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Lido Staking Vault CLI

A command-line interface (CLI) tool for managing lido staking vaults. Simplify your staking operations with intuitive commands and streamlined workflows.

Table of Contents


  • Easy Setup: Quick installation and configuration to get you started.
  • Vault Management: Create, update, and delete staking vaults with simple commands.
  • Monitoring: Track vault metrics.


  • Node.js: Ensure you have Node.js (v20 or later) installed.
  • npm: Node Package Manager is required to install dependencies.


Install the Lido Staking Vault CLI globally using npm:

npm install -g @lidofinance/lsv-cli

Alternatively, you can install it locally in your project:

npm install @lidofinance/lsv-cli


Before using the CLI, configure your environment variables. You can set them in a .env file in your project root.


# Contract addresses

# Wallet

Application supported a few ways to adding or combine different settings

  • 1st step

    You can pass link to json file with address of deployed contacts into DEPLOYED variable. If you want use devnet the all needed addresses of the contracts like VaultHub, VaultFactory etc already passed as example in configs/deployed-holesky-vaults-devnet-1.json. Also at near future this feature will be changed to resolving contracts addresses by LIDO locator and link to json file will no longer be necessary
  • 2nd step

    You need to pass link to json config file into CONFIG variable. The structure of a config file has to be like
      "rpcLink": "https://link_to_rpc",
      "privateKey": "some_key",
      "chainId": 1, // or another number of chain id
      "lidoLocator": "LIDO locator address", // take LIDO locator address in paticular chainId
      "accounting": "LIDO accountind address" // take LIDO accounting address in paticular chainId
    If you plan to manage contracts the privateKey is required property for this type of operations. For using rpcLink in a right way be attentive to match rpc resolver link and its chain ID. Also, You can pass rpc link as env variable into RPCURL(chainID) where chainID is current chain ID, chainId basically takes from config file, but also you can pass it to deployed file and process env CHAIN_ID variable.


After installation and configuration, you can start using the CLI to manage your staking vaults.

lsv-cli [command] [options]
lsv-cli -h


VaultHub constants

lsv-cli hub constants

Count of all vaults

lsv-cli hub v-count




lsv-cli account [arguments] [-options]

Account commands list

lsv-cli account -h


Command Description
info general account info



lsv-cli hub [arguments] [-options]

VaultHub commands list

lsv-cli hub -h


Command Description
constants get vault hub constants
add-codehash <codehash> add vault proxy codehash to allowed list
v-count get connected vaults number
vi <index> get vault and vault socket by index
va <address> get vault socket by address
v-connect <address> <shareLimit> <reserveRatio> <reserveRatioThreshold> <treasuryFeeBP> connects a vault to the hub (vault master role needed)
v-force-rebalance <address> force rebalance of the vault to have sufficient reserve ratio
v-role-admin <role> returns the admin role that controls role
v-role-member <role> <index> returns one of the accounts that have role
v-role-member-count <role> returns the number of accounts that have role
v-role-has <role> <account> returns true if account has been granted role
v-update-share-limit <address> <shareLimit> updates share limit for the vault
v-disconnect <address> force disconnects a vault from the hub
v-owner-disconnect <address> disconnects a vault from the hub, msg.sender should be vault's owner
v-bbv-mint <address> <recipient> <amountOfShares> mint StETH shares backed by vault external balance to the receiver address
v-bbv-burn <address> <amountOfShares> burn steth shares from the balance of the VaultHub contract
v-bbv-transfer <address> <amountOfShares> separate burn function for EOA vault owners; requires vaultHub to be approved to transfer stETH



lsv-cli factory [arguments] [-options]

VaultFactory commands list

lsv-cli factory -h


Command Description
create-vault [-options] <managerFee> <performanceFee> [quantity] create vault contract

Note: [quantity] is optional argument, default 1 [options]

Option Description
-a, --defaultAdmin <defaultAdmin> default admin address
-f, --funder <funder> funder role address
-w, --withdrawer <withdrawer> withdrawer role address
-m, --minter <minter> minter role address
-b, --burner <burner> burner role address
-r, --rebalancer <rebalancer> rebalancer role address
-p, --depositPauser <depositPauser> depositPauser role address
-d, --depositResumer <depositResumer> depositResumer role address
-e, --exitRequester <exitRequester> exitRequester role address
-u, --disconnecter <disconnecter> disconnecter role address
-c, --curator <curator> curator address
-n, --nodeOperatorManager <nodeOperatorManager> node operator manager address
-o, --nodeOperatorFeeClaimer <nodeOperatorFeeClaimer> node operator fee claimer address



lsv-cli vault [arguments] [-options]

Vault commands list

lsv-cli vault -h


Command Description
info <address> get vault base info
l-report <address> get latest vault report
is-balanced <address> returns whether vault is balanced, i.e. its valuation is greater than the locked amount
node-operator <address> returns the address of the node operator
valuation <address> get vault valuation
unlocked <address> get vault unlocked
locked <address> get vault locked
withdrawal-c <address> get vault withdrawal credentials
fund <address> <wei> fund vault
withdraw <address> <recipient> <wei> withdraw from vault
rebalance <address> <amount> rebalance vault
no-deposit-beacon <address> <numberOfDeposits> <pubkeys> <signatures> deposit to beacon chain
no-val-exit <address> <validatorPublicKey> request to exit validator
delta <address> the net difference between deposits and withdrawals
is-paused <address> Returns whether deposits are paused by the vault owner
bc-resume <address> Resumes deposits to beacon chain
bc-pause <address> Pauses deposits to beacon chain
report <address> <valuation> <inOutDelta> <locked> Submits a report containing valuation, inOutDelta, and locked amount
compute-deposit <address> <pubkey> <withdrawalCredentials> <signature> <amount> Computes the deposit data root for a validator deposit



lsv-cli dashboard [arguments] [-options]

Dashboard commands list

lsv-cli dashboard -h


Command Description
info <address> Get dashboard base info
committee <address> Voting committee info
vault <address> Vault info
s-limit <address> Shares limit
s-minted <address> Shares minted
reserve-ratio <address> Vault reserve ratio of the vault
t-reserve-ratio <address> Threshold reserve ratio of the vault
t-fee <address> Treasury fee basis points
valuation <address> Valuation of the vault in ether
t-shares <address> Total of shares that can be minted on the vault
get-shares <address> <ether> Maximum number of shares that can be minted with deposited ether
withdrawable-eth <address> Amount of ether that can be withdrawn from the staking vault
ownership <address> <newOwner> Transfers ownership of the staking vault to a new owner
disconnect <address> Disconnects the staking vault from the vault hub
fund <address> <wei> Funds the staking vault with ether
fund-weth <address> <wethAmount> Funds the staking vault with wrapped ether
withdraw <address> <recipient> <wei> Withdraws ether from the staking vault to a recipient
withdraw-weth <address> <recipient> <ether> Withdraws stETH tokens from the staking vault to wrapped ether
exit <address> <validatorPubKey> Requests the exit of a validator from the staking vault
mint-shares <address> <recipient> <amountOfShares> Mints stETH tokens backed by the vault to a recipient
mint-steth <address> <recipient> <amountOfShares> Mints stETH tokens backed by the vault to a recipient
mint-wsteth <address> <recipient> <tokens> Mints wstETH tokens backed by the vault to a recipient
burn-shares <address> <amountOfShares> Burns stETH shares from sender (requires approved stETH)
burn-steth <address> <amountOfShares> Burns stETH shares from sender (requires approved stETH)
burn-wsteth <address> <tokens> Burn wstETH tokens from sender backed by vault
burn-shares-permit <address> <tokens> <permitJSON> Burns stETH tokens using permit (value in stETH)
burn-steth-permit <address> <tokens> <permitJSON> Burns stETH tokens using permit
burn-wsteth-permit <address> <tokens> <permitJSON> Burn wstETH tokens using EIP-2612 Permit
rebalance <address> <ether> Rebalance the vault by transferring ether
recover-erc20 <address> <token> <recipient> <amount> Recovers ERC20 tokens or ether from dashboard contract
recover-erc721 <address> <token> <tokenId> <recipient> Transfers ERC721 NFT by token ID
deposit-pause <address> Pauses beacon chain deposits on staking vault
deposit-resume <address> Mass-grants multiple roles to multiple accounts
role-grant <address> <roleAssignmentJSON> Mass-revokes multiple roles from multiple accounts
role-revoke <address> <roleAssignmentJSON> Resumes beacon chain deposits on staking vault


  "value": number as bigint;
  "deadline": number as bigint;
  "v": number;
  "r": string as Address;
  "s": string as Address;


  "account": string as Address;
  "role": string as `0x${string}`;



lsv-cli delegation [arguments] [-options]

Delegation commands list

lsv-cli delegation -h


Command Description
roles <address> Get delegation contract roles info
base-info <address> Get delegation base info
voting-lifetime <address> Get committee's voting lifetime period
is-healthy <address> Get vault healthy info
voting-info <address> <callId> <role> Get committee votes
cf <address> Curator fee in basis points
cf-report <address> The last report for which curator fee was claimed. Updated on each claim
cf-unclaimed <address> Returns accumulated unclaimed curator fee in ether (U = (R * F) / T)
cf-set <address> <newCuratorFee> Sets the curator fee
cf-claim <address> <recipient> Claims the curator fee
nof <address> Node operator fee in basis points
nof-report <address> The last report for which node operator fee was claimed. Updated on claim
nof-unclaimed <address> Returns accumulated unclaimed node operator fee in ether (U = (R * F) / T)
nof-set <address> <newNodeOperatorFeeBP> Sets the node operator fee
nof-claim <address> <recipient> Claims the node operator fee
unreserved <address> Returns the unreserved amount of ether
vc <address> Returns the voting committee
fund <address> <wei> Funds the StakingVault with ether
withdraw <address> <recipient> <wei> Withdraws ether from the StakingVault
mint <address> <recipient> <amountOfShares> Mints shares for a given recipient
burn <address> <amountOfShares> Burns shares for a given recipient
rebalance <address> <ether> Rebalances the StakingVault with a given amount of ether
set-vote-lt <address> <newVoteLifetime> Sets the vote lifetime
t-ownership <address> <newOwner> Transfers the ownership of the StakingVault
disconnect <address> Voluntarily disconnects a StakingVault from VaultHub
deposit-pause <address> Pauses deposits to beacon chain from the StakingVault
deposit-resume <address> Resumes deposits to beacon chain from the StakingVault
vault <address> Vault info
s-limit <address> Shares limit
s-minted <address> Shares minted
reserve-ratio <address> Vault reserve ratio of the vault
t-reserve-ratio <address> Threshold reserve ratio of the vault
t-fee <address> Treasury fee basis points
valuation <address> Valuation of the vault in ether
t-shares <address> Total of shares that can be minted on the vault
get-shares <address> <ether> Maximum number of shares that can be minted with deposited ether
withdrawable-eth <address> Amount of ether that can be withdrawn from the staking vault
ownership <address> <newOwner> Transfers ownership of the staking vault to a new owner
fund-weth <address> <wethAmount> Funds the staking vault with wrapped ether
withdraw-weth <address> <recipient> <ether> Withdraws stETH tokens from the staking vault to wrapped ether
exit <address> <validatorPubKey> Requests the exit of a validator from the staking vault
mint-shares <address> <recipient> <amountOfShares> Mints stETH tokens backed by the vault to a recipient
mint-steth <address> <recipient> <amountOfShares> Mints stETH tokens backed by the vault to a recipient
mint-wsteth <address> <recipient> <tokens> Mints wstETH tokens backed by the vault to a recipient
burn-shares <address> <amountOfShares> Burns stETH shares (requires approved stETH amount)
burn-steth <address> <amountOfShares> Burns stETH shares (requires approved stETH amount)
burn-wsteth <address> <tokens> Burn wstETH tokens backed by the vault
burn-shares-permit <address> <tokens> <permitJSON> Burns stETH tokens using permit (value in stETH)
burn-steth-permit <address> <tokens> <permitJSON> Burns stETH tokens using permit
burn-wsteth-permit <address> <tokens> <permitJSON> Burn wstETH tokens using EIP-2612 Permit
recover-erc20 <address> <token> <recipient> <amount> Recovers ERC20 tokens or ether from the delegation contract
recover-erc721 <address> <token> <tokenId> <recipient> Transfers ERC721 NFT by token ID
role-grant <address> <roleAssignmentJSON> Mass-revokes multiple roles from multiple accounts
role-revoke <address> <roleAssignmentJSON> Resumes beacon chain deposits on the staking vault


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


No description, website, or topics provided.







No packages published

Contributors 3

