2015-11-03 -> 2021-03-08
Utility to scan a directory recursively and do something on every entry.
DirScanner is part of the universe framework.
Using the planet installer via light-cli
lt install Ling.DirScanner
Using the uni tool
uni import Ling/DirScanner
- DirScanner api (generated with DocTools)
- How to use
- More examples
- History Log
You can install DirScanner as a planet.
You can use the DirScanner directly, or there is also the YorgDirScannerTool that might be easier to use for the simplest cases.
use Ling\DirScanner\DirScanner;
require_once "bigbang.php";
$dir = '/path/to/dir';
$scanner = DirScanner::create();
$scanner->setFollowLinks(false); // default is false
if ('cli' === PHP_SAPI) {
// console version
$scanner->scanDir($dir, function ($path, $rPath, $level) {
echo "path=$path; rPath=$rPath; level=$level";
echo PHP_EOL;
else {
// html version
echo '<table>';
echo '<tr><th>path</th><th>relative path</th><th>level</th></tr>';
$scanner->scanDir($dir, function ($path, $rPath, $level) {
echo '<tr><td>' . $path . '</td><td>' . $rPath . '</td><td>' . $level . '</td></tr>';
echo '</table>';
void f (str:path, str:relativePath, int:level, bool:&skipDir)
- path: full path to the entry being scanned
- relativePath: relative path starting from the root directory
- level: deepness starting at 0 for the first level
- skipDir: bool=false. Set this to true to skip the directory and its content (recursively)
use Ling\Bat\FileSystemTool;
use Ling\DirScanner\DirScanner;
require_once "bigbang.php";
// get all mp4 files in the service dir
$dir = "service";
a(DirScanner::create()->scanDir($dir, function($path, $rPath, $level){
if('mp4' === strtolower(FileSystemTool::getFileExtension($rPath))){
return $rPath; // return as relative path for readability, or return the path if you prefer absolute path
use Ling\DirScanner\YorgDirScannerTool;
require_once "bigbang.php"; // start the local universe
$dirs = YorgDirScannerTool::getDirs("/path/to/dir");
1.13.6 -- 2021-05-31
- Removing trailing plus in lpi-deps file (to work with Light_PlanetInstaller:2.0.0 api
1.13.5 -- 2021-03-08
- fix YorgDirScannerTool::getFilesWithExtension incorrectly finding file if its name matches the extension
1.13.4 -- 2021-03-05
- update README.md, add install alternative
1.13.3 -- 2021-01-07
- update YorgDirScannerTool::getFilesIgnore, add collectSymlinks argument
1.13.2 -- 2020-12-08
- Fix lpi-deps not using natsort.
1.13.1 -- 2020-12-04
- Add lpi-deps.byml file
1.13.0 -- 2020-08-18
- add YorgDirScannerTool::getFilesWithName method
1.12.0 -- 2019-10-04
- add YorgDirScannerTool::getFilesWithoutExtension method
1.11.2 -- 2019-07-18
- update docTools documentation, add links to source code for classes and methods
1.11.1 -- 2019-03-26
- fix YorgDirScannerTool add implementation of 1.11.0 (forgot to implement the thing, duh)
1.11.0 -- 2019-03-26
- update YorgDirScannerTool now ignoreHidden can differentiate between ignoring directories or files
1.10.0 -- 2019-03-21
- add YorgDirScannerTool::getFilesIgnoreMore method
1.9.0 -- 2019-03-20
- add YorgDirScannerTool::getFilesIgnore method
1.8.0 -- 2019-03-18
- update DirScanner, now can filter dirs early
1.7.0 -- 2018-06-15
- add YorgDirScannerTool.getFilesWithPrefix method
1.6.0 -- 2018-06-11
- add keyName, keyPath and keyChildren options to NestedFileTreeHelper::getNestedFileTree method
1.5.0 -- 2018-06-11
- add NestedFileTreeHelper class
1.4.1 -- 2017-12-11
- update YorgDirScannerTool.getFilesWithExtension, extension matching system now accepts "long" extensions like "tpl.php"
1.4.0 -- 2017-04-18
- add YorgDirScannerTool.getEntries method
1.3.0 -- 2016-02-01
- add YorgDirScannerTool.getFilesWithExtension method
1.2.0 -- 2016-01-24
- add YorgDirScannerTool.getDirs
1.1.0 -- 2016-01-09
- add YorgDirScannerTool
- add signature to scanDir method
1.0.0 -- 2015-11-03
- initial commit