Python library for rendering RS274X gerber PCB files as svgs or pdfs.
The easiest way to install pandas is to install it via pip from PyPI.
Officially Python 3.6 and above.
pip install gerber-renderer
Package |
Minimum supported version |
1.4 |
1.0 |
3.5 |
board = Gerber.Board(file=file_path, max_height=XXX, verbose=True)
file: string representing the relative path to the root folder
the gerber files
max_height: integer representing the maximum height (in pixels) of
rendered svg (default=500px)
verbose: outputs info about the current progress to the terminal
output: string representing the relative path to the root folder to save the svg files to
board.render_pdf(output=output_path, layer='top_copper', color='white', scale_compensation=0.0, full_page=True, mirrored=True, offset=(0, 0))
output: string representing the relative path to the root folder
to save the svg files to
layer: string representing the layer to be rendered on the pdf
(default='top_copper') [options: copper, mask, silk]
color: string representing the color of the PDF (default='white') [white
renders negative of layer for exposing]
scale_compensation: float representing the percent change in size [+0.05
= 5% bigger] (default=0.0) [needed for some printers]
full_page: boolean, when True a full A4 sized PDF is rendered
mirrored: boolean, when True the output PDF will be mirrored
offset: tuple of floats (X,Y). The rendered PDF will be offset by (X,Y)
pixels (default=(0,0))
from gerber_renderer import Gerber
board = Gerber.Board('./tests/', verbose=True)
from gerber_renderer import Gerber
board = Gerber.Board('./tests/', verbose=True)
board.render_pdf('./tests/output', 'top_copper', 'white', full_page=True)