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PostgreSQL Backup Console

A .NET Core console application that automates PostgreSQL database backups with configurable settings, logging, and retention policies. Perfect for scheduling regular backups of your PostgreSQL databases.


  • 🗃️ Automated backup of multiple PostgreSQL databases
  • 📅 Configurable backup retention period
  • 📝 Detailed logging with retention management
  • 🔄 Compatible with Windows Task Scheduler
  • ☁️ Configurable backup location (supports cloud storage paths)
  • 🔒 Secure password handling
  • ⚡ Asynchronous operations
  • ❌ Robust error handling

Tested and found to work with:

  • PostreSQL 13
  • PostreSQL 17


  • .NET 8.0 or later
  • PostgreSQL installed with pg_dump utility available in PATH
  • Appropriate PostgreSQL user permissions for backup operations


  1. Clone the repository or download the latest release
  2. Configure the application settings in appsettings.json
  3. Build the application:
dotnet build


Update the appsettings.json file with your PostgreSQL settings:

  "PostgresSettings": {
    "Host": "localhost",
    "Port": 5432,
    "Username": "postgres",
    "Password": "your_password",
    "Database": "postgres",
    "BackupType": "Full",
    "BackupRetentionDays": 7,
    "BackupPath": "C:\\Your\\Backup\\Path"

Configuration Parameters

Parameter Description Default
Host PostgreSQL server hostname localhost
Port PostgreSQL server port 5432
Username PostgreSQL user with backup privileges postgres
Password User password -
Database Default database (not used for backup selection) postgres
BackupType Type of backup to perform Full
BackupRetentionDays Number of days to keep backups 7
BackupPath Directory where backups will be stored -


Manual Execution

Run the application from the command line:

dotnet PostgresBackupConsole.dll

Task Scheduler Setup

  1. Open Windows Task Scheduler
  2. Create a new Basic Task
  3. Set the trigger (schedule) as needed
  4. Action: Start a program
  5. Program/script: Path to PostgresBackupConsole.exe
  6. Start in: Application directory path


  • Logs are stored in the Logs directory
  • Log files are named backup_log_YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS.txt
  • Logs older than 30 days are automatically cleaned up
  • Each backup operation is logged with timestamp and status

Backup Files

  • Backups are stored in the configured backup path
  • File naming format: DatabaseName_YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS.backup
  • Files use PostgreSQL's custom format (.backup)
  • Old backups are automatically removed based on retention days

Restoring Backups

To restore a backup, use the pg_restore utility: bash pg_restore -h localhost -p 5432 -U postgres -d database_name backup_file.backup

Error Handling

The application includes comprehensive error handling for:

  • Database connection issues
  • Backup process failures
  • File system operations
  • Configuration problems

All errors are logged to both console and log file.


Project Structure

├── Models/
│ └── PostgresSettings.cs
├── Services/
│ ├── IPostgresService.cs
│ └── PostgresService.cs
├── Program.cs
├── appsettings.json
└-- MIT License

Building from Source

dotnet restore
dotnet build
dotnet publish -c Release


  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create a feature branch
  3. Commit your changes
  4. Push to the branch
  5. Create a Pull Request


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


  • Built with .NET 8.0
  • Uses Npgsql for PostgreSQL connectivity
  • Inspired by the need for simple, reliable database backups for my Davinci Resolve Project Server


For issues, questions, or contributions, please create an issue in the GitHub repository.


Easy and reliable database backups of PostgreSQL databases






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