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CosmosSDK-based blockchain ledger for the Manifest Network


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Manifest Ledger

Lifted Initiative

Go Report Card Discord


The Manifest Network, built on the Cosmos SDK, is a blockchain tailored for decentralized AI infrastructure access. Initially employing a Proof of Authority (PoA) model it ensures a secure and efficient launch phase, with a trusted validator set managing consensus.

While PoA offers immediate stability and control, the Manifest Network aspires for greater decentralization. The future roadmap includes evolving towards a Proof of Stake (PoS) network, utilizing the underlying CometBft consensus mechanism inherent in the Cosmos SDK.

Table of Contents

System Requirements


  • 4 GB RAM
  • 100 GB SSD
  • 3.2 GHz x4 CPU


  • 8 GB RAM
  • 100 GB NVME SSD
  • 4.2 GHz x6 CPU

Software Dependencies

  1. The Go programming language -
  2. Git distributed version control -
  3. Docker -
  4. GNU Make -

Operating System

  • Linux (x86_64) or Linux (arm64)

Arch Linux:

pacman -S go git gcc make

Ubuntu Linux:

sudo snap install go --classic
sudo apt-get install git gcc make jq

Install & Run

Clone the repository from GitHub and enter the directory:

git clone
cd manifest-ledger

Then run:

# build the base binary for interaction
make install
mv $GOPATH/bin/manifestd /usr/local/bin

# build docker image for e2e testing
make local-image


There are various make commands to run tests for the modules with custom implementations

To test the Proof of Authority implementation run:

make ictest-poa

To test the Token Factory implementation run:

make ictest-tokenfactory

To test the Manifest module run:

make ictest-manifest

To test the IBC implementation run:

make ictest-ibc

To test the Proof of Authority implementation where the administrator is a group run:

make ictest-group-poa


To execute the full application simulation run:

make sim-full-app

To execute the application simulation after state import run:

make sim-after-import

To test the application determinism run:

make sim-app-determinism

Append -random to the end of the commands above to run the simulation with a random seed, e.g., make sim-full-app-random.


To generate a coverage report for the modules run:

make local-image
make coverage


There are scripts for testing, installing, and initializing. Use this section to help you navigate the various scripts and their use cases.

Node Initialization script


This is a script to assist with initializing and configuring a node. Ensure you properly configure the environment variables within the script.

Also in this script are examples of how you could run it

POA_ADMIN_ADDRESS=manifest1hj5fveer5cjtn4wd6wstzugjfdxzl0xp8ws9ct CHAIN_ID="local-1" HOME_DIR="~/.manifest" TIMEOUT_COMMIT="500ms" CLEAN=true sh scripts/
CHAIN_ID="local-2" HOME_DIR="~/.manifest2" CLEAN=true RPC=36657 REST=2317 PROFF=6061 P2P=36656 GRPC=8090 GRPC_WEB=8091 ROSETTA=8081 TIMEOUT_COMMIT="500ms" sh scripts/

The succesful executation of these commands will result in 2 ibc connected instances of manifestd running on your local machine.