A set of extension functions that use features from both kotlin-anko and kotlin-observable.
There are two primary things this repository is for: adapters and data binding.
A collection of extension functions on various views that makes it so a view can reflect a piece of data correctly at all times, and even have the view modify the data.
//Declare an observable property
val textObs = StandardObservableProperty("Start Text")
//later on in your Anko
editText {
//This ensures that the value of the observable and the text inside this EditText are always the same.
//If textObs changes, so does this. If this EditText changes, so does textObs.
}.lparams(matchParent, wrapContent) { margin = dip(8) }
textView {
//Always shows the value of textObs, updating the view when needed.
}.lparams(matchParent, wrapContent) { margin = dip(8) }
textView {
//Equivalent to the above without using the convenience function
lifecycle.bind(textObs){ it ->
text = it
}.lparams(matchParent, wrapContent) { margin = dip(8) }
This library makes the creation of adapters in Anko WAY easier by using observables. Here's an example:
verticalRecyclerView {
//Create and use an adapter using the list `items`.
adapter = listAdapter(items) { loadingObs ->
//Create the view used for each item
textView {
gravity = Gravity.CENTER
textSize = 18f
minimumHeight = dip(40)
backgroundResource = selectableItemBackgroundResource
//updates the text in this TextView when the item changes
lifecycle.bind(loadingObs){ item ->
text = item.toString()
onLongClick {
}.lparams(matchParent, wrapContent)