A selection of groups with significant contribution from women and resources useful to those in tech. Inspiration: Awesome-TechForGood
- KhanAcademy - computer coding courses over video
- Youtube - plenty of high quality coding videos are available online
- skillsmatter Treasure trove of recorded talks.
- FreeCodeCamp Just sign up and start learning fundamentals of web development. A common favourite.
- AwayWithWords - Catherine blogs about her experience learning to code
- pluralsight - online coding courses for the working programmer
- CodeClub - Starter projects
- MakersAcademyGithub - Starter and tutorial projects
- DWYLGithub - Starter and tutorial projects
- LeWagonGithub - Starter and tutorial projects
- Awesome-TechForGood A curated list of resources for TechForGood
- bethnal green ventures Social startup incubator - open application rounds twice yearly
- Women Hack For Non Profits - Work on projects for non profit-organisations, plus workshops and talks. Beginner-friendly.
- (> 2 events a year)
- ladiesofcode london meetup - Workshops in London
- WomenWhoCodeLondon - Events, Talks and Workshops with industry partners
- codebar.io - Weekly courses run by volunteer mentors at a range of tech company/office locations
- ladiesofcode leeds meetup - Workshops in Leeds
- CodeFirstGirls - organisation providing courses for 18-23 year old girls
- CodeClub - network of organisations providing clubs for 9-13 year olds
- @blackgirltech - introductory workshops to coding. https://home.blackgirl.tech/
- One Health Tech - women in health tech
- Node Girls - @nodegirlslondon - Javascript and Node workshops
- Rails Girls - international organisation running free conference/workshops in a city near you (London 1-2nd December 2017)
- Django Girls - (Free Conference London 8/9th December 2017) @djangogirls
- ReactJS Girls - React meetups and workshops
- ClojureBridge - Try Clojure if you've been working/studying code for more than a year
- Mums in Tech - @MumsinTech Weekly courses with onsite childcare
- 23 Code Street - Women only coding courses
- Campus London - Free workspace, cafe and networking, in Silicon Roundabout basement.
- British Library - Free workspace. Courses for startuppers with the Business & IP Centre.
- timewisejobs - Part time and flexible-friendly jobs board
- Fawcett Society - Campaigners for Women's rights and gender equality
- Future Girl Corp - Women in and starting businesses
- Geek Girl Meetup - Group of women working in tech, design and startups.
- Develop Her - Business/tech networking groups, annual mentorship scheme
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