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A developers guide to integrating with LiftForward's checkout library and APIs

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LiftForward Merchant Integration

A developers guide to integrating your ecommerce site with LiftForward's checkout library and APIs.

Integration Steps

  1. Contact our merchant integration specialists to be setup as a merchant.
  2. Schedule demo/kickoff meeting with LiftForward engineering and receive API keys.
  3. Embed LiftForward checkout.js library into your e-commerse site checkout.
  4. Create a authorization page to capture the LiftForward authorization_token and create a charge via the LiftForward charges api.

User Flow

  1. Customer creates a cart on the merchant's e-commerce site and begins to checkout.
  2. Customer supplies checkout details allowing merchant to calculate shipping and other fees (such as the California environmental fee).
  3. Customer clicks the Checkout with LiftForward button to select LiftForward as a payment method.
  4. Customer is redirected to the LiftForward site and fills out a credit application application.
  5. LiftForward reviews the customers application and approves it.
  6. Customer e-signs agreement with LiftForward.
  7. Customer is redirected from LiftForwards site to the charge_authorized_url passed in step 4 with an added authorization_token parameter.
  8. The page at the charge_authorized_url reads the request parameter and temporarily stores this authorization_token.
  9. The page at the charge_authorized_url sends a POST request to the LiftForward Charges API endpoint (/v2/charges) with the saved authorization_token.
  10. The page at the charge_authorized_url expects a response from the LiftForward API with the charge information (charge_id, merchant_checkout_id, amount and status)
  11. The page at the charge_authorized_url validates the charge details
  12. If valid, the page at the charge_authorization_url stores the charge_id from the returned charge object. This Charge ID is attached to the order; and is used to uniquely identify the order. All future charge actions require this identifier.
  13. Order is created by the merchant e-commerce site.
  14. Customer is presented with order confirmation page/message.

Integrating LiftForward checkout.js

1. Obtain Merchant Identifiers and Access Keys

There are two environments: test and production.

Our merchant integration specialist will be supplying you with test credentials for each.

Example Credentials:

MERCHANT_ID: newpartnerfordemo
PUBLIC_KEY: 6b4edc235374a97001184a18f257b821

Everywhere in these doc you see ***VARIABLE*** you should replace this with the values we provide you

Once you have successfully integreated in the test environment, we will set you up with production credentials.

2. Import LiftForward Script

Embed LiftForward's JS runtime code on the page that your customers are checking out on.

<script src=""></script>

3. Initialize LiftForward Script

Once the script has been loaded on the page, you can initialize it with your credentials.

  liftforward.init({ merchant_id: '***MERCHANT_ID***',
                     public_key: '***PUBLIC_KEY***',
                     environment: '***ENVIRONMENT***'});

4. Create an onclick Function

There will be a button that when clicked will send LiftForward information and redirect the user. The first step is to create the function that will do this.

Complete Example

Here is an example of an onclick function that does everything needed:

  var onCheckoutButtonClick = function() {
    var salesQuote = {
      term: 24,
      total_shipping_fee: 42.00,
      customer_organization_name: "Los Polos Hermanos",
      customer_first_name: "Gus",
      customer_last_name: "Fring",
      line_items: [{
        quantity: 4,
        title: "Point of Sale System",
        sku: "H-BM1-WW",
        unit_sale_price: 199.99,
        image_url: ""
    var options = {
      merchant_checkout_id: 'ch-03u849vs2f',
      charge_authorized_url: ''
    liftforward.checkout(salesQuote, options);

There are three parts - the salesQuote object, the options object (optional), and the liftforward checkout function.

Sales Quote Object

Syntax notes

  • You should build this object dynamically by adding item objects to it based on cart/checkout contents of your page.
  • The sales quote object is sent as a JSON object.
  • The items are stored in an object array.

Sales Quote object validation The following data in the sales quote object is required:

  • Term: Number of payments customer is going to make on the membership.

There must be at least one item. The following data in each item object is required:

  • Quantity: Count of item included in sales quote.
  • SKU: ID provided by merchant to identifier the item.
  • Title: Short title for the item.
  • Unit Sale Price: Unit price item was sold at. Used to calculate total_sale_price.

Minimum Example Object:

var salesQuote = {
  term: 24,
  line_items: [{
    quantity: 4,
    title: "Point of Sale System",
    sku: "H-BM1-WW",
    unit_sale_price: 199.99

Full Example Object:

  "term": 24,
  "customer_email": "",
  "customer_first_name": "Gus",
  "customer_last_name": "Fring",
  "customer_organization_name": "Los Polos Hermanos",
  "customer_street": "12000 – 12100 Coors Rd SW",
  "customer_city": "Albuquerque",
  "customer_state": "NM",
  "customer_postal": "87045",
  "customer_country_code": "US",
  "customer_phone": "123-456-7890",
  "customer_website": "",
  "customer_description": "Fried chicken franchise popular in the south west.",
  "customer_organization_structure": "corporation",
  "merchant_customer_id": "123123123",
  "merchant_sales_quote_id": "3422343242",
  "sales_rep_first_name": "Walter",
  "sales_rep_last_name": "White",
  "sales_rep_email": "",
  "shipping_first_name": "Gus",
  "shipping_last_name": "Fring",
  "shipping_organization_name": "Los Polos Hermanos",
  "shipping_street": "12000 – 12100 Coors Rd SW",
  "shipping_city": "Albuquerque",
  "shipping_state": "NM",
  "shipping_postal": "87045",
  "shipping_country_code": "US",
  "shipping_phone": "US",
  "shipping_email": "US",
  "shipping_via": "expedited",
  "total_shipping_fee": 35,
  "miscellaneous_fees": [
      "name": "ca-env-fee",
      "display_name": "California Environmental Fee",
      "fee": 6
  "meta_data": {},
  "line_items": [
      "quantity": 2,
      "sku": "BM101",
      "title": "Blue Rock Candy",
      "description": "Blue Rock Candy is the best candy ever!",
      "category": "candy",
      "unit_retail_price": 283.34,
      "unit_sale_price": 232.44,
      "image_url": "//",
      "meta_data": {}

Options Object

You can optionally pass in an options object. Within this object there are two options - both are optional:

  • Merchant Checkout ID: The ID of the checkout in your ecommerce system.
  • Charge Authorized URL: The URL you want the user to be redirected to once they sign an agreement with LiftForward.

Example Object:

var options = {
  merchant_checkout_id: 'ch-03u849vs2f',
  charge_authorized_url: ''

The LiftForward Checkout Function

liftforward.checkout(salesQuote, options);

This method will send a POST request to the /sales-quotes/ API endpoint with the sales quote object as the data payload. Then, it will redirect the user to the LiftForward checkout flow on the domain.

5. Invoke the onclick function

The final step is the call the onclick function.

An HTML button is a simply way of doing this:

<button onclick="onCheckoutButtonClick()">Checkout</button>

Receive Authorization Token

After the customer is approved and they sign the membership agreement, they will be redirected to the charge_authorized_url page appended with the query params of merchant_checkout_id and authorization_token.

When the charge_authorized_url page is loading it should do the following things:

  1. Use the merchant_checkout_id query param to look up the checkout in your ecommerce system in order to show the user what they just ordered.
  2. Exchange the authorization_token for a charge.


You will need to exchange your authorization_token for a charge. There are three reasons for this.

  1. To ensure that the authorization_token is real.
  2. To ensure that the authorization_token hasn't been used before.
  3. To verify which merchant_checkout_id the authorization_token belongs to.

A charge should be created when you intend to fulill the customers order. When the charge is created it is in the authorized state - similar to how a Credit Card transaction will first be authorized before it is actually submitted for settlement.

Creating Charges

To create a charge POST to the /charges endpoint






{"authorization_token": "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"}

Note: replace the authorization_token value with the value from the authorization_token query param in the redirect url


    "charge": {
        "id": "CHF5T3M22NS",
        "amount": 319.98,
        "merchant_checkout_id": "ch-03u849vs2f",
        "status": "authorized"


Once the charge has been created, you can begin your fulfillment process - including shipments and emails.

Capture the Charge

Once you are ready to ship the order will capture the charge. LiftFoward will then begin collecting payments from the customer.

There are two ways to do capture a charge - via our partner site, or via API call.

Partner Site

Log in to your partner site and go to the charges page

Test https://***MERCHANT_ID***

Production https://***MERCHANT_ID***

screenshot 2018-05-10 09 37 18

Find the charge you want to capture, and press capture.

API call

POST to the /charges/:id/capture endpoint






Note: the body is empty


    "charge": {
        "id": "CHF5T3M22NS",
        "amount": 319.98,
        "merchant_checkout_id": "ch-03u849vs2f",
        "status": "captured"


A developers guide to integrating with LiftForward's checkout library and APIs






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