Follow these steps:
Fork this repository (hint: Fork an example repository)
Add your partner as a collaborator to your forked repository (hint: Inviting collaborators to a personal repository)
Open your terminal or command prompt
Navigate to a folder where you keep your coding projects (hint: use the
command) -
Clone your forked repository (hint: Cloning a repository)
Open Eclipse
Click File -> Import
Select "Maven -> Existing Maven Projects" and press Next
Click Browse and find the assignment2 folder, select the assignment2 folder
Ensure the pom.xml Project is selected and click Finish
Implement your solution in src/main/java (Commit your code changes regularly as you complete requirements)
Right-click on the "assignment2" project in Eclipse, select "Run As" and "Java Application" and select the MeritAmericaBankApp to run your main() method
Right-click on the "assignment2" project in Eclipse, select "Run As" and "JUnit Test" to run our tests to verify your solution
Once complete, zip your "assignment2" folder
Navigate to this assignment on HackerRank
Click on "Upload code as Zip" and select your zip file
You can click on the "Run Unit Tests" button to confirm it is working.
Click Submit