This is tasks for deep learning course in Udacity. There are 6 tasks in total.
###Task1 notMNIST### Training a simple logistic regression model.
Notice: I cannot open the original url(maybe it's blocked), and I found an answer told me to use '' instead. But it's very slow, you can download and extract data manually.
I have solved all the problems except problem 5. Problem6 is finished using tensorflow.
###Task2 fullyconnected### This part need to train a simple neural network using ReLu function.
###Task3 regularization### This part need to finish L2 and drop regularization, and then build a multi-layer network.
I have built a network with 2 hidden layers. The accury on test data is 94.9%
###Task4 covolutional neural network### This part need to build a multipe layer network with covolutional layer and pool layer
The accuracy is only 93% at most.