To build the python environment and activate it run:
source activate hogwild-python
All definitions about the coordinator address, nodes addresses and parameters related with SGD execution are in the file
. We assume that at least two workers will be started.
To generate the proto classes (definition of message between nodes and coordinator), run the following command inside the hogwild folder:
source activate hogwild-python
cd src/hogwild & python -m grpc_tools.protoc -I. --python_out=. --grpc_python_out=. hogwild.proto
If you made any change in the file .proto
, you must generate the classes again
source activate hogwild-python
py.test --color=yes -v
The flag -n
represents the number of nodes, -r
the running mode (synchronous or asynchronous) and -w
where it is gonna run (local or cluster)
bash -w synchronous -w local
and it will spin 4 workers in our local machine.
bash -n 3 -r synchronous -w cluster
and it will spin 3 workers in Kubernetes cluster. Don't forget the change the variables KUBER_LOGIN
and docker hub user / password inside the script before to run.