Layman's idpot (Serial ID Generator) Using Mysql
This is a dead simple implementation of an "idpot", a server that generates serial 64-bit unsigned integer IDs. It uses MySQL's MyISAM db and LAST_INSERT_ID functionality as the basis to generate an ID, along with a dead simple HTTP API.
Why/When Would you use this? It's easy to create a 64 bit UID generator without using MySQL, but it's also really hard to make sure that the ID generation is fast + correct, AND also make it not go ga-ga. MySQL is, even if you don't like it as a DB, battlefield-tested server with just enough speed and stability. Sometimes it's easier just to slap an easy to use API over what's already available :)
Once you start the server, you can create a "pot" by POST-ing to
With parameters like:
name: NameOfYourPot
min: MinimumIntValue
Of course, you can do this by hand in your MySQL server, but it's just there for convenience. Note: Obviously, you should NOT expose this to the outside world.
You can verify that this pot has been actually created by issuing a GET request:
This will return a 204 if the pot exists, 404 otherwise.
After that, all you need to do is to issue POST requests to
and a text/plain response with just the ID in its body will be returned, which you can be sure that it will not be generated again from that same pot (as long as you don't manually muck with the backend DB)
If you just want to get the current value (which can only be needed for admin purposes), then you can issue a GET request to the same URL, and you will get the current ID, and it won't be automatically incremented
Just install the server binary:
go install cli/idpot-server/idpot-server.go
Or build it manually:
go build -o idpot-server cli/idpot-server/idpot-server.go
$ idpot-server --config=/path/to/config.gcfg
The config file must at least specify the necessary information to connect to a MySQL server
LogFile = /path/to/access_log-%Y%m%d
LogLinkName = /path/to/access_log
ConnectString = user:password@tcp(host:port)/dbname