A quick Python implementation, supports two algorithms for the computer play, Negamax & Monte Carlo Tree Search.
For a quiz, challenge for beginner students is to convert to C# (Haskell is an alternative).
See main.py
Many thanks to Code Monkey King (Maksim Korzh), take a look at that GitHub repo. Lots of examples (inc. tic-tac-toe) of game playing programs.
- Some notes on the implementation. Watch some YouTube videos on each
of the three below;
- Two BitBoards are used for board state, one to represent naughts and the other crosses.
- Negmax with Alpha, Beta pruning.
- Monte Carlo Tree Search.
First Goal is to migrate the code to C#;
- Create 3 projects in an empty solution;
- TicTacToe.Core (core abstractions, algorithms etc.)
- TicTacToe.Test (think about test cases).
- TicTacToe.App (build a simple app, can use console game loop per Python implementation).
- Any changes to MCTS to allow it to play naughts first?
- Could you implement an interrupt, so the program chooses the best so far move.
- Python Enum are classes with methods, convert to classes with constants or add extension methods.
- Read up on BitBoards, using these is preferable to using numpy/arrays of ones and zeros!! We just use two integers.
- You could even convert the board state to one integer of 18 bits with more complicated masking.
- Play around with the num. of iterations in MCTS and depth for negamax.
- The game loop should be a higher order function, taking a function (which search algorithm?) as a parameter.
- Allow the code to play NegaMax vs MCTS.
- Add traversal logic to display the game tree.
Read Graham Hutton's 'Programming in Haskell' (2nd edition) book, he has a very basic tic-tac-toe implementation.
- Convert it to using numerical scoring and implement MCTS.
- (Advanced) Think about changing the book implementation, using data structure with Zipper and State Monad.
- Read up on machine learning techniques. Tic-Tac-Toe is a great way to experiment with ML frameworks to gain intuition on how they work. Apply techniques to more advanced game.