A lightweight React component for joining multiple components in a grammatically correct way. Joins components using commas, "and", "&", "or", or any other term you specify.
Written in Typscript with zero dependencies.
yarn add react-and
npm install --save react-and
ReactAnd accepts any number of children and will render them with the correct grammar.
Renders as:
apples, oranges, and bananas
You can pass any valid React components as children:
<a href="/apples">apples</a>
<a href="/oranges">oranges</a>
Renders as:
<a href="/apples>apples</a> and <a href="/oranges">oranges</a>
This is the string to be used to join the last child when there is more than one child. Default: "and"
<ReactAnd conjuction="and/or">
Renders as:
apples and/or oranges
Determinses whether an Oxford comma will be used when joining the items. Default: true
<ReactAnd oxfordComma={false}>
Renders as:
apples, oranges and bananas
Licensed under MIT.