use W3C::DOM;
sub make-dom-sandwhich(W3C::DOM::Implementation $impl) {
my W3C::DOM::Document:D $doc = $impl.createDocument(Str, 'sandwhich', W3C::DOM::DocumentType);
given $doc.documentElement {
for <bread butter pickles butter bread> -> $ingredient {
.appendChild: $doc.createElement($ingredient);
return $doc;
# LibXML implements
use LibXML;
my W3C::DOM::Document $snack = make-dom-sandwhich(LibXML);
This module contains informal interface roles for W3C Level 2 Core DOM. It is used by LibXML to assert basic coverage of the required DOM objects and methods.
Roles/methods in this module
DOM Role | DOM Parent | L1 Methods | L2 Methods |
W3C::DOM::Node | nodeName nodeValue parentNode childNodes firstChild lastChild previousSibling nextSibling ownerDocument insertBefore replaceChild removeChild appendChild hasChildNodes cloneNode | normalize isSupported namespaceURI prefix localName hasAttributes | |
W3C::DOM::CharacterData | W3C::DOM::Node | data length substringData appendData insertData deleteData replaceData | |
W3C::DOM::Attr | W3C::DOM::Node | name value specified | ownerElement |
W3C::DOM::CDATASection | W3C::DOM::Text | ||
W3C::DOM::Comment | W3C::DOM::CharacterData | ||
W3C::DOM::Document | W3C::DOM::Node | doctype implementation documentElement createElement createDocumentFragment createTextNode createComment createCDATASection createProcessingInstruction createAttribute createEntityReference getElementsByTagName | importNode createElementNS createAttributeNS getElementsByTagNameNS getElementById |
W3C::DOM::DocumentFragment | W3C::DOM::Node | ||
W3C::DOM::DocumentType | W3C::DOM::Node | name publicId systemId entities notations | |
W3C::DOM::Element | W3C::DOM::Node | attributes getAttribute setAttribute removeAttribute getAttributeNode setAttributeNode removeAttributeNode getElementsByTagName | getAttributeNS setAttributeNS removeAttributeNS getAttributeNodeNS setAttributeNodeNS getElementsByTagNameNS hasAttribute hasAttributeNS |
W3C::DOM::Entity | W3C::DOM::Node | publicId systemId notationName | |
W3C::DOM::EntityReference | W3C::DOM::Node | ||
W3C::DOM::Implementation | createDocument createDocumentType hasFeature | ||
W3C::DOM::NamedNodeMap | getNamedItem setNamedItem removeNamedItem item length | getNamedItemNS setNamedItemNS removeNamedItemNS | |
W3C::DOM::Notation | W3C::DOM::Node | publicId systemId | |
W3C::DOM::ProcessingInstruction | W3C::DOM::Node | target data | |
W3C::DOM::Text | W3C::DOM::CharacterData | splitText |
LibXML which consumes these roles