$ goma -h
Usage of goma:
-bearer string
Authorization bearer token
-c int
Concurrent workers (default 1)
-data string
Raw body data as string
-headers string
List of headers to send in the in the following format: Header1:Value1;Header2:Value2;HeaderN:ValueN
-host string
Value for the Host header to be sent in the request
Allow invalid SSL/TLS certificates
-method string
HTTP request method (default "GET")
-n int
Amount of iterations (default 1)
-pass string
Basic Auth password
-url string
Endpoint URL to request (default "https://example.com")
-user string
Basic Auth username
-v int
Verbosity level [0,1,2,3] (default 1)
$ goma -url https://example.com -c 2 -n 10
2022/04/13 18:07:12 Starting goma with the following configuration:
- HTTP method: GET
- URL endpoint: https://example.com
- Data:
- Bearer token:
- BasicAuth: :
- Host:
- Headers:
- Amount of requests to send: 10
- Concurrent request workers: 2
- Verbosity: 1
2022/04/13 18:07:13 Request #1 took 682.18652ms and returned 200
2022/04/13 18:07:13 Request #2 took 682.126846ms and returned 200
2022/04/13 18:07:13 Request #3 took 162.890907ms and returned 200
2022/04/13 18:07:13 Request #4 took 162.918444ms and returned 200
2022/04/13 18:07:13 Request #5 took 158.420312ms and returned 200
2022/04/13 18:07:13 Request #6 took 164.258317ms and returned 200
2022/04/13 18:07:14 Request #7 took 162.478389ms and returned 200
2022/04/13 18:07:14 Request #8 took 163.041769ms and returned 200
2022/04/13 18:07:14 Request #9 took 160.698955ms and returned 200
2022/04/13 18:07:14 Request #10 took 162.163111ms and returned 200