- Registers
- Instructions
- PC-relative addressing
- Calling convention and Stack frames
- syscalls
- Shell spawning shellcode (ARM/Thumb) + LAB2
- Bind TCP shellcode (ARM) + LAB3
- Reverse shell shellcode (ARM)
- Tools introduction (pwntools, ROPGadget)
- Modify the value of a local variable (stack1) + LAB4
- Vulnerability mitigations
- Ret to libc - Bypass NX and execute a shell with a single ROP gadget (stack_sh) + LAB5
- Bypass NX with ROP using mprotect (stack_mprotect) + LAB6
- Bypassing NX and ASLR (stack_aslr) + LAB7
- Raspberry pi 3
- Image: raspbian-2018-03-14 (http://ftp.jaist.ac.jp/pub/raspberrypi/raspbian/images/raspbian-2018-03-14/)