- fettblog.eu (Stefan Baumgartner): TypeScript, JavaScript, Rust
- RWieruch: Web Dev
- Josh W Comeau: React, CSS
- Developer Way (Nadia Makarevich): Advanced patterns for Frontend developers.
- Frontend at Scale (Maxi Ferreira): Level up your frontend architecture skills
- Ahmad Shadeed: CSS
- Kent C. Dodds: React, JavaScript
- Epic Web (Kent C. Dodds): Web Dev, Testing
- Lydia Hallie: Web Dev
- Total TypeScript (Matt Pocock): TypeScript, React
- TkDodo (Dominik): React, TypeScript, React Query
- Mark's Dev Blog (Mark "acemarke" Erikson): React, Redux
- Build UI + Receipts: React, Framer Motion
- Josh Collinsworth: Frontend, CSS, React
- Unicorn Utterances: Programming, Web Dev...
- Anthony Fu: Vite, Vue, Open-Source...
- Brad Frost: Design System
- Ardan Labs Blog: Go, Docker, Kubernetes, DevOps
- Alex Edwards: Go
- byteSizeGo: Go
- Anton Zhiyanov: Go, SQLite...
- AWS Fundamentals (Tobias Schmidt, Sandro Volpicella): AWS, Cloud
- Alex DeBrie: DynamoDB, serverless, cloud-native
- iximiuz (Ivan Velichko): Container, Kubernetes
- Coding Horror a blog by Jeff Atwood1 on programming and human factors.
- Julia Evans
- The Architect Elevator: Journeys of architecture, strategy, cloud, transformation.
- JavaScript Weekly: Articles/Tutorials, Code/Tools
- This Week in React: React, React Native, JavaScript
- Bytes ui.dev: Weekly dose of JavaScript (entertainment)
- Frontend First: Modern UI development on the web
- Syntax FM: A Tasty Treats Podcast for Web Developers
- Go Time: Go
- Ardan Labs Podcast: Go, Programming
- The CSS Podcast: CSS
- CloudFlare: Resources on cyber security and how the Internet works
- Nord Security: Most common terms and topics in the cybersecurity industry
- PlanetScale: Free courses, articles, and videos to practice your database management and MySQL skills.
- Honeypot: Documentaries exploring tech culture, influential technologies
- ui.dev: Stories of the JavaScript ecosystems
- Sam Selikoff: Quality videos on frontend development
- Developer Way: Advanced patterns for Frontend developers
- Matt Pocock: TypeScript wizard
Phippy & Friends (CNCF): Phippy is a simple PHP app, exploring the cloud native world with her friends.
- The Illustrated Children’s Guide to Kubernetes
- Phippy Goes to the Zoo
- Admiral Bash’s Island Adventure
- From 00-K8s with Love
- Phippy and Zee go to the Mountains: A Prometheus Story
- Phippy In Space: Adventures in Cloud-Native Recovery
- Phippy’s Quest for Cloud Native Transformation
Smooth sailing with Kubernetes (Google Cloud | Kubernetes comic): Deploy code faster with CI/CD and Kubernetes
Comics - DNSSimple: Learn how DNS and HTTPS work
- How DNS works
- How HTTPS works
- How DNSSEC works
- The true story of trusty
Raft - Understandable Distributed Consensus | The Secret Lives of Data
The Read Aloud Cloud: An Innocent's Guide to the Tech Inside: Amazon
The Illustrated AWS Cloud: A Guide to Help You on Your Cloud Practitioner Journey: The Book Website
Visualizing Google Cloud: 101 Illustrated References for Cloud Engineers and Architects: Amazon
Gently Down the Stream: A Gentle Introduction to Apache Kafka: Amazon, Read For Free
A Gentle Introduction to OpenSearch: Amazon, Read For Free
The Framework Field Guide: A free and practical way to learn Angular, React & Vue all at once
web.dev's Courses: Learn web development courses from Chrome team
- MySQL for Developers: Start your journey to becoming a MySQL expert.
- Database Scaling: Everything you need to know to scale databases to meet huge demand!
Fundamentals of Frontend Architecture: A course from Maxi Ferreira that teach you to build robust and scalable frontend applications
Jeff Atwood co-founded the question-and-answer network Stack Exchange, which contains the Stack Overflow. ↩