This project is an adaption and extension of LiSa by danieluhricek
Use a virtual Linux Ubuntu Server 20.04 machine
Before first start:
- set-up port-forwarding from port 4242 to 4242
During OS-install:
- install OpenSHH (option available during installer)
Installing LiSa:
- Choose HLV or SLV version
$ git clone -b HLV --single-branch
$ git clone -b SLV --single-branch
- Set permissions
$ cd lisa
$ chmod 777 data/storage
$ chmod +x
- Install docker
$ ./
- Build LiSa (may take many minutes)
$ sudo docker compose build
Start LiSa by first running
/lisa$ sudo docker compose up --scale worker=18
inside the virtual machine
The LiSa interface can now be accessed via a webbrowser on the host machine under localhost:4242