NB. This is not used, and should be deleted at some point
This Terraform module will bootstrap Weaveworks Flux on a Kubernetes cluster by doing the following things:
- Create an RSA key to be used by Flux
- Store the private key as a Kubernetes Secret
- Add the public key to the config repo in Github as a deploy key
- Configure RBAC rules and deploy flux + memcached to the cluster
- Only supports Github for the config repo (and may only work for org repos)
- Assumes the Kubernetes is an Amazon EKS cluster
- Only supports deploying to the 'flux' namespace (but will be automatically created)
Providers for GitHub and Kubernetes must be configured before calling the module.
# `GITHUB_TOKEN` env var should be set if you don't provide it in here
provider "github" {
organization = "my-org"
# Example for an AWS EKS Cluster:
provider "kubernetes" {
host = data.aws_eks_cluster.cluster.endpoint
cluster_ca_certificate = base64decode(data.aws_eks_cluster.cluster.certificate_authority[0].data)
token = data.aws_eks_cluster_auth.cluster.token
load_config_file = false
module "flux-bootstrap" {
source = "github.com/limejump/terraform-k8s-flux-bootstrap?ref=vx.y.z"
github_repository_name = "my-gitops-repo"
flux_args_extra = {
git-path = "foo/bar"
git-email = "flux@example.com"
The easiest thing to do is to add the manifests for the Helm Operator to your flux config repo. This way, once Flux is up and running it will automatically deploy the Helm component! You can also deploy Tiller like this!