This repository has been archived and will not be maintained. You may be interested in:
This repository contains examples applications that use libigl. They've been tested on Mac OS X. Most are too involved or special purpose to be part of the libigl tutorial.
- libigl
- std
- Eigen
- C++11
- OpenGL v2
- AntTweakBar
- embree
- ispc
- tbb
- mosek (optional)
- tetgen
- matlab
- cgal
Nearly all of these examples depend on GLUT. On Mac OS X, glut is deprecated but still included. However, I'd recommend replacing it with a modified glut that supports scroll wheel and the command ⌘ key.
I'd recommend installing AntTweakBar as a static library. You can do this from
with then libigl/external/AntTweakBar
directory using:
make -C [libigl]/external/AntTweakBar/src -f Makefile.osx.igl
I'd recommend installing Embree via the libigl/external/embree
Travel there and follow the usual cmake build:
cd [libigl]/external/embree
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
This is hopefully subject to change as I update examples to be built with cmake.
Each example directory is independent and be compiled using:
make -C [example-dir]
You can also try to compile all examples by simply issuing:
Some examples now use cmake to build. Compile the dependencies above and then issue:
cd [example] mkdir build cd build cmake .. make