigate between modules with Jetpack Navigation, using koin as Dependency Injection.
- Workmanager example - App to demonstrate how I like to schedule works with Workmanager.
- Testing on Android - Example of Unit Test on Android with JUnit and MockK.
- MVI + Hilt + Coroutines + Repository Arch - An example of an architecture using MVI on Presentation Layer, Hilt as DI, Coroutines and the Repository pattern.
- Image Seach App - An image search app using the Unsplash API.