The Photo-z Server is an online service based on software developed and delivered as part of the in-kind contribution program BRA-LIN, from LIneA to the Rubin Observatory's LSST. An overview of this and other contributions is available here. The Photo-z Server design document is available here.
Clone the repository and access the directory:
git clone
cd pzserver_app
Copy the file docker-compose-development.yml
and rename to docker-compose.yml
cp docker-compose-development.yml docker-compose.yml
Create the environment variables file based on env_template
cp env_template .env
cp .env.local-template .env.local
Edit the files and change the variables according to your environment, in this first moment pay attention to the variables referring to the django database and connection (optional).
Check your linux user id with:
echo $UID
and update it in the docker-compose.yml
file if necessary (if it is not the usual 1000).
Now start the database service. It is important that the first time the database service is turned on alone, in this step postgresql will create the database and the user based on the settings POSTGRES_USER
docker compose up database
Wait for the message database system is ready to accept connections
and then close the service with the CTRL + C
keys or docker compose stop database
in another terminal.
Now start the backend service. As this is the first time, the base image will be pulled and the container will be built, this may take a while.
docker compose up backend
If everything goes normally the last message will be something like ... spawned uWSGI worker x (pid: xx, cores: x)
Shut down the backend service to change one of the Django variables.
To terminate use CTRL + C
or docker compose stop
With the services turned off, let's run a command in the backend container to generate a SECRET_KEY for Django.
docker compose run backend python -c "import secrets; print(secrets.token_urlsafe())"
This is the output of the command:
$ docker compose run backend python -c "import secrets; print(secrets.token_urlsafe())"
Creating pzserver_backend_run ... done
Copy the generated key and replace the SECRET_KEY
variable value in the .env
Create the Django superuser.
docker compose run backend python createsuperuser
Import the application's initial data using the following command:
docker compose run backend python loaddata initial_data
This loaddata
command will insert some basic records into the database for the application to work. these records are in the core/fixtures/initial_data.yaml
Now install the Frontend dependencies by running the yarn
command. As this is the first time starting this container, the base image will be pulled, which may take a while.
docker compose run frontend yarn
This command will create the directory pzserver/frontend/node_modules
if you have any problem with dependencies remove this directory and run the command again.
In the development environment it is not necessary to change Ngnix settings.
But if a local change is needed, copy the nginx_development.conf
file to nginx.conf
Also change the docker-compose.yml
file in the ngnix service at the line - ./nginx_development.conf:/etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf:ro
. In this way, the ngnix.conf file represents your local environment, if you make any modifications that are necessary for the project, copy this modification to the template file, as the nginx.conf file is not part of the repository.
Finally, to start the whole application:
docker compose up
Go to Django ADMIN (for local installation, open a web browser and go to the URL: http://localhost/admin/) and add a new Application with the following configuration:
should be left unchanged (copy these two tokens and paste them as the values for variablesDJANGO_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID
inside .env and .env.local).user
should be your superuser numeric ID (if you are the only user, it should be = 1)redirect_uris
should be left blankclient_type
should be set to confidentialauthorization_grant_type
should be set to 'Resource owner password-based'name
can be set to whatever you'd like- checkbox for
Skip authorization
should remain unchecked Algorithm
: keep the default option (No OIDC support)
WARNING: As mentioned above, BEFORE clicking on the SAVE button, you must edit the configuration files (.env and .env.local) and change the variables
in both files according to the values ofclient_id
respectively. only after editing the configuration files, theSAVE
button must be pressed.
The installation is done. To test the newly configured application, restart the service by pressing Ctrl+C
in the terminal, then execute:
docker compose up -d
And then, go to https://localhost
to open the application.
The Pz Server uses orchestration to process its pipelines and for this you need to configure it:
mkdir orchestration/db orchestration/logs orchestration/processes
cp docker-compose-development-orch.yml docker-compose.yml
docker network create orchestration-network # create internal network
Loading pipelines (submodules):
git submodule init
git submodule update
Enter the orchestration-api container:
docker compose run orchestration-api bash
Inside the container, create the database and an admin user:
python migrate
python createsuperuser
Still inside the container, installing pipelines (confirm default directories with 'yes'):
cd /pipelines
Exit the container and start orchestration services:
docker compose up orchestrator
And then follow the steps to create an authentication application (step by step) just by changing the url from http://localhost/admin/oauth2_provider/application/add/
to http://localhost:8088/admin/oauth2_provider/application/add/
and using the admin user created previously. Note when creating an authentication application, we must change the ORCHEST_CLIENT_ID
in the .env
with the client_id and secret_id values respectively.
All that remains is to modify the ORCHEST_URL variable in the .env
with the value http://orchestrator
Turn on background environment (if you have the application already running on the terminal, stop it with CTRL + C
keys and up ir again, but in the background using -d
docker compose up -d
Access in the browser: - Frontend: http://localhost/ - Django Admin: http://localhost/admin/ - Django REST: http://localhost/api
Turn off all environment:
docker compose stop
Restart all environment:
docker compose stop && docker compose up -d
Run a terminate on one of the services
# with the service turned on
docker compose exec backend bash
# with the service turned off
docker compose run backend bash
Access database with psql:
# Use the credentials that are in the .env
docker compose exec database psql -h localhost -U <username> -d <database>
Add libraries to frontend using yarn:
docker compose run frontend yarn add <library>
Check front-end changes before pushing new commits to the remote repository (it is recommended to build the frontend to prevent errors with ESlint from disrupting the Pull Request process):
docker compose run frontend yarn build
Docker Hub:
The project is concentrated in just the linea/pzserver
repository in the docker hub and the images are divided into two tags, one for the backend (:backend_[version]) and another for the frontend (:frontend_[version ]). The unique identification of each tag can be the version number example: linea/pzserver:backend_v0.1
or the hash of the commit for development versions: linea/pzserver:backend_8816330
to obtain the hash of the commit use the command $(git describe --always)
WARNING: Always build both images using the same version or same commit hash, even if one of the images has not been changed.
# Backend
cd pzserver/backend
docker build -t linea/pzserver:backend_$(git describe --always) .
# for the push, copy the image name that appears at the end of the build and do the docker push
docker push linea/pzserver:backend_<commit_hash>
# Frontend
cd pzserver/frontend
docker build -t linea/pzserver:frontend_$(git describe --always) .
# for the push, copy the image name that appears at the end of the build and do the docker push
docker push linea/pzserver:frontend_<commit_hash>
run all tests
docker compose exec backend pytest
run all tests with coverage, Check local coverage in localhost/coverage
docker compose exec backend pytest --cov=./ --cov-report=html
run only a file
docker compose exec backend pytest core/test/
run only a class
docker compose exec backend pytest core/test/
run single test method
docker compose exec backend pytest core/test/
Edit the .env
to include the path to the certificates for signing and encrypting SAML assertions:
(It is possible to use the same certificate for both signing and encryption.)
# Keys and certificates
If you do not have valid certificates (not recommended in production), generate a self-signed certificate using the command below:
Create the certificates
directory with the following command:
mkdir -p saml2/certificates
openssl genrsa -out pz.key 2048
openssl req -new -key pz.key -out pz.csr
openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in pz.csr -signkey pz.key -out pz.crt
cp pz.key pzkey.pem
cp pz.crt pzcert.pem
Next we must uncomment the volume that represents the saml2 directory in docker-compose.yml:
- ./archive/log/backend:/archive/log
- ./archive/data:/archive/data
- ./saml2:/saml2 # uncomment if authentication with github is required
Edit the .env
and tell where the metadata can be found:
(Contact the infrastructure team to find out more details about the metadata.)
# IDP metadata
And finally, just uncomment the AUTH_SHIB_URL
variable in the .env
# Saml2 / Satosa Auth
# URL to login using satosa
With everything configured and the services started, we must access the URL ${URI}/saml2/metadata/
and send the content (xml) to the infrastructure team to create a trust relationship between the application and satosa.
In the production environment NO it is necessary to clone the repository.
The following example assumes an installation where the database and ngnix are in containers as in the dev environment and the volumes are directories within the pzserver root.
- create the folders
- create
file - create
file - create
Create the pzserver
and archive
mkdir pzserver pzserver/archive pzserver/archive/data pzserver/archive/django_static
cd pzserver
Create a docker-compose.yml
file based on the docker-compose-production.yml
Change the frontend and backend images to the desired version, replace the string <VERSION>
with the image tag.
Change the port that will be used for the application, replace the string <PORT>
by a port that is available in the environment, this port should be associated with the application's url.
Edit the file as per your environment needs. Usually the changes are in ngnix volumes and port.
Create an .env
file based on the env_template
file and edit the database access variables.
Wait for the message database system is ready to accept connections
and then close the service with the CTRL + C
keys or docker compose stop database
in another terminal.
docker compose up database
Start the backend service and wait for the Booting worker with pid...
docker compose up backend
Shutdown the backend service and change the Django variables.
Edit the .env
In production it is MANDATORY to turn off Debug DEBUG=0
. and change the SECRET_KEY
variable which must be unique for each environment.
With the service turned off, run the command below to generate a SECRET_KEY, copy and paste it into the .env
docker compose run backend python -c "import secrets; print(secrets.token_urlsafe())"
docker compose run backend python createsuperuser
Create the Ngnix configuration file nginx.conf
based on the nginx_production.conf
Start all services
docker compose up -d
Configure a URL that points to the machine where it is installed on the port configured for Ngnix in docker-compose.
At the end of this example the pzserver folder looks like this:
-rw-r--r-- docker-compose.yml
-rw-r--r-- nginx.conf # Ngnix configuration file.
-rw-r--r-- .env # File with configuration variables
drwxr-xr-x archive # Directory where the files generated by the application are kept.
drwx------ pg_data # Directory where postgresql files are in container
drwxr-xr-x pg_backups # Directory where postgresql files are in container
After merging new commits into the main branch, github workflow will create the new docker file and send it to LIneA's repository on DockerHub automatically. Copy the hash of the last commit to the clipboard.
Access the Testing environment
ssh srvpz-dev
Change user to app.photoz
sudo -u app.pzserver -s /bin/bash
Go to the pz-server
directory in the home directory
cd $HOME/pz-server/
Edit the file docker-compose.yml
to update the docker image name suffixes with the last commit hash in two places, one for the back-end and another for the front-end.
Hint: don't delete the name of the last stable version. Let it be there, but commented, just in case.
backend: &pzbackend
#image: linea/pzserver:backend_84a46c4
image: linea/pzserver:backend_5f69cd4 # <-- UPDATE HERE
user: 56673:15031
command: /
- .env
# image: linea/pzserver:frontend_84a46c4
image: linea/pzserver:frontend_5f69cd4 # <-- AND HERE
- .env:/app/.env.local:ro
# - default
Restart the application
docker compose stop
docker compose up -d
Check out the changes in
Procedure to update the production environment or any other that uses built images.
- Edit the
file and change the frontend and backend images tag. - Edit the
file to add new variables or change them if necessary. - Pull the new images with the
docker compose pull
command. - Restart services
docker compose stop && docker compose up -d