This is a fairly simple Minesweeper replica that I created as a personal challenge. It is my first game developed in Unity. There are a couple of features that I didn't get around to implementing but overall I'm happy enough with the project as is and I would rather upload it now so that I can start making something more interesting.
To play the game, you need to have Minesweeper.exe and the Minesweeper_Data folder in the same directory. It is probably easiest if you clone or download the repository, extract the files (if necessary) and run Minesweeper.exe.
I have listed external sources I used in making the game in the file "Credits.txt".
- Left mouse-click: Clears the clicked cell, or sweeps surrounding cells if a numbered cell was clicked
- Right mouse-click: Flag the clicked cell
- Mouse scroll-wheel: Zoom in/out
- WASD & Mouse movement: Camera panning