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Code concepts and functions that are specific to, and idiomatic to, the lila codebase.
lila makes little use of object orientation and particularly inheritance, but:
- Immutability is required everywhere. Notable exceptions can be made:
- in akka actors (because race conditions are no longer a concern)
- in performance sensitive functions. In this case, the mutability must be contained in the function scope. The function must expose an immutable signature.
- in atomic structures like java's
- Strong typing is preferred. For instance,
is better thanInt
, andcase class Name(value: String)
is better thanString
. The more the value is used in the code, the more useful it is to type it correctly. This rule is actually loosely respected in lila, but that's the direction we're going to.
If the function you're looking for is not here, try the scala doc or the cats doc.
Some of these lilaisms are driven by a compulsive tendency to play code golf. However, they also present benefits in terms of type safety. In any case, contributors are never expected to use lilaisms. You can make use of them, but a pull request will likely not be rejected because it isn't idiomatic to lila. However, immutability and type safety remain requirements (with discussable exceptions).
means print & pass
, it's an inline println
It prints the value and returns it.
"foo".pp // prints "foo" to stdout, and returns "foo"
player.pp.make(move.pp).pp // behaves like player.make(move), but prints
// player, move, and the result of player.make(move)
"foo".pp("context") // prints "context: foo" to stdout, and returns "foo"
Like pp
but applies to futures, and prints their result.
If for some reason, mapping from the DB to the scala object fails, you can turn it in into .cursor[Bdoc]().list()
, and then print with println(lila.db.BSON.debug(doc))
or docs map lila.db.BSON.debug foreach println
fetchUser(id).thenPp // returns Future[Option[User]] and prints the Option[User] when available
For code golf purposes, common types have been aliased.
Fu[A] // Future[A]
Funit // Future[Unit]
def fuccess[A](a: A) = Future successful a
def fufail[A <: Throwable, B](a: A): Fu[B] = Future failed a
def fufail[A](a: String): Fu[A] = fufail(base.LilaException(a))
val funit = fuccess(())
Reminder: In scala,
==a b c
. For instance,1.+(2)
==1 + 2
// I think it reads better
a atMost b // a min b
a atLeast b // a max b
42.some // Option(42) // or Some(42): Option[Int]
none[Int] // None: Option[Int]
maybeInt | 0 // maybeInt.getOrElse(0) // but with extra type safety
maybeInt ifTrue boolean // maybeInt.filter(_ => boolean)
maybeInt ifFalse boolean // maybeInt.filter(_ => !boolean)
maybeInt has value // maybeInt contains value // but with extra type safety
~maybeInt // maybeInt | 0 // where 0 is provided by the Zero[Int] typeclass instance
~maybeString // maybeString | "" // thanks to Zero[String] typeclass instance
~maybeList // maybeList | Nil // thanks to Zero[List[_]] typeclass instance
maybeInt so f // maybeInt.fold(0)(f)
// e.g. 42.some so (_ + 1) == 43
// none[Int] so (_ + 1) == 0
maybeString so f // maybeString.fold("")(f)
// etc, with every type having a Zero instance.
boolean option 42 // if boolean then 42.some else None
// or 42.some ifTrue boolean
boolean so 42 // if boolean then 42 else 0
boolean so "foo" // if boolean then "foo" else ""
boolean so List(1, 2) // if boolean then List(1, 2) else List.empty[Int]
boolean so 42.some // if boolean then 42.some else none
boolean so fuccess(42) // if boolean then fuccess(42) else fuccess(0)
boolean so asyncComputation // if boolean then asyncComputation else funit
// etc, with every type having a Zero instance.
val fu: Future[Int]
val f: Int => Boolean
fu dmap f // fu map f // but runs on the same thread (perf tweak)
fu dforeach f // fu foreach f // but runs on the same thread (perf tweak)
fu.void // fu.map(_ => ()) // discards the result, returns Funit
fu inject "foo" // fu.map(_ => "foo") // replaces the result
fu >> otherFu // fu.flatMap(_ => otherFu) // sequence without using first result
fu andDo effect // fu andThen { case _ => effect } // run a side effect after completion
fu1 >> fu2 andDo effect1 andDo effect2 // sequences f1 and f2, then runs effect1 then effect2
val futures: List[Future[Int]]
futures.parallel: Future[List[Int]] // executes all futures and return one with a list of values
Only mentioning what's not already rewritten by scalafmt.
obj.method(arg) // yes, best
obj method arg // yes if cute and not confusing
obj.method { // yes
obj.method (arg) // no
obj method (arg) // no
obj method(arg) // no
obj.method(arg1, arg2) // yes
obj.method (arg1, arg2) // no
obj method (arg1, arg2) // no
obj method(arg1, arg2) // no
obj.methodWithoutArg // yes
obj methodWithoutArg // no