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Bit Ten DRC Interface Project

A simple, cheap and opensource alternative to the Bit Ten DRC

Welcome to the project. The aim is to reverse engineer the DRC and create a custom version of it. The end-goal is to have a unit that stays tucked inside the dashboard. We will use rotary encoders to control the main volume and subwoofer volume on the fly. Additional controls can be accessed with a web interface - I'm thinking an ESP32 to make life easy.

These are the required steps for the project:

  • Teardown of the DRC. Work out the basic electronics and schema
  • Snoop on the DRC interface with the main DSP unit
  • Create a prototype using a breadboard. Verify functionality
  • Create a PCB and housing to replace the DRC with our version

RS485 Packet Capture and Decoding

The following Google Doc outlines the packets transmitted and received by the DRC

Hardware Report for the Custom DRC (CDRC) PCB

The following Google Doc is a HW report for the PCB. This includes a BOM and pinout diagram


Web Interface for CDRC

CDRC Web Interface - iPad Pro
CDRC Web Interface - iPad Pro
CDRC Web Interface - iPhone 12 Pro
CDRC Web Interface - iPhone 12 Pro

Update 1 - Rev A Hardware

Custom DRC - Rev A Assembly Render
Custom DRC - Rev A Assembly Render
Custom DRC - Rev A Manufactured
Custom DRC - Rev A Manufactured

Rev A working well. Mod required to jump the RS485 RX line to a test-point pad to allow for wakeup on activity (requires pin to be in RTC power domain)

Update 2 - Rev B Hardware

Custom DRC - Rev B Board Front
Custom DRC - Rev B Board Front
Custom DRC - Rev B Board Front
Custom DRC - Rev B Board Rear
Custom DRC - Rev B Board Front
Custom DRC - Rev B Board Populated

Rev B saw fixes regarding issues with Rev A, an update to the board outline and an update to a fully SMD design. Device is fully functional