Domain-adaptive Person Re-identification without Cross-camera Paired Samples [arxiv]
- This project is based on TransReID[1] (paper and official code)
- Usage of this code is free for research purposes only.
- python = 3.9
- torch = 1.7.1
- torchvision = 0.8.2
- opencv-python =
- timm = 0.4.5
- yacs = 0.1.8
We use a single NVIDIA RTX3090 GPU for training and evaluation.
mkdir data
Download the person datasets Market1501, MSMT17, CUHK03.
you can find the Market1501-SCT* in [SCT-ReID] [2], and MSMT17-SCT* in [CCFP] [3].
Make new directories in data and organize them as follows:
├── market1501
│ └── bounding_box_train
│ └── bounding_box_train
│ └── bounding_box_train_sct
│ └── bounding_box_test
│ └── query
├── CUHK03
│ └── labeled
│ └── bounding_box_train
│ └── bounding_box_test
│ └── query
│ └── detected
│ └── bounding_box_train
│ └── bounding_box_test
│ └── query
├── MSMT17
│ └── test
│ └── train
│ └── list_gallery.txt
│ └── list_query.txt
│ └── list_val.txt
the file "bounding_box_train_sct" is the training set for market-SCT
When use different protocol dataset for train, please change the train_dir in dataset files:
self.train_dir = osp.join(self.dataset_dir, 'bounding_box_train')
# self.train_dir = osp.join(self.dataset_dir, 'bounding_box_train_sct')
self.list_train_path = osp.join(self.dataset_dir, 'list_train.txt')
# self.list_val_path = osp.join(self.dataset_dir, 'list_train_sct.txt')
- 1.Replace dataset path with your own path in vit_3_domain.yml
NAMES: ('') # source data
TARGET: ('') # target data
ROOT_DIR: ('')
- 2.Begin the training
- 1.Replace test file path with your own path in vit_3_domain.yml
WEIGHT: '*.pth'
- 2.Replace dataset path with your own path in vit_3_domain.yml
# keep the source & target data are same as the *.pth
NAMES: ('') # source data
TARGET: ('') # target data
ROOT_DIR: ('')
- 3.Change the num_class in
# Market source num_class = 751
model, _, _,_,_ = make_model(cfg, num_class = 751, num_class_t = c_pids, camera_num = camera_num, view_num = view_num)
- 4.Begin the test
If you have any question, please feel free to contact us. E-mail:
You need to download the ImageNet pretrained transformer model : ViT-Base, ViT-Small, DeiT-Small, DeiT-Base
[1]S. He, H. Luo, P. Wang, F. Wang, H. Li, and W. Jiang, “Transreid: Transformer-based object re-identification,” in Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision, 2021, pp.15013–15022.
[2]T. Zhang, L. Xie, L. Wei, Y. Zhang, B. Li, and Q. Tian, “Single camera training for person re-identification,” in Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, vol.34, no.07, 2020, pp.12878–12885.
[3]W. Ge, C. Pan, A. Wu, H. Zheng, and W.-S. Zheng, “Cross-camera feature prediction for intra-camera supervised person re-identification across distant scenes,” in Proceedings of the 29th ACM International Conference on Multimedia, 2021, pp. 3644–3653.
If you find this code useful for your research, please cite our paper
title={Domain-adaptive Person Re-identification without Cross-camera Paired Samples},
author={Huafeng Li, Yanmei Mao, Yafei Zhang, Guanqiu Qi, and Zhengtao Yu},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2307.06533},