This Vim plugin provides basic support for Lingua Franca files. It brings basic syntax highlighting, basic indentation rules and rudimentary text-object support for the target code blocks.
The best and easiest solution for installing the Plugin is one of the available Plugin managers for Vim. If you're using vim-plug, simply add the following:
Plug 'lf-lang/lingua-franca.vim'
You can install this plugin without a plugin manager simply by doing:
- If you're using Vim
git clone ~/.vim/pack/plugins/start/lingua-franca.vim
- If you're using Neovim
git clone ~/.config/nvim/pack/plugins/start/lingua-franca.vim
You can then update the plugin simply by git pull
ing it.
- There are some bugs with the nested syntax highlighting where some lines aren't highlighted; they likely originate in Vim's syntax highlight engine and I don't think changes at the plugin level can fix them.
- The target language of your file is determined when the filetype is set. So, if you decide to change the target while editing the file, you need to either:
- do
:set ft=linguafranca
- delete and reopen the buffer
- close and reopen
- do
Due to the nature of Vim's indentation rules (the fact that they are regex based), those rules are pretty much all “ad-hoc”. I think what it is there now is better than nothing, but if you find an example of a situation where the automatic indenting isn't satisfying, please open an issue.