2015-12-04 -> 2021-07-09
This class contains functions for manipulating uri.
Note: in this document, the bigbang.php script and the "a" function comes from the portable autoloader technique
Note2: The uri nomenclature that we use is the ConventionGuy's uri nomenclature
str appendQueryString ( string:baseUri, array:parameters=[] )
Appends parameters to a base uri, and in the form of a query string (starting with a question mark).
use Ling\Bat\UriTool;
require_once "bigbang.php";
a(UriTool::appendQueryString('/home', ['template' => 'yellow', 'user' => 'me'])); // /home?template=yellow&user=me
str|false fileGetContents ( string:url )
Get the contents of a given url, or return false if it cannot be accessed.
Will try differents methods:
- file_get_contents if the php allow_url_fopen directive allows it
- or curl if installed
str getCurrentUri ( )
Returns the current uri.
str getCurrentUrl ( array options = [] )
Returns the current url.
Available options are:
- useForward: bool=false, whether to deal with the HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST property
str|false getHost ( )
Gets the host name, or false in case of error.
array getParams ( string $url )
Returns the get parameters attached to the given url.
$url = "/something?ok=3&name=john&tags[]=paul&tags[]=alice&sports[combat][]=judo&sports[combat][]=karate&sports[ball]=basket";
Will output:
array(4) {
["ok"] => string(1) "3"
["name"] => string(4) "john"
["tags"] => array(2) {
[0] => string(4) "paul"
[1] => string(5) "alice"
["sports"] => array(2) {
["combat"] => array(2) {
[0] => string(4) "judo"
[1] => string(6) "karate"
["ball"] => string(6) "basket"
str|false getWebsiteUrl ( )
Gets the absolute url for a website. Useful when you need to redirect a page using the php header function.
str httpBuildQuery ( array:parameters )
Returns the http query based on the given parameters. It's almost like the http_build_query php function, except that it returns a non-url-encoded string.
The following code:
$getVars = [
"files" => [
Will output something like:
string(50) "files[0]=images/avatar.png&files[1]=photos/cat.png"
bool matchCurrentUrl ( string:testUrl, string:currentUrl = null )
Returns whether the given url matches the current url.
It matches if both url share the same uri, and if all the GET parameters of the testUrl are present in the current url.
Note that for now, the testUrl must be in the uri format (i.e. starting with a slash), absolute urls are not yet accepted. Same with current url. This might change if the need for it appears in the future.
void randomize ( array:&get, string:key = null )
Adds a parameter to the given get array, which usually would be the $_GET array. The added parameter is chosen randomly by default, or it can be fixed if the key argument is defined.
This might be useful in some cases for instance when you want to redirect the user to a success page after a form, and you want the redirect page to be the form page itself. In this case, without randomizing the url, if the user refresh the page the $_POST payload will be resent (tested in firefox in 2019-12-09). By randomizing the url parameters, the browser will consider the page as a new one, and the payload will be dropped.
2017-04-18 -> 2020-09-08
str|false uri ( string:uri = null, array:params = [], bool:replace = true, bool:absolute = false )
Returns an uri from the given parameters.
- uri: string|null=null, the base uri. If null, the current uri will be used. Note: you can also pass a full url it will work too (but be sure to have the absolute flag=false in that case).
- params: array, the parameters to add to the uri
- replace: bool=true, whether to replace the current url parameters by the one in the params array. If false, the existing uri parameters will be merged with the ones passed to this method.
- absolute: bool=false, whether to prefix the result with the host url