2015-10-07 -> 2022-02-03
Bat (Basic Tools) is an ensemble of basic tools that one can use to hopefully do a job faster (from the coding point of view, not performance).
A tool is a static class, which means that you can call its methods without having to instantiate it.
Bat is part of the universe framework.
Using the planet installer via light-cli
lt install Ling.Bat
Using the uni tool
uni import Ling/Bat
So far, the Bat library is composed of the following tools:
Tools | Description |
ArrayTool | Tools for manipulating arrays |
BDotTool | Tools for using bdot notation |
CaseTool | Tools for converting a case to another |
ClassTool | Tools for working with classes |
ColorTool | Tools related to colors |
CommentTool | Tools related to php comments |
ConsoleTool | Tools for working with console related tasks |
ConvertTool | Tools for working with conversion related tasks |
CookieTool | Tools for working with cookies |
CurrentProcessTool | Tools for working with the current process |
DateTool | Tools for working with dates |
DebugTool | Tools for debugging |
ExceptionTool | Tools for manipulating exception |
FileListTool | Tools for manipulating file lists. |
FileSystemTool | Tools for the filesystem |
FileTool | Tools for the files |
HashTool | Tools for the using hashes |
HepTool | Tools for the using hep parameters |
HttpTool | Tools for the using http protocol |
ImageTool | Tools to help with images |
LocalHostTool | Use OsTool instead. LocalHostTool is unofficially deprecated. |
MathTool | Tools for math problems |
MimeTypeTool | Tool handling mime type |
MiniCsvTool | Tool for working with mini csv strings |
ObTool | Tool for buffer manipulation |
OsTool | Tool aware of the OS. |
PermTool | Tool for permissions manipulation |
PsvTool | Tool for manipulating psv |
RandomTool | Tools for manipulating random numbers |
SessionTool | Tools for session manipulation |
ShortCodeTool | Tools for manipulating shortcodes |
SmartCodeTool | Tools for manipulating smart codes |
StringTool | Tools for string manipulation |
StopWatchTool | Tools for stopwatch related methods |
TagTool | Tools for helping with tags |
TemplateTool | Tools to help with templates |
TimeTool | Tools for helping with time |
UploadTool | Tools for helping with php file uploads |
UriTool | Tools for uri manipulation |
ValidationTool | Tools for validating data |
XmlTool | Tools for working with xml |
ZipTool | Zip related tool |
1.342 -- 2022-02-03
- fix DateTool::isNextDay not working on 31st october, add getNextDayByDate and getNextDayByDatetime methods
1.341 -- 2022-02-03
- update DateTool::isNextDay, fix using M instead m date format
1.340 -- 2022-02-03
- add DateTool::isNextDay method
1.339 -- 2021-08-10
- update LocalHostTool::getComposerPath, add one more path
1.338 -- 2021-07-22
- update StringTool::cutAtWordBoundary, add $more argument
1.337 -- 2021-07-22
- update StringTool::cutAtWordBoundary, add $ending argument
1.336 -- 2021-07-22
- add StringTool::cutAtWordBoundary method
1.335 -- 2021-07-18
- fix ImageTool::getDimensions not returning correct array keys
1.334 -- 2021-07-17
- add StopWatchTool class
- add ImageTool class
1.333 -- 2021-07-09
- add UriTool::getCurrentUri method
1.332 -- 2021-07-06
- add PsvTool::implode method
1.331 -- 2021-07-06
- add MiniCsvTool class
1.330 -- 2021-06-28
- add PsvTool class
- fix CaseTool::toSnake incorrectly trimming underscores
1.329 -- 2021-06-24
- add ConvertTool::toBoolean method
1.328 -- 2021-06-22
- add UriTool::matchCurrentUrl method
1.327 -- 2021-06-21
- add StringTool::getSymbolicPath method
1.326 -- 2021-06-21
- add TemplateTool class
1.325 -- 2021-06-21
- add StringTool::countCapitals method
1.324 -- 2021-06-15
- add LocalHostTool::getComposerPath method
1.323 -- 2021-06-03
- fix ExtendedReflectionClass not using latest token methods
1.322 -- 2021-05-31
- Removing trailing plus in lpi-deps file (to work with Light_PlanetInstaller:2.0.0 api
1.321 -- 2021-05-28
- fix 1.310 dependency missing from lpi-deps
1.320 -- 2021-05-20
- add ConsoleTool::clearLine, cursorUp, cursorDown, cursorLeft, cursorRight methods
1.319 -- 2021-05-20
- add FileSystemTool::getUniqueTimeStringedEntry method
1.318 -- 2021-05-18
- add FileSystemTool::getTimeString method
1.317 -- 2021-05-18
- update ConsoleTool::reset method, now uses a faster method
1.316 -- 2021-05-17
- update FileSystemTool::copyDir method, preservePerms parameter is now replaced with options parameter
1.315 -- 2021-05-06
- add ConvertTool::toPrice method
1.314 -- 2021-05-06
- fix FileSystemTool::mkAutoRemovingTmpFile not always auto-removing file
1.313 -- 2021-05-06
- add FileSystemTool::mkAutoRemovingTmpFile method
1.312 -- 2021-05-01
- add ClassTool::instantiateIfImplements method
1.311 -- 2021-04-06
- add StringTool::getUniqueDuplicatedName method
1.310 -- 2021-03-19
- fix FileTool::insert prepending blank line when nbLine is 1
1.309 -- 2021-03-18
- fix ArrayTool::arrayMergeReplaceRecursive trying to merge array with string
- update ClassTool::getReflectionClass signature, added return types
1.308 -- 2021-03-05
- update README.md, add install alternative
1.307 -- 2021-02-25
- update ZipTool::addToZip, enhance error message
1.306 -- 2021-02-25
- update ZipTool, add addToZip and deleteFromZip methods
1.305 -- 2021-02-15
- fix HashTool::getPasswordHashAlgorithm return type being int instead of string
1.304 -- 2021-02-11
- update FileSystemTool::getDirectorySize, now doesn't stop in case of problem
1.303 -- 2021-02-09
- fix FileSystemTool::mkTmpDir returning path with two consecutive slashes in it
1.302 -- 2021-01-26
- add HttpTool::isValidUrl method
1.301 -- 2021-01-11
- update FileListTool::copyFileListToDir, now removes destination before copying a link
1.300 -- 2021-01-07
- update FileListTool, now filelist contains symlinks
1.299 -- 2021-01-07
- add FileListTool
1.298 -- 2021-01-07
- add CaseTool::toUnderscoreLow method
1.297 -- 2020-12-31
- renamed CurrentProcess class to CurrentProcessTool
1.296 -- 2020-12-16
- update ConsoleTool::exec, now transmits the return code as well
1.295 -- 2020-12-14
- add CurrentProcess class
1.294 -- 2020-12-11
- add FileSystemTool::mkTmpDir method
1.293 -- 2020-12-08
- Fix lpi-deps not using natsort.
1.292 -- 2020-12-08
- test Bat update lpi-deps
1.291 -- 2020-12-08
- Update FileSystemTool::copyDir comment
1.290 -- 2020-12-07
- Update HttpTool, add getHttpResponseCode method
1.289 -- 2020-12-04
- Add lpi-deps.byml file
1.288 -- 2020-12-03
- add ConsoleTool::reset
1.287 -- 2020-12-01
- add RandomTool::randomPassword
1.286 -- 2020-11-27
- add CookieTool
1.285 -- 2020-11-24
- add StringTool::truncate method
1.284 -- 2020-11-24
- update FileSystemTool::mkTmpFile comment
1.283 -- 2020-11-24
- update HepTool::hepAttributes, now can treat arrays recursively
1.282 -- 2020-11-20
- update DebugTool::toString method, now has strMaxLen and strCompact options, add DebugTool::getTraceAsString method, and StringTool::getCompactString method
1.281 -- 2020-11-20
- update DebugTool::toString method, now has an expandArray option
1.280 -- 2020-11-17
- update ClassTool, add instantiate method
1.279 -- 2020-11-06
- rename FileSystemTool::getFileName to FileSystemTool::getFilename, and fix that it was returning the basename instead of the filename
1.278 -- 2020-10-30
- update DateTool::getMysqlDatetime, now accepts null value
1.277 -- 2020-10-27
- fix FileSystemTool::FileSystemTool not starting with leaves
1.276 -- 2020-10-23
- add StringTool::startsWith and endsWith methods
1.275 -- 2020-10-23
- update FileSystemTool::getBasename doc
1.274 -- 2020-10-20
- add TagTool::injectTags
1.273 -- 2020-10-19
- add FileSystemTool::getBasename alias method
1.272 -- 2020-09-08
- add StringTool::toCsv method
1.271 -- 2020-09-08
- update UriTool::getCurrentUrl internal behaviour
1.270 -- 2020-09-08
- add UriTool::getCurrentUrl
1.269 -- 2020-08-24
- add FileSystemTool::removeTraversalDots method
1.268 -- 2020-08-18
- add CommentTool
1.267 -- 2020-08-04
- add ArrayTool::splice method
1.266 -- 2020-07-31
- add ClassTool::getReflectionClass method
1.265 -- 2020-07-28
- fix ExtendedReflectionClass and AnotherExtendedReflectionClass relying on reflection to get the start line
1.264 -- 2020-07-27
- add shortcode tool documentation link to smartcode tool
1.263 -- 2020-07-27
- fix ExtendedReflectionClass::tokenizeSource, token_get_all complaining when parsing unfinished comment
1.262 -- 2020-07-24
- add ClassTool::isLoaded method
1.261 -- 2020-07-24
- add TimeTool class
1.260 -- 2020-07-23
- fix AnotherExtendedReflectionClass::isUseStatementLine triggering warning if line contains unclosed comment
1.259 -- 2020-07-21
- add ClassTool::getUseStatementClassByUseStatement method
1.258 -- 2020-07-20
- add BDotTool::escape and unescape methods
1.257 -- 2020-07-10
- add ClassTool::getClassPropertyBasicInfo method
1.256 -- 2020-07-10
- add ClassTool::getFile method
1.255 -- 2020-07-10
- add ClassTool::hasProperty method
1.254 -- 2020-07-10
- add ClassTool::hasUseStatementByFile method
1.253 -- 2020-07-10
- add ClassTool::getClassStartLineByFile method
1.252 -- 2020-07-10
- add FileTool::getContent method
1.251 -- 2020-07-10
- update ClassTool::getUseStatementsInfoByFile method comment again
1.250 -- 2020-07-10
- update ClassTool::getUseStatementsInfoByFile method comment
1.249 -- 2020-07-10
- add FileTool::replace method
1.248 -- 2020-07-10
- add ClassTool::getUseStatementsInfoByFile method
1.247 -- 2020-07-10
- add ClassTool::getClassNameByFile method
1.246 -- 2020-07-09
- add ClassTool::getUseStatements method
1.245 -- 2020-07-09
- add ClassTool::hasMethodByFile method
1.244 -- 2020-07-09
- add ClassTool::hasMethod method
1.243 -- 2020-07-03
- fix CaseTool::toVariableName returning wrong case
1.242 -- 2020-07-03
- add CaseTool::toVariableName method
1.241 -- 2020-07-03
- add CaseTool::toHumanFlatCase method
1.240 -- 2020-07-02
- add ArrayTool::arrayWalkKeysRecursive method
1.239 -- 2020-06-29
- add ArrayTool::arrayWalkKeys method
1.238 -- 2020-06-29
- update ArrayTool::arrayKeyExistAll, add missingKeys parameter
1.237 -- 2020-06-11
- add ArrayTool::isIdentical
1.236 -- 2020-06-11
- add ArrayTool::hasSameValues
1.235 -- 2020-06-08
- update HashTool::getHashByFile, now returns file if the file doesn't exist instead of throwing an exception
1.234 -- 2020-06-08
- add HashTool::getHashByFile method
1.233 -- 2020-06-02
- add FileSystemTool::isEmptyDir and cleanDir methods
1.232 -- 2020-06-01
- add ConsoleTool::getUserHomeDirectory method
1.231 -- 2020-06-01
- add ConvertTool::getPhpErrorLabel method
1.230 -- 2020-05-13
- fix UriTool::getParams not returning an array in some cases.
1.229 -- 2020-04-20
- add UriTool::getParams
1.228 -- 2020-04-20
- rename UriTool::appendQueryString to appendParams
1.227 -- 2020-04-14
- add TagTool
1.226 -- 2020-04-13
- update FileSystemTool::mkTmpCopy, now accepts filename argument instead of extension keeping
1.225 -- 2020-04-13
- add FileSystemTool::mkTmpCopy
1.224 -- 2020-04-07
- add MimeTypeTool::isMimeImage
1.223 -- 2020-03-10
- add RandomTool::randomDate, randomDatetime, randomString
1.222 -- 2020-03-02
- fix ClassTool::getMethodSignature not handling variadic correctly
1.221 -- 2020-02-07
- add FileSystemTool::getDirectorySize
1.220 -- 2020-01-31
- update FileSystemTool::isValidFilename, now discards empty string and strings starting or ending with space
1.219 -- 2020-01-31
- add FileSystemTool::isValidFilename
1.218 -- 2019-12-20
- update ArrayTool::objectToArray, add deep argument
1.217 -- 2019-12-10
- update SessionTool::get, now accepts a throwEx argument
1.216 -- 2019-12-09
- update UriTool::randomize, now accepts a key argument
1.215 -- 2019-12-09
- add UriTool::randomize
1.214 -- 2019-11-14
- fix ArrayTool::replaceRecursive replacing bool value with 1
1.213 -- 2019-11-05
- add ArrayTool::replaceRecursive
1.212 -- 2019-11-04
- add ArrayTool::intersect
1.211 -- 2019-10-31
- update ArrayTool::arrayKeyExistAll, now accepts a throwEx argument
1.210 -- 2019-10-28
- fix FileSystemTool::hasDirectoryTraversal not checking for root relative path
1.209 -- 2019-10-21
- add UriTool::httpBuildQuery
1.208 -- 2019-10-17
- add MimeTypeTool::getMimeTypeByFileExtension
1.207 -- 2019-10-16
- update FileSystemTool::hasDirectoryTraversal, now accepts a checkFileExists argument
1.206 -- 2019-10-16
- moved FileSystemTool::hasDirectoryTraversal to isDirectoryTraversalSafe
1.205 -- 2019-10-16
- add FileSystemTool::hasDirectoryTraversal
- remove FileSystemTool::noEscalating and UriTool::noEscalating
1.204 -- 2019-10-09
- update FileSystemTool::mkTmpFile, now accepts an extension argument
1.203 -- 2019-10-07
- update FileSystemTool::mkTmpFile, now accepts a prefix argument
1.202 -- 2019-10-03
- add HashTool::getPasswordHashAlgorithm method
1.201 -- 2019-10-01
- add CaseTool::toPortableFilename method
1.200 -- 2019-10-01
- update ArrayTool::walkRowsRecursive, now the callable accepts row passed as a reference
1.199 -- 2019-09-26
- add summary for array tool doc
1.198 -- 2019-09-23
- add HepTool
1.197 -- 2019-09-18
- add StringTool::isStringable
- add SmartCodeTool::replaceSmartCodeFunction
1.196 -- 2019-09-18
- add SmartCodeTool::parseArguments
1.195 -- 2019-09-17
- add DebugTool::dumpX
1.194 -- 2019-09-17
- add ArrayTool::reduce
1.193 -- 2019-09-06
- add ArrayTool::walkRowsRecursive
1.192 -- 2019-08-27
- add StringTool::incrementNumericalSuffix
1.191 -- 2019-08-14
- fix RandomTool::pickRandomFromArray not accepting nbRequests=0
1.190 -- 2019-08-14
- add RandomTool::pickRandomFile method
1.189 -- 2019-08-14
- add RandomTool::pickRandomFromArray's nbRequests and pickOnce arguments
1.188 -- 2019-08-14
- add RandomTool::pickRandomFromArray
1.187 -- 2019-08-14
- add RandomTool::randomBool
1.186 -- 2019-08-09
- add ArrayTool::filterRecursive
1.185 -- 2019-08-09
- update ArrayTool::updateNodeRecursive documentation
1.184 -- 2019-08-09
- fix ClassTool::executePhpMethod not working correctly with multiple arguments in php style
1.183 -- 2019-08-08
- add BDotTool::getPathComponents
1.182 -- 2019-08-07
- add ArrayTool::filterByAllowed
1.181 -- 2019-08-07
- fix ClassTool::getAncestors not returning all ancestor interfaces when the $includeInterfaces option is true
1.180 -- 2019-08-02
- add FileTool::isImage method
1.179 -- 2019-08-02
- update FileSystemTool documentation
1.178 -- 2019-08-02
- enhance HashTool::getRandomHash64, now accepts a length parameter
1.177 -- 2019-07-17
- add ArrayTool::isNumericalArray method
1.176 -- 2019-07-13
- add ArrayTool::objectToArray method
1.175 -- 2019-07-11
- add DateTool::getTimeElapsedString notFullLength option
1.174 -- 2019-07-04
- add ClassTool::executePhpMethod method
- add SmartCodeTool class
1.173 -- 2019-07-03
- add ShortCodeTool class
1.172 -- 2019-05-24
- add ColorTool class
1.171 -- 2019-04-24
- update FileSystemTool::removeExtension method, now takes into account hidden files
1.170 -- 2019-04-04
- add ClassTool::getAncestors method
1.169 -- 2019-04-03
- add StringTool::humanizeFileName method
1.168 -- 2019-04-02
- add FileSystemTool::resolveTilde method
1.167 -- 2019-04-01
- add OsTool class
1.166 -- 2019-04-01
- update ZipTool::zipByPaths method, now fails if any file couldn't be added to the zip archive.
1.165 -- 2019-03-29
- update ZipTool::zipByPaths method, now fails if no files are added (empty zip)
1.164 -- 2019-03-28
- add FileTool::prepend method
1.163 -- 2019-03-27
- fix ZipTool::zip and ZipTool::zipByPaths now overwrite the zip file if it exists (rather than appending to the existing archive)
1.162 -- 2019-03-21
- update ZipTool::unzip method, now throws BatException if the zip archive doesn't exist
1.161 -- 2019-03-21
- add ConsoleTool::passThru method
1.160 -- 2019-03-21
- add ZipTool::zipByPaths method
1.159 -- 2019-03-21
- update ZipTool, ignore option replaced with ignoreName. ignorePath option added
1.158 -- 2019-03-20
- update ZipTool, now zip method has ignore and ignoreHidden options
1.157 -- 2019-03-20
- update ZipTool, now methods return boolean and throws BatException
1.156 -- 2019-03-19
- add ConsoleTool
1.155 -- 2019-02-22
- add ConvertTool::convertHexColorToRgb method
1.154 -- 2019-02-19
- fix FileSystemTool::removeExtension not returning right results
1.153 -- 2019-02-19
- update ClassTool::getMethodSignature, now handles allowsNull
1.152 -- 2019-02-19
- add FileSystemTool::removeExtension method, alias of FileSystemTool::getFileName
1.151 -- 2019-02-18
- fix ClassTool::getMethodSignature method no space between class hint and param name
1.150 -- 2019-02-18
- update ClassTool::getMethodSignature method, better parameter type handling
1.149 -- 2019-02-15
- add StringTool::indent method
1.148 -- 2019-02-13
- add ClassTool::getAbstractAncestors method
1.147 -- 2019-02-13
- fix ClassTool::getMethodSignature not handling array parameters correctly
- DebugTool::toString method now returns the inline version of a php array for arrays (no more carriage returns)
1.146 -- 2019-02-08
- add ClassTool::getClassSignature method
1.145 -- 2019-02-08
- improve ClassTool::getMethodSignature output
1.144 -- 2019-01-17
- add ArrayTool::arrayMergeReplaceRecursive method
1.143 -- 2019-01-16
- add ZipTool::zip method
- rewritten ZipTool::unzip method (now use ZipArchive, avoiding system calls)
1.142 -- 2019-01-16
- add FileTool::append method
1.141 -- 2018-06-19
- add DateTool::getTimeElapsedString method
1.140 -- 2018-06-17
- add DateTool::getMysqlDatetime method
1.139 -- 2018-06-15
- add FileSystemTool::moveToDir method
- add FileSystemTool::move method
1.138 -- 2018-06-15
- add FileSystemTool::getRelativePath method
1.137 -- 2018-06-15
- add FileSystemTool::mkTmpFile method
1.136 -- 2018-06-09
- change HashTool::getHashByArray now internally uses asort instead of ksort
1.135 -- 2018-06-03
- change FileSystemTool::mkdir method's recursive option defaults to true
1.134 -- 2018-06-03
- add UploadTool::getPhpFilesArrayFromFilesSuperArrayItem method
1.133 -- 2018-06-03
- add UploadTool::getPhpFilesArrayFromCombinedStructure method
1.132 -- 2018-06-03
- add ConvertTool
1.131 -- 2018-05-29
- add ArrayTool::updateNodeRecursive method
1.130 -- 2018-05-24
- add DebugTool::getArrayPartial method
1.129 -- 2018-05-22
- fix DebugTool::dumpVar dumping without returning
1.128 -- 2018-05-22
- add DebugTool::dumpVar method
1.127 -- 2018-05-01
- add CaseTool toDash method
- add CaseTool toFlexibleDash method
- add CaseTool toPascal method
- add CaseTool toFlexiblePascal method
- add CaseTool toFlexibleCamel method
- add CaseTool toConstant method
- fix some other cases
1.126 -- 2018-04-30
- add ArrayTool::insertRowAfter method
1.125 -- 2018-04-27
- add SessionTool::remove method
1.124 -- 2018-04-14
- add ObTool::writeWithoutBuffering method
1.123 -- 2018-04-12
- fix MathTool::getPercentagesByKeyValue problem with divide by zero
1.122 -- 2018-04-04
- fix StringTool::unserializeAsArray returning empty string (now returns an array)
1.121 -- 2018-04-04
- fix StringTool::unserializeAsArray returning null (now returns an array)
1.120 -- 2018-04-02
- now RandomTool::getRandomHash64 method uses php7 random_bytes if available
1.119 -- 2018-03-27
- add RandomTool::getRandomColor method
1.118 -- 2018-03-25
- add FileTool::getFileSize method (migrated from FileSystemTool), and added a humanize parameter
1.117 -- 2018-03-25
- add ArrayTool::keysSameAsValues method
1.116 -- 2018-03-22
- add DebugTool::dump method
1.115 -- 2018-03-15
- add SessionTool::setFlag method
- add SessionTool::pickupFlag method
1.114 -- 2018-03-06
- add ClassTool::getMethodNames method
1.113 -- 2018-03-05
- add LocalHostTool::hasProgram method
1.112 -- 2018-03-01
- add RandomTool::lorem method
1.111 -- 2018-02-28
- add DateTool::foreachDateRange method
1.110 -- 2018-02-28
- add DateTool::getDate method
1.109 -- 2018-02-27
- add RandomTool::getIp method
1.108 -- 2018-02-27
- add FileSystemTool::cleanDirBubble method
1.107 -- 2018-02-27
- add FileSystemTool::countFiles method
1.106 -- 2018-02-26
- add FileSystemTool::rename method
1.105 -- 2018-02-26
- add SessionTool:set/get methods
1.104 -- 2018-02-26
- enhance DebugTool now recognizes bool and null values
1.103 -- 2018-02-26
- add DebugTool
1.102 -- 2018-02-22
- fix CaseTool::snakeToFlexiblePascal letting spaces through
1.101 -- 2018-02-16
- add ArrayTool::removeEntry method
1.100 -- 2018-02-13
- add StringTool::getPlural method
1.99 -- 2018-01-18
- add ArrayTool::arrayKeyExistAll method
1.98 -- 2018-01-11
- update HashTool::passwordVerify and passwordEncrypt
1.97 -- 2017-12-13
- update MathTool::getPercentagesByKeyValue, add percentSign argument
1.96 -- 2017-12-13
- add MathTool::getPercentagesByKeyValue method
1.95 -- 2017-12-12
- add HashTool::getRandomHash64 method
1.94 -- 2017-12-12
- add StringTool::unserializeAsArray method
1.93 -- 2017-12-11
- add HttpTool::isHttps method
1.92 -- 2017-12-10
- update FileSystemTool::mkdir, now returns true even if the directory is a link
1.91 -- 2017-12-07
- fix DateTool.getSameDayNextMonth problems with the first year increment
1.90 -- 2017-11-30
- fix CaseTool.toCamel method
1.89 -- 2017-11-30
- add StringTool.relativePath method
1.88 -- 2017-11-28
- add DateTool
1.87 -- 2017-11-01
- add LocaleTool::getLangIso639_1ByIso639_2 method
1.86 -- 2017-10-30
- add ArrayTool::mirrorRange method
1.85 -- 2017-10-30
- add CaseTool::toCamel method
1.84 -- 2017-10-28
- add LocaleTool
1.83 -- 2017-10-27
- add BDotTool
- add SessionTool.dump method
1.82 -- 2017-10-12
- add HashTool
1.81 -- 2017-09-11
- update UriTool::appendQueryString, now recognize the question mark in baseUri
1.80 -- 2017-09-11
- update UriTool::uri now strip trailing question marks
1.79 -- 2017-09-11
- add MathTool
1.78 -- 2017-08-24
- StringTool.getUniqueCssId now has a default prefix of a (otherwise it's might not be a regular css identifier)
1.77 -- 2017-08-20
- add UploadTool
1.76 -- 2017-08-18
- add CaseTool.snakeToFlexiblePascal
1.75 -- 2017-08-08
- enhance UriTool.appendQueryString, now understands associative array
1.74 -- 2017-08-01
- add CaseTool.toSnake processUpperLetters boolean argument
1.73 -- 2017-06-27
- add HttpTool
1.72 -- 2017-06-27
- add XmlTool
1.71 -- 2017-06-24
- UriTool.appendQueryString function now supports one level numeric index array
1.70 -- 2017-06-24
- undo UriTool.uri function now supports merging with one level numeric index array
1.69 -- 2017-06-24
- UriTool.uri function now supports merging with one level numeric index array
1.68 -- 2017-06-22
- add FileSystemTool.clearDir abortIfSymlink argument
1.67 -- 2017-06-09
- add CaseTool::snakeToCamelCase method
1.66 -- 2017-06-08
- add ArrayTool::superimpose method
1.65 -- 2017-06-07
- add UriTool::getHost method
1.64 -- 2017-06-03
- add FileSystemTool::noEscalating method
1.63 -- 2017-05-30
- add SessionTool::destroyAll method
1.62 -- 2017-05-23
- add StringTool::ucfirst method
1.61 -- 2017-05-22
- add SessionTool::start method
1.60 -- 2017-05-17
- add SessionTool
1.59 -- 2017-05-11
- add FileSystemTool.copyFile method
1.58 -- 2017-05-10
- add UriTool.noEscalating method
1.57 -- 2017-05-04
- add ArrayTool.arrayUniqueRecursive method
1.56 -- 2017-05-03
- add keyPrefix argument to StringTool.htmlAttributes method
1.55 -- 2017-04-28
- add StringTool.getUniqueCssId
1.54 -- 2017-04-23
- add ClassTool.getShortName method
1.53 -- 2017-04-20
- add FileTool.cleanVerticalSpaces method
1.52 -- 2017-04-20
- FileTool.extract method now has a replaceFile option
1.51 -- 2017-04-20
- FileTool.cut method now has a replaceFile option
1.50 -- 2017-04-20
- add FileTool.insert method
1.49 -- 2017-04-18
- add UriTool.uri method
1.48 -- 2017-04-08
- fix UriTool.appendQueryString with empty param value
1.47 -- 2017-04-04
- add FileTool.extract
1.46 -- 2017-04-04
- add flags argument to FileSystemTool.mkfile
1.45 -- 2017-04-04
- add ObTool
1.44 -- 2017-03-27
- add ClassTool.getMethodInnerContent
1.43 -- 2017-03-26
- fix ClassTool.getMethodContent return false if the function does not exist.
1.42 -- 2017-03-24
- fix FileTool.split
1.41 -- 2017-03-24
- add FileTool.split
1.40 -- 2016-12-29
- fix ZipTool
1.39 -- 2016-12-29
- add ZipTool
1.38 -- 2016-12-25
- add ClassTool::rewriteMethodContent
1.37 -- 2016-12-24
- add ClassTool
1.36 -- 2016-12-23
- add FileTool::getNbLines
1.35 -- 2016-12-23
- add FileSystemTool::tempDir
1.34 -- 2016-12-22
- add ClassTool
1.33 -- 2016-12-02
- add UriTool::fileGetContents
1.32 -- 2016-11-26
- add UriTool::getWebsiteAbsoluteUrl
1.31 -- 2016-06-16
- add PermTool
- FileSystemTool::filePerms method is now an alias of PermTool::filePerms
1.30 -- 2016-02-13
- add FileSystemTool::fileGenerator method
1.29 -- 2016-01-16
- add ExceptionTool::toString method
1.28 -- 2016-01-16
- add ExceptionTool
1.27 -- 2016-01-07
- add CaseTool::toFlea
1.26 -- 2016-01-07
- add CaseTool::toDog
1.25 -- 2016-01-07
- add StringTool::removeAccents
1.24 -- 2016-01-06
- add CaseTool::toSnake
1.23 -- 2015-12-29
- add CaseTool::snakeToRegular and unsnake alias
1.22 -- 2015-12-22
- add CaseTool
- migrated StringTool::camelCase2Constant to CaseTool::camel2Constant
1.21 -- 2015-12-20
- add ArrayTool::getMissingKeys
1.20 -- 2015-12-16
- add ValidationTool::isEmail
1.19 -- 2015-12-16
- add FileSystemTool::mkfile
1.18 -- 2015-12-14
- add StringTool::autoCast
1.17 -- 2015-12-04
- add UriTool::appendQueryString
1.16 -- 2015-11-30
- add StringTool::split
1.15 -- 2015-11-19
- add StringTool::replacePortion
1.14 -- 2015-11-12
- add StringTool::strPosAll
1.13 -- 2015-11-04
- add FileSystemTool::filePerms
1.12 -- 2015-11-02
- add StringTool::cutNumericalSuffix
1.11 -- 2015-10-28
- add StringTool::htmlAttributes
1.10 -- 2015-10-27
- add FileSystemTool::existsUnder
1.09 -- 2015-10-25
- add MimeTypeTool
- add FileSystemTool::getFileName
- add FileSystemTool::getFileSize
- Fix FileSystemTool::getFileExtension bug (now it takes the whole path into account)
1.08 -- 2015-10-20
- add FileSystemTool::copyDir
1.07 -- 2015-10-17
- add FileSystemTool::mkdirDone
1.06 -- 2015-10-14
- add StringTool::camelCase2Constant
1.05 -- 2015-10-12
- add FileSystemTool::remove
- add FileSystemTool::clearDir
1.04 -- 2015-10-09
- add FileSystemTool::getFileExtension
1.03 -- 2015-10-09
- add LocalHostTool::isWindows
- add LocalHostTool::isMac
- add LocalHostTool::isUnix
1.01 -- 2015-10-08
- add FileSystemTool::touchDone
1.00 -- 2015-10-07
- add FileSystemTool::mkdir