a fix for Checkra1n after installing Sileo
- A PC with PuTTy (I don't know how to use it, so don't ask me) or a Mac.
- Download the zip file.
- Your Mac and iPhone should be connected to the same WiFi.
- (You can also do it on your iPhone via terminal, you can download terminus from App Store and SSH the device in port 44, IP
Let's begin!
step 1:
Open Terminal and enter:
scp /path/to/fixidia.zip root@yourIPaddress:~/
replace /path/to/fixidia.zip with the actual path to it - you van also just drag the file onto the terminal. replace yourIPaddress with your IP address found in the settings app.
step 2:
SSH into your iPhone as root.
(in terminal: "ssh root@yourIPaddress" without quotes.)
Step 3:
Enter the following commands one by one:
mkdir ~/APT
cd ~/APT
mv ../fixidia.zip .
chmod 777 fixidia.sh
And you're done! The script will automatically delete itself and all of the resources used from your device.