This is an example of using DataFusion to add a UDF to do one-hot encoding and run an XGBoost predict UDF.
SELECT predict(cap_shape,cap_surface,cap_color,bruises) as predictions FROM
(SELECT onehot(arrow_cast(cap_shape, 'Dictionary(Int32, Utf8)')) as cap_shape,
onehot(arrow_cast(cap_surface, 'Dictionary(Int32, Utf8)')) as cap_surface,
onehot(arrow_cast(cap_color, 'Dictionary(Int32, Utf8)')) as cap_color,
onehot(arrow_cast(bruises, 'Dictionary(Int32, Utf8)')) as bruises
FROM mushrooms);
The predict UDF loads a already trained XGBoost model from disk.
This benchmark converts 4 columns into 22 and scores 8124 rows from Mushrooms datasets and outputs RecordBatch
onehot UDF | |
Time | 48.59 µs |
As a naive comparison, to do get_dummies
in Python/pandas land is around 40x slower with ~1.97ms