I've seen a lot of people integrating web2py with SparkPost using SMTP instead of the REST API, mainly so Auth also works correctly.
I would like to be able to use SparkPost without changing any of my mail sending code in a project. This plugin is designed so you can keep sending emails exactly the same way you always did with web2py.
Finally, I actually wanted to start using SparkPost in my web2py projects, so here we are.
Just copy the plugin_sparkpost.py file into your application's modules folder.
A simple way to use would be to put this in one of your model files (usually db.py):
from plugin_sparkpost import SparkMail
mail = SparkMail(api_key='YOUR_API_KEY_HERE', sender='no-reply@example.com')
auth = Auth(db, host_names=myconf.get('host.names'), mailer=mail)
Send emails the way you always did with web2py, described here:
- python-sparkpost: SparkPost official python package, you can just put the sparkpost folder in your application modules folder if you want, make sure to also have its dependencies, namely the requests module.
- web2py: web2py web framework version 2.15 or higher.
This plugin does not support raw or encrypted email.