This is a silly little tool to convert JSON into pseudo Go structures. It's intended to be used for when you have a spec before hand with giant JSONs, and you feel silly re-typing all those fields in as you CamelCase the field names and add types to it, etc.
I don't know if this is really useful. But I just didn't feel like cut n pasting stuff from JSON to Go.
As of this writing, you just do
cat foo.json | go run main.go -name StructName
and it outputs something that's close enough.
My use case is this: I was looking to implement some OpenID Connect stuff in go, and found JSON structures like this (
["client_secret_basic", "private_key_jwt"],
["RS256", "ES256"],
["openid", "profile", "email", "address",
"phone", "offline_access"],
["code", "code id_token", "id_token", "token id_token"],
["public", "pairwise"],
["RS256", "ES256", "HS256"],
["RSA1_5", "A128KW"],
["A128CBC-HS256", "A128GCM"],
["RS256", "ES256", "HS256"],
["RSA1_5", "A128KW"],
["A128CBC-HS256", "A128GCM"],
["none", "RS256", "ES256"],
["page", "popup"],
["normal", "distributed"],
["sub", "iss", "auth_time", "acr",
"name", "given_name", "family_name", "nickname",
"profile", "picture", "website",
"email", "email_verified", "locale", "zoneinfo",
["en-US", "en-GB", "en-CA", "fr-FR", "fr-CA"]
So then I wrote this code, copied it in a local file, and ran
cat foo.json | go run main -name ProviderConfig
And out comes this (gofmt has been applied to output for better visibility):
type ProviderConfig struct {
AcrValuesSupported []string `json:"acr_values_supported"`
AuthorizationEndpoint string `json:"authorization_endpoint"`
CheckSessionIframe string `json:"check_session_iframe"`
ClaimTypesSupported []string `json:"claim_types_supported"`
ClaimsParameterSupported bool `json:"claims_parameter_supported"`
ClaimsSupported []string `json:"claims_supported"`
DisplayValuesSupported []string `json:"display_values_supported"`
EndSessionEndpoint string `json:"end_session_endpoint"`
IdTokenEncryptionAlgValuesSupported []string `json:"id_token_encryption_alg_values_supported"`
IdTokenEncryptionEncValuesSupported []string `json:"id_token_encryption_enc_values_supported"`
IdTokenSigningAlgValuesSupported []string `json:"id_token_signing_alg_values_supported"`
Issuer string `json:"issuer"`
JwksUri string `json:"jwks_uri"`
RegistrationEndpoint string `json:"registration_endpoint"`
RequestObjectSigningAlgValuesSupported []string `json:"request_object_signing_alg_values_supported"`
ResponseTypesSupported []string `json:"response_types_supported"`
ScopesSupported []string `json:"scopes_supported"`
ServiceDocumentation string `json:"service_documentation"`
SubjectTypesSupported []string `json:"subject_types_supported"`
TokenEndpoint string `json:"token_endpoint"`
TokenEndpointAuthMethodsSupported []string `json:"token_endpoint_auth_methods_supported"`
TokenEndpointAuthSigningAlgValuesSupported []string `json:"token_endpoint_auth_signing_alg_values_supported"`
UiLocalesSupported []string `json:"ui_locales_supported"`
UserinfoEncryptionAlgValuesSupported []string `json:"userinfo_encryption_alg_values_supported"`
UserinfoEncryptionEncValuesSupported []string `json:"userinfo_encryption_enc_values_supported"`
UserinfoEndpoint string `json:"userinfo_endpoint"`
UserinfoSigningAlgValuesSupported []string `json:"userinfo_signing_alg_values_supported"`
Currently it understands string
, float
, bool
, and lists, but lists
are assumed to be list of strings.