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Kinto Telegram Wall

Live publication on a Web page from Telegram, using Kinto

When you post a message, a photo, a video, a sticker or a sound it appears on a Webpage, with live refresh! This is a lot of fun at parties!

screenshot-telegram screenshot-web


We run a demo, the bot is called @KintoBot, search for it in Telegram. The content are then shown publicly here:

What is this ?

At Python Meetup Barcelona, Xavier Orduña presented its Walled project: posting pictures on a LED screen via a Telegram bot.


I found the presentation very inspiring, especially the fact that chat bots will be some close companions in a near future; to assist us in a natural way or manage our connected devices via some commands.

In Xavier's project, the Telegram bot transmits the messages and pictures to a custom Flask API. Then a Raspberry pulls the data in order to refresh the wall frame in the living room.

When you have to build such a project with bots, Raspberry and LED screens, having to implement a secure REST API that syncs data with fine-grained permissions is no much fun.

Using Kinto, this part requires no effort!

That's why I took his idea and rebuilt a similar prototype in a few hours: to demo the value of Kinto in this context :) Hacking your project can now be 100% fun!

How does it work ?

  1. A Telegram bot waits for messages, using telepot
  2. When a message comes in, the bot downloads the attached file (if any) from Telegram servers.
  3. The bot posts a record to a Kinto server, with the text message or attachment in the HTTP request body
  4. The Kinto server stores the record in Redis (or PostgreSQL or whatever configured) and stores the file on disk (or S3 if configured), using the (unstable) Kinto-attachment plugin.
  5. When someone visits the Webpage, a request to Kinto is performed to fetch() the records from Kinto and populate the wall.
  6. When a new record is posted, Kinto sends a message to Pusher which transmists it via a Websocket to refresh the Webpage without reload.

The whole source code is available in this repo. The bot is about a 100 Lines Of Code and the Javascript around 80.

How to run it yourself ?

Kinto server

At Mozilla, we run a demo server of Kinto, and the scripts in this repository are using it by default.

But it is flushed everyday at 7:00 AM UTC. In the case of a party, it can sometimes become a desired feature :)

However, if you want to get your own Kinto running, you'll have to:

Run the bot

Go talk to @BotFather to create a new bot on Telegram server. You'll obtain a token:


Now, the bot — a Python program — will keep running in order to receive the messages and transmit them to Kinto.

First, install the required python libraries:

$ sudo apt-get install python-dev python-virtualenv

$ virtualenv venv/
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ pip install telepot kinto-client

The bot needs to know the BotFather token, a user:password of your choice (any), and a collection name that will be used by the Web page to filter messages of your party :)

The configuration is read from environment variables. You can use a shell script to set them:

# config.env
export TOKEN=the-token-the-botfather-gave
export SERVER_AUTH=botuser:some-secret-password-of-your-choice
export COLLECTION=myparty
export DOWNLOAD_MAX_SIZE=5000000

If you run your own Kinto server, add:

export SERVER_URL=
export WALL_URL=

And then run it:

$ source config.env
$ python


In this demo, the permissions are set to allow everyone to see the posts. Adjust the value in the bot source code to suit your usecase.

Since Telegram sends stickers in WebP and videos in 3gpp, some contents may not show up in some browsers. The bot can convert the media on the fly when ffmpeg command is available locally.

$ sudo apt-get install ffmpeg

The command can be customized via environment variable. See source code.

Host the Webpage

  • Adjust the configuration values for your setup in script.js
  • Host index.html, style.css and script.js somewhere !

That's it!