A Vue2 component for binding the ace editor
npm install vue2-ace-bind --save-dev
yarn add vue2-ace-bind -D
import aceEditor from "vue2-ace-bind";
import javascript from "brace/mode/javascript"
import sh from "brace/mode/sh"
import xcode from "brace/theme/xcode"
import terminal from "brace/theme/terminal"
The default config mode is bash and theme is terminal
Ace-editor's mode and theme list is here:
Register the component
components: {
<editor :content="variable"></editor>
The content is required,other props have the following defaults:
lang: sh
theme: terminal
height: 100%
width: 100%
options: {}
if you want to configure the ace-editor,just �define options in data.
<editor :content="variable" :options="options" ></editor>
option: {
showLineNumbers: false,
showFoldWidgets: true,
showGutter: false,
displayIndentGuides: false,
showPrintMargin: false
The official doc is here: Configuring ACE.