This is a code intended to identify stellar clusters using wavelet transformation in a catalog of stars filtered by isochronal masks.
The complete GAWA documentation is hosted here.
Clone the repository and create an environment with Conda:
git clone && cd gawa
conda create -n gawa python=3.9
conda activate gawa
conda install -c conda-forge cfitsio=3.430
conda install -c cta-observatory sparse2d
conda install jupyterlab
conda install ipykernel
pip install scikit-image
pip install astropy
pip install healpy
pip install parsl
ipython kernel install --user --name=gawa
Copy gawa.cfg and
cp gawa.cfg.template gawa.cfg
cp # You need to edit it if you want to run with Parsl in cluster.
Edit, adding the path to Conda (CONDAPATH) and the path to this repository (GAWA_ROOT):
export CONDAPATH=<conda path>
export GAWA_ROOT=<gawa repository path>
export GAWA_LOG_LEVEL=info
source $CONDAPATH/activate
conda activate gawa
python -m ipykernel install --user --name=gawa
Choose the 'executor' option in gawa.cfg and run:
python -W ignore gawa.cfg
jupyter-lab gawazpy.ipynb
To run again the code, please remove the following folders with the command (being in the root folder):
rm -r tiles footprint isochrone_masks
and files:
rm tiles_specs.fits cluster.fits cluster0.fits
If you run with max_threads > 1, the kernel may die while running the main cell. We think that this is related to the memory required by the jobs. Set max_threads = 1 and run again.