Lighthouse is a user-friendly library for reproducible video moment retrieval and highlight detection (MR-HD). It supports seven models, four features (video and audio features), and six datasets for reproducible MR-HD, MR, and HD. In addition, we prepare an inference API and Gradio demo for developers to use state-of-the-art MR-HD approaches easily. Furthermore, Lighthouse supports audio moment retrieval, a task to identify relevant moments from an audio input based on a given text query.
- [2024/12/24] Our work "Language-based audio moment retrieval" has been accepted at ICASSP 2025.
- [2024/10/22] Version 1.0 has been released.
- [2024/10/6] Our paper has been accepted at EMNLP2024, system demonstration track.
- [2024/09/25] Our work "Language-based audio moment retrieval" has been released. Lighthouse supports AMR.
- [2024/08/22] Our demo paper is available on arXiv. Any comments are welcome: Lighthouse: A User-Friendly Library for Reproducible Video Moment Retrieval and Highlight Detection.
Install ffmpeg first. If you are an Ubuntu user, run:
apt install ffmpeg
Then, install pytorch, torchvision, torchaudio, and torchtext based on your GPU environments. Note that the inference API is available for CPU environments. We tested the codes on Python 3.9 and CUDA 11.8:
pip install torch==2.1.0 torchvision==0.16.0 torchaudio==2.1.0 torchtext==0.16.0 --index-url
Finally, run to install dependency libraries:
pip install 'git+'
Lighthouse supports the following inference API:
import torch
from lighthouse.models import CGDETRPredictor
# use GPU if available
device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu"
# slowfast_path is necesary if you use clip_slowfast features
query = 'A man is speaking in front of the camera'
model = CGDETRPredictor('results/cg_detr/qvhighlight/clip_slowfast/best.ckpt', device=device,
feature_name='clip_slowfast', slowfast_path='SLOWFAST_8x8_R50.pkl')
# encode video features
# moment retrieval & highlight detection
prediction = model.predict(query)
pred_relevant_windows: [[start, end, score], ...,]
pred_saliency_scores: [score, ...]
{'query': 'A man is speaking in front of the camera',
'pred_relevant_windows': [[117.1296, 149.4698, 0.9993],
[-0.1683, 5.4323, 0.9631],
[13.3151, 23.42, 0.8129],
'pred_saliency_scores': [-10.868017196655273,
Run python api_example/
to reproduce the results. It automatically downloads pre-trained weights for CG-DETR (CLIP backbone).
If you want to use other models, download pre-trained weights.
When using clip_slowfast
features, it is necessary to download slowfast pre-trained weights.
When using clip_slowfast_pann
features, in addition to the slowfast weight, download panns weights.
Run python api_example/
to reproduce the AMR results.
Limitation: The maximum video duration is 150s due to the current benchmark datasets.
For CPU users, set feature_name='clip'
because CLIP+Slowfast or CLIP+Slowfast+PANNs features are very slow without GPUs.
Run python gradio_demo/
. Upload the video and input text query, and click the blue button. For AMR demo, run python gradio_demo/
Moment retrieval & highlight detection
- : Moment-DETR (Lei et al. NeurIPS21)
- : QD-DETR (Moon et al. CVPR23)
- : EaTR (Jang et al. ICCV23)
- : CG-DETR (Moon et al. arXiv24)
- : UVCOM (Xiao et al. CVPR24)
- : TR-DETR (Sun et al. AAAI24)
- : TaskWeave (Jin et al. CVPR24)
Moment retrieval & highlight detection
- : QVHighlights (Lei et al. NeurIPS21)
- : QVHighlights w/ Audio Features (Lei et al. NeurIPS21)
- : QVHighlights ASR Pretraining (Lei et al. NeurIPS21)
Moment retrieval
- : ActivityNet Captions (Krishna et al. ICCV17)
- : Charades-STA (Gao et al. ICCV17)
- : TaCoS (Regneri et al. TACL13)
Highlight detection
Audio moment retrieval
- : ResNet+GloVe
- : CLIP
- : CLIP+Slowfast
- : CLIP+Slowfast+PANNs (Audio) for QVHighlights
- : I3D+CLIP (Text) for TVSum
Pre-trained weights can be downloaded from here. Download and unzip on the home directory.
Due to the copyright issue, we here distribute only feature files.
Download and place them under ./features
To extract features from videos, we use HERO_Video_Feature_Extractor.
For AMR, download features from here.
The whole directory should be look like this:
├── api_example
├── configs
├── data
├── features # Download the features and place them here
│ ├── ActivityNet
│ │ ├── clip
│ │ ├── clip_text
│ │ ├── resnet
│ │ └── slowfast
│ ├── Charades
│ │ ├── clip
│ │ ├── clip_text
│ │ ├── resnet
│ │ ├── slowfast
│ ├── QVHighlight
│ │ ├── clip
│ │ ├── clip_text
│ │ ├── pann
│ │ ├── resnet
│ │ └── slowfast
│ ├── tacos
│ │ ├── clip
│ │ ├── clip_text
│ │ ├── resnet
│ │ └── slowfast
│ ├── tvsum
│ │ ├── clip
│ │ ├── clip_text
│ │ ├── i3d
│ │ ├── resnet
│ │ ├── slowfast
│ ├── youtube_highlight
│ │ ├── clip
│ │ ├── clip_text
│ │ └── slowfast
│ └── clotho-moments
│ ├── clap
│ └── clap_text
├── gradio_demo
├── images
├── lighthouse
├── results # The pre-trained weights are saved in this directory
└── training
The training command is:
python training/ --model MODEL --dataset DATASET --feature FEATURE [--resume RESUME] [--domain DOMAIN]
Options | |
Model | moment_detr, qd_detr, eatr, cg_detr, uvcom, tr_detr, taskweave_mr2hd, taskweave_hd2mr |
Feature | resnet_glove, clip, clip_slowfast, clip_slowfast_pann, i3d_clip, clap |
Dataset | qvhighlight, qvhighlight_pretrain, activitynet, charades, tacos, tvsum, youtube_highlight, clotho-moment |
(Example 1) Moment DETR w/ CLIP+Slowfast on QVHighlights:
python training/ --model moment_detr --dataset qvhighlight --feature clip_slowfast
(Example 2) Moment DETR w/ CLIP+Slowfast+PANNs (Audio) on QVHighlights:
python training/ --model moment_detr --dataset qvhighlight --feature clip_slowfast_pann
(Pre-train & Fine-tuning, QVHighlights only) Lighthouse supports pre-training. Run:
python training/ --model moment_detr --dataset qvhighlight_pretrain --feature clip_slowfast
Then fine-tune the model with --resume
python training/ --model moment_detr --dataset qvhighlight --feature clip_slowfast --resume results/moment_detr/qvhighlight_pretrain/clip_slowfast/best.ckpt
(TVSum and YouTube Highlight) To train models on these two datasets, you need to specify domain:
python training/ --model moment_detr --dataset tvsum --feature clip_slowfast --domain BK
The evaluation command is:
python training/ --model MODEL --dataset DATASET --feature FEATURE --split {val,test} --model_path MODEL_PATH --eval_path EVAL_PATH [--domain DOMAIN]
(Example 1) Evaluating Moment DETR w/ CLIP+Slowfast on the QVHighlights val set:
python training/ --model moment_detr --dataset qvhighlight --feature clip_slowfast --split val --model_path results/moment_detr/qvhighlight/clip_slowfast/best.ckpt --eval_path data/qvhighlight/highlight_val_release.jsonl
To generate submission files for QVHighlight test sets, change split into test (QVHighlights only):
python training/ --model moment_detr --dataset qvhighlight --feature clip_slowfast --split test --model_path results/moment_detr/qvhighlight/clip_slowfast/best.ckpt --eval_path data/qvhighlight/highlight_test_release.jsonl
Then zip hl_val_submission.jsonl
and hl_test_submission.jsonl
, and submit it to the Codalab (QVHighlights only):
zip -r val_submission.jsonl test_submission.jsonl
author = {Taichi Nishimura and Shota Nakada and Hokuto Munakata and Tatsuya Komatsu},
title = {Lighthouse: A User-Friendly Library for Reproducible Video Moment Retrieval and Highlight Detection},
booktitle = {Proceedings of The 2024 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing: System Demonstrations},
year = {2024},
Audio moment retrieval
author = {Hokuto Munakata and Taichi Nishimura and Shota Nakada and Tatsuya Komatsu},
title = {Language-based Audio Moment Retrieval},
booktitle = {IEEE International Conference on Acoustic, Speech, and Signal Processing},
year = {2025},
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Apache License 2.0
Taichi Nishimura (