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- Configurations inherited from Kafka clients
- Cruise Control Configurations
Configurations of pluggable classes
- CruiseControlMetricsReporterSampler configurations
- PrometheusMetricSampler configurations
- KafkaSampleStore configurations
- MaintenanceEventTopicReader configurations
- BrokerCapacityConfigurationFileResolver configurations
- SelfHealingNotifier configurations
- CruiseControlMetricsReporter configurations
- PercentileMetricAnomalyFinder configurations
- SlowBrokerFinder configurations
- Resolving environment variables as config values
The following configurations are inherited from the open source Kafka client configurations. They will be used by all the clients in Cruise Control to communicate with the Kafka cluster.
Name | Type | Required? | Default Value | Descriptions |
bootstrap.servers | String | Y | The bootstrap.servers of the Kafka cluster that Cruise Control should be managing. This configuration is also used by the SampleStore and CruiseControlMetricsReporterSampler if they are used. |
metadata.max.age.ms | Long | N | 300,000 | The maximum time to cache the metadata of the Kafka cluster before it has to be refreshed. This configuration is used by all the clients communicating with the Kafka cluster. |
client.id | String | N | kafka-cruise-control | The client id to be used when communicate to brokers for metadata refresh. |
send.buffer.bytes | Integer | N | 131072 | The socket send buffer size. This configuration is used by all the clients communicating with the Kafka cluster. |
receive.buffer.bytes | Integer | N | 32768 | The socket receive buffer size. This configuration is used by all the clients communicating with the Kafka cluster. |
reconnect.backoff.ms | Integer | N | 50 | The amount of time to wait before attempting to reconnect to a given host. This avoids repeatedly connecting to a host in a tight loop. This backoff applies to all requests sent by the client. This configuration is used by all the clients communicating with the Kafka cluster. |
connections.max.idle.ms | Integer | N | 540,000 | Close idle connections after the number of milliseconds specified by this config. This configuration is used by all the clients communicating with the Kafka cluster. |
request.timeout.ms | Integer | N | 30,000 | The configuration controls the maximum amount of time the client will wait for the response of a request. If the response is not received before the timeout elapses the client will resend the request if necessary or fail the request if retries are exhausted. This configuration is used by all the clients communicating with the Kafka cluster. |
security.protocol | String | N | PLAINTEXT | Security protocol used to communicate with brokers. |
ssl.protocol | String | N | TLS | The SSL protocol used to generate the SSLContext. Default setting is TLS, which is fine for most cases. Allowed values in recent JVMs are TLS, TLSv1.1 and TLSv1.2. SSL, SSLv2 and SSLv3 may be supported in older JVMs, but their usage is discouraged due to known security vulnerabilities. |
ssl.provider | String | N | The name of the security provider used for SSL connections. Default value is the default security provider of the JVM. | |
ssl.cipher.suites | String | N | A list of cipher suites. This is a named combination of authentication, encryption, MAC and key exchange algorithm used to negotiate the security settings for a network connection using TLS or SSL network protocol. By default all the available cipher suites are supported. | |
ssl.enabled.protocols | String | N | TLSv1.2,TLSv1.1,TLSv1 | The list of protocols enabled for SSL connections. |
ssl.keystore.type | String | N | JKS | The file format of the key store file. This is optional for client. |
ssl.keystore.location | String | N | The location of the key store file. This is optional for client and can be used for two-way authentication for client. | |
ssl.keystore.password | String | N | The store password for the key store file. This is optional for client and only needed if ssl.keystore.location is configured. | |
ssl.key.password | String | N | The password of the private key in the key store file. This is optional for client. | |
ssl.truststore.type | String | N | JKS | The location of the key store file. This is optional for client and can be used for two-way authentication for client. |
ssl.keystore.password | String | N | The store password for the key store file. ",+ "This is optional for client and only needed if ssl.keystore.location is configured. | |
ssl.key.password | String | N | The password of the private key in the key store file. ",+ "This is optional for client. | |
ssl.truststore.type | String | N | JKS | The file format of the trust store file. |
ssl.truststore.location | String | N | The location of the trust store file. | |
ssl.truststore.password | String | N | The password for the trust store file. | |
ssl.keymanager.algorithm | String | N | SunX509 | The algorithm used by key manager factory for SSL connections. Default value is the key manager factory algorithm configured for the Java Virtual Machine. |
ssl.trustmanager.algorithm | String | N | SunX509 | The algorithm used by trust manager factory for SSL connections. Default value is the trust manager factory algorithm configured for the Java Virtual Machine. |
ssl.endpoint.identification.algorithm | String | N | The endpoint identification algorithm to validate server hostname using server certificate. | |
ssl.secure.random.implementation | String | N | The SecureRandom PRNG implementation to use for SSL cryptography operations. | |
zookeeper.security.enabled | Boolean | N | false | Specify if zookeeper is secured, true or false |
network.client.provider.class | Class | N | com.linkedin.kafka.cruisecontrol.common.KafkaNetworkClientProvider | The network client provider class to generate a network client with given properties. |
Name | Type | Required? | Default Value | Descriptions |
num.metric.fetchers | Integer | N | 1 | The number of metric fetchers to fetch from the Kafka cluster. |
metric.sampler.class | Class | N | com.linkedin.kafka.cruisecontrol.monitor.sampling.CruiseControlMetricsReporterSampler | The class name of the metric sampler |
sampling.allow.cpu.capacity.estimation | Boolean | N | true | The flag to indicate whether sampling process allows CPU capacity estimation of brokers used for CPU utilization estimation. |
metric.sampler.partition.assignor.class | Class | N | com.linkedin.kafka.cruisecontrol.monitor.sampling.DefaultMetricSamplerPartitionAssignor | The class used to assign the partitions to the metric samplers. |
metric.sampling.interval.ms | Integer | N | 60,000 | The interval of metric sampling. |
partition.metrics.window.ms | Integer | Y | 3,600,000 | The size of the window in milliseconds to aggregate the Kafka partition metrics. The window must be greater than the metric.sampling.interval.ms. |
num.partition.metrics.windows | Integer | Y | 5 | The maximum number of partition window the load monitor would keep. Each window covers a time window defined by partition.metrics.window.ms. |
skip.loading.samples | Boolean | N | false | Specify if sample loading will be skipped upon startup. |
min.samples.per.partition.metrics.window | Integer | N | 3 | The minimum number of metric samples a valid partition window should have. If a partition does not have enough samples in a partition window, the topic of the partition will be removed from the window due to in sufficient data. |
broker.metrics.window.ms | Integer | Y | 3,600,000 | The size of the window in milliseconds to aggregate the Kafka broker metrics. The window must be greater than the metric.sampling.interval.ms. |
num.broker.metrics.windows | Integer | Y | 5 | The maximum number of broker window the load monitor would keep. Each window covers a time window defined by broker.metrics.window.ms. |
min.samples.per.broker.metrics.window | Integer | N | 3 | The minimum number of metric samples a valid broker window should have. If a broker does not have enough samples in a broker window, this broker will be removed from the window due to in sufficient data. |
broker.capacity.config.resolver.class | Class | N | com.linkedin.kafka.cruisecontrol.config.BrokerCapacityConfigFileResolver | The broker capacity configuration resolver class name. The broker capacity configuration resolver is responsible for getting the broker capacity. The default implementation is a file based solution. |
monitor.state.update.interval.ms | Long | N | 30,000 | The load monitor interval to refresh the monitor state. |
metadata.factor.exponent | Double | N | 1.0 | The exponent for the metadata factor, which corresponds to (number of replicas) * (number of brokers with replicas) ^ exponent. |
min.valid.partition.ratio | Double | N | 0.995 | The minimum percentage of the total partitions required to be monitored in order to generate a valid load model. Because the topic and partitions in a Kafka cluster are dynamically changing. The load monitor will exclude some of the topics that does not have sufficient metric samples. This configuration defines the minimum required percentage of the partitions that must be included in the load model. |
leader.network.inbound.weight.for.cpu.util | Double | N | 0.6 | Kafka Cruise Control uses the following model to derive replica level CPU utilization: REPLICA_CPU_UTIL = a * LEADER_BYTES_IN_RATE + b * LEADER_BYTES_OUT_RATE + c * FOLLOWER_BYTES_IN_RATE. This configuration will be used as the weight for LEADER_BYTES_IN_RATE. |
leader.network.outbound.weight.for.cpu.util | Double | N | 0.1 | Kafka Cruise Control uses the following model to derive replica level CPU utilization: REPLICA_CPU_UTIL = a * LEADER_BYTES_IN_RATE + b * LEADER_BYTES_OUT_RATE + c * FOLLOWER_BYTES_IN_RATE. This configuration will be used as the weight for LEADER_BYTES_OUT_RATE. |
follower.network.inbound.weight.for.cpu.util | Double | N | 0.3 | Kafka Cruise Control uses the following model to derive replica level CPU utilization: REPLICA_CPU_UTIL = a * LEADER_BYTES_IN_RATE + b * LEADER_BYTES_OUT_RATE + c * FOLLOWER_BYTES_IN_RATE. This configuration will be used as the weight for FOLLOWER_BYTES_IN_RATE. |
sample.store.class | Class | N | com.linkedin.kafka.cruisecontrol.monitor.sampling.KafkaSampleStore | The sample store class name. User may configure a sample store that persists the metric samples that have already been aggregated into Kafka Cruise Control. Later on the persisted samples can be reloaded from the sample store to Kafka Cruise Control. |
sample.partition.metrics.store.on.execution.class | Class | N | com.linkedin.kafka.cruisecontrol.monitor.sampling.NoopSampleStore | The sample store during execution class name. User may configure a sample store that persists the partition metric samples collected while there is an ongoing execution. This config is not intended for enhancing the fault tolerance of the system through recovery of the historical load information. |
max.allowed.extrapolations.per.partition | Integer | N | 5 | The maximum allowed number of extrapolations for each partition. A partition will be considered as invalid if the total number extrapolations in all the windows goes above this number. |
max.allowed.extrapolations.per.broker | Integer | N | 5 | The maximum allowed number of extrapolations for each broker. A broker will be considered as invalid if the total number extrapolations in all the windows goes above this number. |
partition.metric.sample.aggregator.completeness.cache.size | Integer | N | 5 | The metric sample aggregator caches the completeness metadata for fast query. The completeness describes the confidence level of the data in the metric sample aggregator. It is primarily measured by the validity of the metrics samples in different windows. This configuration configures The number of completeness cache slots to maintain. |
broker.metric.sample.aggregator.completeness.cache.size | Integer | N | 5 | The metric sample aggregator caches the completeness metadata for fast query. The completeness describes the confidence level of the data in the metric sample aggregator. It is primarily measured by the validity of the metrics samples in different windows. This configuration configures The number of completeness cache slots to maintain. |
Name | Type | Required? | Default Value | Descriptions |
default.goals | List | Y | com.linkedin.kafka.cruisecontrol.analyzer.goals.RackAwareGoal,com.linkedin.kafka.cruisecontrol.analyzer.goals.MinTopicLeadersPerBrokerGoal,com.linkedin.kafka.cruisecontrol.analyzer.goals.ReplicaCapacityGoal,com.linkedin.kafka.cruisecontrol.analyzer.goals.DiskCapacityGoal,com.linkedin.kafka.cruisecontrol.analyzer.goals.NetworkInboundCapacityGoal,com.linkedin.kafka.cruisecontrol.analyzer.goals.NetworkOutboundCapacityGoal,com.linkedin.kafka.cruisecontrol.analyzer.goals.CpuCapacityGoal,com.linkedin.kafka.cruisecontrol.analyzer.goals.ReplicaDistributionGoal,com.linkedin.kafka.cruisecontrol.analyzer.goals.PotentialNwOutGoal,com.linkedin.kafka.cruisecontrol.analyzer.goals.DiskUsageDistributionGoal,com.linkedin.kafka.cruisecontrol.analyzer.goals.NetworkInboundUsageDistributionGoal,com.linkedin.kafka.cruisecontrol.analyzer.goals.NetworkOutboundUsageDistributionGoal,com.linkedin.kafka.cruisecontrol.analyzer.goals.CpuUsageDistributionGoal,com.linkedin.kafka.cruisecontrol.analyzer.goals.TopicReplicaDistributionGoal,com.linkedin.kafka.cruisecontrol.analyzer.goals.LeaderReplicaDistributionGoal,com.linkedin.kafka.cruisecontrol.analyzer.goals.LeaderBytesInDistributionGoal | The list of inter-broker goals that will be used by default if no goal list is provided. This list of goals will also be used for proposal pre-computation. |
goals | List | Y | com.linkedin.kafka.cruisecontrol.analyzer.goals.RackAwareGoal,com.linkedin.kafka.cruisecontrol.analyzer.goals.RackAwareDistributionGoal,com.linkedin.kafka.cruisecontrol.analyzer.goals.MinTopicLeadersPerBrokerGoal,com.linkedin.kafka.cruisecontrol.analyzer.goals.ReplicaCapacityGoal,com.linkedin.kafka.cruisecontrol.analyzer.goals.DiskCapacityGoal,com.linkedin.kafka.cruisecontrol.analyzer.goals.NetworkInboundCapacityGoal,com.linkedin.kafka.cruisecontrol.analyzer.goals.NetworkOutboundCapacityGoal,com.linkedin.kafka.cruisecontrol.analyzer.goals.CpuCapacityGoal,com.linkedin.kafka.cruisecontrol.analyzer.goals.ReplicaDistributionGoal,com.linkedin.kafka.cruisecontrol.analyzer.goals.PotentialNwOutGoal,com.linkedin.kafka.cruisecontrol.analyzer.goals.DiskUsageDistributionGoal,com.linkedin.kafka.cruisecontrol.analyzer.goals.NetworkInboundUsageDistributionGoal,com.linkedin.kafka.cruisecontrol.analyzer.goals.NetworkOutboundUsageDistributionGoal,com.linkedin.kafka.cruisecontrol.analyzer.goals.CpuUsageDistributionGoal,com.linkedin.kafka.cruisecontrol.analyzer.goals.TopicReplicaDistributionGoal,com.linkedin.kafka.cruisecontrol.analyzer.goals.LeaderReplicaDistributionGoal,com.linkedin.kafka.cruisecontrol.analyzer.goals.LeaderBytesInDistributionGoal,com.linkedin.kafka.cruisecontrol.analyzer.kafkaassigner.KafkaAssignerDiskUsageDistributionGoal,com.linkedin.kafka.cruisecontrol.analyzer.kafkaassigner.KafkaAssignerEvenRackAwareGoal,com.linkedin.kafka.cruisecontrol.analyzer.goals.PreferredLeaderElectionGoal | A set of case insensitive inter-broker goals. Inter-broker goals facilitate in distributing the load across brokers. |
hard.goals | List | N | com.linkedin.kafka.cruisecontrol.analyzer.goals.RackAwareGoal,com.linkedin.kafka.cruisecontrol.analyzer.goals.MinTopicLeadersPerBrokerGoal,com.linkedin.kafka.cruisecontrol.analyzer.goals.ReplicaCapacityGoal,com.linkedin.kafka.cruisecontrol.analyzer.goals.DiskCapacityGoal,com.linkedin.kafka.cruisecontrol.analyzer.goals.NetworkInboundCapacityGoal,com.linkedin.kafka.cruisecontrol.analyzer.goals.NetworkOutboundCapacityGoal,com.linkedin.kafka.cruisecontrol.analyzer.goals.CpuCapacityGoal | A list of case insensitive, inter-broker hard goals. Hard goals will be enforced to execute if Cruise Control runs in non-kafka-assigner mode and skip_hard_goal_check parameter is not set in request. |
cpu.balance.threshold | Double | N | 1.1 | The maximum allowed extent of unbalance for CPU utilization. For example, 1.10 means the highest CPU usage of a broker should not be above 1.10x of average CPU utilization of all the brokers. |
disk.balance.threshold | Double | N | 1.1 | The maximum allowed extent of unbalance for disk utilization. For example, 1.10 means the highest disk usage of a broker should not be above 1.10x of average disk utilization of all the brokers. |
network.inbound.balance.threshold | Double | N | 1.1 | The maximum allowed extent of unbalance for network inbound usage. For example, 1.10 means the highest network inbound usage of a broker should not be above 1.10x of average network inbound usage of all the brokers. |
network.outbound.balance.threshold | Double | N | 1.1 | The maximum allowed extent of unbalance for network outbound usage. For example, 1.10 means the highest network inbound usage of a broker should not be above 1.10x of average network inbound usage of all the brokers. |
replica.count.balance.threshold | Double | N | 1.1 | The maximum allowed extent of unbalance for replica distribution. For example, 1.10 means the highest replica count of a broker should not be above 1.10x of average replica count of all brokers. |
disk.capacity.threshold | Double | N | 0.8 | The maximum percentage of the total broker.disk.capacity that is allowed to be used on a broker. The analyzer will enforce a hard goal that the disk usage of a broker cannot be higher than (broker.disk.capacity * disk.capacity.threshold). |
cpu.capacity.threshold | Double | N | 0.7 | The maximum percentage of the total broker.cpu.capacity that is allowed to be used on a broker. The analyzer will enforce a hard goal that the CPU utilization of a broker cannot be higher than (broker.cpu.capacity * cpu.capacity.threshold). |
network.inbound.capacity.threshold | Double | N | 0.8 | The maximum percentage of the total broker.network.inbound.capacity that is allowed to be used on a broker. The analyzer will enforce a hard goal that the disk usage of a broker cannot be higher than (broker.network.inbound.capacity * network.inbound.capacity.threshold). |
network.outbound.capacity.threshold | Double | N | 0.8 | The maximum percentage of the total broker.network.outbound.capacity that is allowed to be used on a broker. The analyzer will enforce a hard goal that the disk usage of a broker cannot be higher than (broker.network.outbound.capacity * network.outbound.capacity.threshold). |
cpu.low.utilization.threshold | Double | N | 0.0 | The threshold to define the utilization of CPU is low enough that rebalance is not worthwhile. The cluster will only be in a low utilization state when all the brokers are below the low utilization threshold. Such a cluster is overprovisioned in terms of its CPU utilization. The threshold is in percentage. |
disk.low.utilization.threshold | Double | N | 0.0 | The threshold to define the utilization of disk is low enough that rebalance is not worthwhile. The cluster will only be in a low utilization state when all the brokers are below the low utilization threshold. Such a cluster is overprovisioned in terms of its disk utilization. The threshold is in percentage. |
network.inbound.low.utilization.threshold | Double | N | 0.0 | The threshold to define the utilization of network inbound rate is low enough that rebalance is not worthwhile. The cluster will only be in a low utilization state when all the brokers are below the low utilization threshold. Such a cluster is overprovisioned in terms of its network inbound rate. The threshold is in percentage. |
network.outbound.low.utilization.threshold | Double | N | 0.0 | The threshold to define the utilization of network outbound rate is low enough that rebalance is not worthwhile. The cluster will only be in a low utilization state when all the brokers are below the low utilization threshold. Such a cluster is overprovisioned in terms of its network outbound rate. The threshold is in percentage. |
proposal.expiration.ms | Integer | N | 900,000 | Kafka cruise control will cache one of the best proposal among all the optimization proposal candidates it recently computed. This configuration defines when will the cached proposal be invalidated and needs a recomputation. If proposal.expiration.ms is set to 0, cruise control will continuously compute the proposal candidates. |
max.replicas.per.broker | Integer | N | 10,000 | The maximum number of replicas allowed to reside on a broker. The analyzer will enforce a hard goal that the number of replica on a broker cannot be higher than this config. |
num.proposal.precompute.threads | Integer | N | 1 | The number of thread used to precompute the optimization proposal candidates. The more threads are used, the more memory and CPU resource will be used. |
leader.replica.count.balance.threshold | Double | N | 1.1 | The maximum allowed extent of unbalance for leader replica distribution. For example, 1.10 means the highest leader replica count of a broker should not be above 1.10x of average leader replica count of all alive brokers. |
topic.replica.count.balance.threshold | Double | N | 3.0 | The maximum allowed extent of unbalance for replica distribution from each topic. For example, 1.80 means the highest topic replica count of a broker should not be above 1.80x of average replica count of all brokers for the same topic. |
topic.replica.count.balance.min.gap | Integer | N | 2 | The minimum allowed gap between a balance limit and the average replica count for each topic. A balance limit is set via topic.replica.count.balance.threshold config. If the difference between the computed limit and the average replica count for the relevant topic is smaller than the value specified by this config, the limit is adjusted accordingly. |
topic.replica.count.balance.max.gap | Integer | N | 40 | The maximum allowed gap between a balance limit and the average replica count for each topic. A balance limit is set via topic.replica.count.balance.threshold config. If the difference between the computed limit and the average replica count for the relevant topic is greater than the value specified by this config, the limit is adjusted accordingly. |
default.replica.movement.strategies | List | N | [com.linkedin.kafka.cruisecontrol.executor.strategy.BaseReplicaMovementStrategy] | The list of replica movement strategies that will be used by default if no replica movement strategy list is provided. |
goal.balancedness.priority.weight | Double | N | 1.1 | The impact of having one level higher goal priority on the relative balancedness score. For example, 1.1 means that a goal with higher priority will have the 1.1x balancedness weight of the lower priority goal (assuming the same goal.balancedness.strictness.weight values for both goals). |
goal.balancedness.strictness.weight | Double | N | 1.5 | The impact of strictness (i.e. hard or soft goal) on the relative balancedness score. For example, 1.5 means that a hard goal will have the 1.5x balancedness weight of a soft goal (assuming goal.balancedness.priority.weight is 1). |
topics.with.min.leaders.per.broker | String | N | "" | The topics that should have a minimum number of leaders on brokers that are not excluded for replica move. It is a regex. |
min.topic.leaders.per.broker | Integer | N | 1 | The minimum required number of leaders per broker for topics that must have leader on brokers that are not excluded for replica move. |
goal.violation.distribution.threshold.multiplier | Double | N | 1.0 | The multiplier applied to the threshold of distribution goals used for detecting and fixing anomalies. For example, 2.50 means the threshold for each distribution goal (i.e. Replica Distribution, Leader Replica Distribution, Resource Distribution, and Topic Replica Distribution Goals) will be 2.50x of the value used in manual goal optimization requests (e.g. rebalance). |
overprovisioned.min.extra.racks | Integer | N | 2 | The minimum number of extra racks to consider a cluster as overprovisioned such that the cluster has at least the configured number of extra alive racks in addition to the number of racks needed to place replica of each partition to a separate rack -- e.g. a cluster with 7 racks is overprovisioned in terms of its number of racks if the maximum replication factor is 4 and this config is 3. |
overprovisioned.min.brokers | Integer | N | 3 | The minimum number of alive brokers for the cluster to be eligible in overprovisioned consideration -- i.e. the cluster has at least the configured number of alive brokers |
overprovisioned.max.replicas.per.broker | Long | N | 1500 | The maximum number of replicas that should reside on each broker to consider a cluster as overprovisioned after balancing its replica distribution. |
optimization.options.generator.class | Class | N | com.linkedin.kafka.cruisecontrol.analyzer.DefaultOptimizationOptionsGenerator | The class implementing OptimizationOptionsGenerator interface and is used to generate optimization options for proposal calculations. |
intra.broker.goals | List | N | com.linkedin.kafka.cruisecontrol.analyzer.goals.IntraBrokerDiskCapacityGoal,com.linkedin.kafka.cruisecontrol.analyzer.goals.IntraBrokerDiskUsageDistributionGoal | A list of case insensitive intra-broker goals in the order of priority. The high priority goals will be executed first. The intra-broker goals are only relevant if intra-broker operation is supported (i.e. in Cruise Control versions above 2.*), otherwise this list should be empty. |
allow.capacity.estimation.on.proposal.precompute | Boolean | N | true | The flag to indicate whether to allow capacity estimation on proposal precomputation. |
Name | Type | Required? | Default Value | Descriptions |
zookeeper.connect | String | Y | The zookeeper path used by the Kafka cluster (see https://kafka.apache.org/documentation/#zookeeper.connect). | |
num.concurrent.partition.movements.per.broker | Integer | N | 5 | The maximum number of partitions the executor will move to or out of a broker at the same time. e.g. setting the value to 10 means that the executor will at most allow 10 partitions move out of a broker and 10 partitions move into a broker at any given point. This is to avoid overwhelming the cluster by partition movements. |
max.num.cluster.movements | Integer | N | 1250 | The maximum number of allowed movements (e.g. partition, leadership) in cluster. This global limit cannot be exceeded regardless of the per-broker replica movement concurrency. When determining this limit, ensure that the (number-of-allowed-movements * maximum-size-of-each-request) is smaller than the default zNode size limit. |
num.concurrent.intra.broker.partition.movements | Integer | N | 2 | The maximum number of partitions the executor will move across disks within a broker at the same time. e.g. setting the value to 10 means that the executor will at most allow 10 partitions to move across disks within a broker at any given point. This is to avoid overwhelming the cluster by intra-broker partition movements. |
num.concurrent.leader.movements | Integer | N | 1000 | The maximum number of leader movements the executor will take as one batch. This is mainly because the ZNode has a 1 MB size upper limit. And it will also reduce the controller burden. |
execution.progress.check.interval.ms | Integer | N | 10,000 | The interval in milliseconds that the " +,"executor will check on the execution progress. |
metric.anomaly.analyzer.metrics | String | N | "" | The metric ids that the metric anomaly detector should detect if they are violated. |
topics.excluded.from.partition.movement | String | N | "" | The topics that should be excluded from the partition movement. It is a regex. Notice that this regex will be ignored when decommission a broker is invoked. |
default.replication.throttle | Long | N | null | The replication throttle applied to replicas being moved, in bytes per second. |
replica.movement.strategies | List | N | [com.linkedin.kafka.cruisecontrol.executor.strategy.PostponeUrpReplicaMovementStrategy, com.linkedin.kafka.cruisecontrol.executor.strategy.PrioritizeLargeReplicaMovementStrategy, com.linkedin.kafka.cruisecontrol.executor.strategy.PrioritizeSmallReplicaMovementStrategy, com.linkedin.kafka.cruisecontrol.executor.strategy.BaseReplicaMovementStrategy] | A list of supported strategies used to determine execution order for generated partition movement tasks. |
default.replica.movement.strategies | List | N | [com.linkedin.kafka.cruisecontrol.executor.strategy.BaseReplicaMovementStrategy] | The list of replica movement strategies that will be used by default if no replica movement strategy list is provided. |
executor.notifier.class | Class | N | class com.linkedin.kafka.cruisecontrol.executor.ExecutorNoopNotifier | The executor notifier class to trigger an alert when an execution finishes or is stopped (by a user or by Cruise Control). |
demotion.history.retention.time.ms | Long | N | 1209600000 | The maximum time in milliseconds to retain the demotion history of brokers. |
removal.history.retention.time.ms | Long | N | 1209600000 | The maximum time in milliseconds to retain the removal history of brokers. |
logdir.response.timeout.ms | Long | N | 10000 | Timeout in ms for broker logdir to respond |
admin.client.request.timeout.ms | Integer | N | 180000 | The maximum time to wait for the response of an AdminClient request to Kafka server. If the response is not received before this timeout elapses the admin client will fail the request. |
leader.movement.timeout.ms | Long | N | 180000 | The maximum time to wait for a leader movement to finish. A leader movement will be marked as failed if it takes longer than this time to finish. |
task.execution.alerting.threshold.ms | Long | N | 90000 | Threshold of execution time to alert a replica/leader movement task. If the task's execution time exceeds this threshold and the data movement rate is lower than the threshold set for inter-broker/intra-broker replica, alert will be sent out by notifier set via executor.notifier.class. |
inter.broker.replica.movement.rate.alerting.threshold | Double | N | 0.1 | Threshold of data movement rate(in MB/s) for inter-broker replica movement task. If the task's data movement rate is lower than this and the task's execution time exceeds the threshold set via task.execution.alerting.threshold.ms, alert will be sent out by notifier set via executor.notifier.class. |
intra.broker.replica.movement.rate.alerting.threshold | Double | N | 0.2 | Threshold of data movement rate(in MB/s) for intra-broker replica movement task. If the task's data movement rate is lower than this and the task's execution time exceeds the threshold set via task.execution.alerting.threshold.ms, alert will be sent out by notifier set via executor.notifier.class. |
concurrency.adjuster.interval.ms | Long | N | 360000 | The interval of concurrency auto adjustment. |
concurrency.adjuster.max.partition.movements.per.broker | Integer | N | 12 | The maximum number of partitions the concurrency auto adjustment will allow the executor to move in or out of a broker at the same time. It enforces a cap on the maximum concurrent inter-broker partition movements to avoid overwhelming the cluster. It must be greater than num.concurrent.partition.movements.per.broker and not more than max.num.cluster.movements. |
concurrency.adjuster.max.leadership.movements | Integer | N | 1100 | The maximum number of leadership movements the concurrency auto adjustment will allow the executor to perform in one batch to avoid overwhelming the cluster. It cannot be (1) smaller than num.concurrent.leader.movements and (2) greater than max.num.cluster.movements. |
concurrency.adjuster.min.partition.movements.per.broker | Integer | N | 1 | The minimum number of partitions the concurrency auto adjustment will allow the executor to move in or out of a broker at the same time. It enforces a cap on the minimum concurrent inter-broker partition movements to avoid an unacceptable execution pace. It cannot be greater than num.concurrent.partition.movements.per.broker. |
concurrency.adjuster.min.leadership.movements | Integer | N | 100 | The minimum number of leadership movements the concurrency auto adjustment will allow the executor to perform in one batch to avoid an unacceptable execution pace. It cannot be greater than num.concurrent.leader.movements. |
concurrency.adjuster.enabled | Boolean | N | false | The flag to indicate whether the concurrency of all supported movements will be auto-adjusted based on dynamically changing broker metrics. It enables concurrency adjuster for all supported concurrency types, regardless of whether the particular concurrency type is disabled. |
concurrency.adjuster.inter.broker.replica.enabled | Boolean | N | false | Enable concurrency adjuster for inter-broker replica reassignments. |
concurrency.adjuster.leadership.enabled | Boolean | N | false | Enable concurrency adjuster for leadership reassignments. |
concurrency.adjuster.limit.log.flush.time.ms | Double | N | 2000.0 | The limit on the 99.9th percentile broker metric value of log flush time. If any broker exceeds this limit during an ongoing reassignment, the relevant concurrency adjuster (if enabled) attempts to decrease the number of allowed concurrent movements. |
concurrency.adjuster.limit.follower.fetch.local.time.ms | Double | N | 500.0 | The limit on the 99.9th percentile broker metric value of follower fetch local time. If any broker exceeds this limit during an ongoing reassignment, the relevant concurrency adjuster (if enabled) attempts to decrease the number of allowed concurrent movements. |
concurrency.adjuster.limit.produce.local.time.ms | Double | N | 1000.0 | The limit on the 99.9th percentile broker metric value of produce local time. If any broker exceeds this limit during an ongoing reassignment, the relevant concurrency adjuster (if enabled) attempts to decrease the number of allowed concurrent movements. |
concurrency.adjuster.limit.consumer.fetch.local.time.ms | Double | N | 500.0 | The limit on the 99.9th percentile broker metric value of consumer fetch local time. If any broker exceeds this limit during an ongoing reassignment, the relevant concurrency adjuster (if enabled) attempts to decrease the number of allowed concurrent movements. |
concurrency.adjuster.limit.request.queue.size | Double | N | 1000.0 | The limit on the broker metric value of request queue size. If any broker exceeds this limit during an ongoing reassignment, the relevant concurrency adjuster (if enabled) attempts to decrease the number of allowed concurrent movements. |
concurrency.adjuster.additive.increase.inter.broker.replica | Integer | N | 1 | The fixed number by which the concurrency cap on inter-broker replica movements will be increased by the concurrency adjuster (if enabled) when all considered metrics are within the concurrency adjuster limit. |
concurrency.adjuster.additive.increase.leadership | Integer | N | 100 | The fixed number by which the concurrency cap on leadership movements will be increased by the concurrency adjuster (if enabled) when all considered metrics are within the concurrency adjuster limit. |
concurrency.adjuster.multiplicative.decrease.inter.broker.replica | Integer | N | 2 | The fixed number by which the concurrency cap on inter-broker replica movements will be divided by the concurrency adjuster (if enabled) when any considered metric exceeds the concurrency adjuster limit. |
concurrency.adjuster.multiplicative.decrease.leadership | Integer | N | 2 | The fixed number by which the concurrency cap on leadership movements will be divided by the concurrency adjuster (if enabled) when any considered metric exceeds the concurrency adjuster limit. |
min.execution.progress.check.interval.ms | Double | N | 5000 | The minimum execution progress check interval that users can dynamically set the execution progress check interval to. |
slow.task.alerting.backoff.ms | Double | N | 60000 | The minimum interval between slow task alerts. This backoff helps bundling slow tasks to report rather than individually reporting them upon detection. |
concurrency.adjuster.num.min.isr.check | Integer | N | 5 | The number of times that (At/Under)MinISR status of partitions in the cluster will be checked during each concurrency auto adjustment interval. For example, if the concurrency auto adjustment interval is 6 minutes and this config is 5, then (At/Under)MinISR status of partitions in the cluster will be checked once in every 72 seconds. |
concurrency.adjuster.min.isr.check.enabled | Boolean | N | false | Enable concurrency adjustment based on (At/Under)MinISR status of partitions. This check is in addition to the metric-based concurrency adjustment and is relevant only if concurrency adjuster itself is enabled. |
concurrency.adjuster.min.isr.cache.size | Integer | N | 200000 | The concurrency adjuster is enabled based on (At/Under)MinISR status of partitions, it caches the min.insync.replicas of topics for fast query. This configuration configures the maximum number of cache slot to maintain. |
concurrency.adjuster.min.isr.retention.ms | Long | N | 43200000 | The maximum time in ms to cache min.insync.replicas of topics. Relevant only if concurrency adjuster is enabled based on (At/Under)MinISR status of partitions. |
Name | Type | Required? | Default Value | Description |
metric.anomaly.finder.class | List | N | com.linkedin.kafka.cruisecontrol.detector.NoopMetricAnomalyFinder | A list of metric anomaly finder classes to find the current state to identify metric anomalies. |
num.cached.recent.anomaly.states | Integer | N | 10 | The number of recent anomaly states cached for different anomaly types presented via the anomaly substate response of the state endpoint. |
broker.failures.class | Class | N | com.linkedin.kafka.cruisecontrol.detector.BrokerFailures | The name of class that extends broker failures. |
goal.violations.class | Class | N | com.linkedin.kafka.cruisecontrol.detector.GoalViolations | The name of class that extends goal violations. |
disk.failures.class | Class | N | com.linkedin.kafka.cruisecontrol.detector.DiskFailures | The name of class that extends disk failures anomaly. |
metric.anomaly.class | Class | N | com.linkedin.kafka.cruisecontrol.detector.KafkaMetricAnomaly | The name of class that extends metric anomaly. |
self.healing.goals | List | N | [] | The list of goals to be used for self-healing relevant anomalies. If empty, uses the default.goals for self healing. |
anomaly.notifier.class | Class | N | com.linkedin.kafka.cruisecontrol.detector.notifier.NoopNotifier | The notifier class to trigger an alert when an anomaly is violated. |
anomaly.detection.goals | List | N | com.linkedin.kafka.cruisecontrol.analyzer.goals.RackAwareGoal,com.linkedin.kafka.cruisecontrol.analyzer.goals.MinTopicLeadersPerBrokerGoal,com.linkedin.kafka.cruisecontrol.analyzer.goals.ReplicaCapacityGoal,com.linkedin.kafka.cruisecontrol.analyzer.goals.DiskCapacityGoal | The goals that anomaly detector should detect if they are violated. |
self.healing.exclude.recently.demoted.brokers | Boolean | N | false | True if recently demoted brokers are excluded from optimizations during self healing, false otherwise. |
self.healing.exclude.recently.removed.brokers | Boolean | N | true | True if recently removed brokers are excluded from optimizations during self healing, false otherwise. |
failed.brokers.zk.path | String | N | /CruiseControlBrokerList | The zk path to store the failed broker list. This is to persist the broker failure time in case Cruise Control failed and restarted when some brokers are down. |
fixable.failed.broker.count.threshold | Short | N | 10 | The upper boundary of concurrently failed broker count that are taken as fixable. If too many brokers are failing at the same time, it is often due to something more fundamental going wrong and removing replicas off failed brokers cannot alleviate the situation. |
fixable.failed.broker.percentage.threshold | Double | N | 0.4 | The upper boundary of concurrently failed broker percentage that are taken as fixable. If large portion of brokers are failing at the same time, it is often due to something more fundamental going wrong and removing replicas off failed brokers cannot alleviate the situation. |
anomaly.detection.interval.ms | Long | N | 300000 | The interval in millisecond that the detectors will run to detect the anomalies. |
goal.violation.detection.interval.ms | Long | N | value of anomaly.detection.interval.ms | The interval in millisecond that goal violation detector will run to detect goal violations. If this interval time is not specified, goal violation detector will run with interval specified in anomaly.detection.interval.ms. |
metric.anomaly.detection.interval.ms | Long | N | value of anomaly.detection.interval.ms | The interval in millisecond that metric anomaly detector will run to detect metric anomalies. If this interval time is not specified, metric anomaly detector will run with interval specified in anomaly.detection.interval.ms. |
disk.failure.detection.interval.ms | Long | N | value of anomaly.detection.interval.ms | The interval in millisecond that disk failure detector will run to detect disk failures. If this interval time is not specified, disk failure detector will run with interval specified in anomaly.detection.interval.ms. |
broker.failure.detection.backoff.ms | Long | N | 300000 | The backoff time in millisecond before broker failure detector triggers another broker failure detection if currently detected broker failure is not ready to fix. |
anomaly.detection.allow.capacity.estimation | Boolean | N | true | The flag to indicate whether anomaly detection threads allow capacity estimation in the generated cluster model they use. |
topic.anomaly.detection.interval.ms | Long | N | value of anomaly.detection.interval.ms | The interval in millisecond that topic anomaly detector will run to detect topic anomalies. If this interval time is not specified, topic anomaly detector will run with interval specified in anomaly.detection.interval.ms. |
topic.anomaly.finder.class | List | N | com.linkedin.kafka.cruisecontrol.detector.NoopTopicAnomalyFinder | A list of topic anomaly finder classes to find the current state to identify topic anomalies. |
maintenance.event.reader.class | Class | N | com.linkedin.kafka.cruisecontrol.detector.NoopMaintenanceEventReader | A maintenance event reader class to retrieve maintenance events from the user-defined store. |
maintenance.event.class | Class | N | com.linkedin.kafka.cruisecontrol.detector.MaintenanceEvent | The name of class that extends maintenance event. |
maintenance.event.enable.idempotence | Boolean | N | true | The flag to indicate whether maintenance event detector will drop the duplicate maintenance events detected within the configured retention period. |
maintenance.event.idempotence.retention.ms | Long | N | 180000 | The maximum time in ms to store events retrieved from the MaintenanceEventReader. Relevant only if idempotency is enabled (see maintenance.event.enable.idempotence). |
maintenance.event.max.idempotence.cache.size | Integer | N | 25 | The maximum number of maintenance events cached by the MaintenanceEventDetector within the past maintenance.event.idempotence.retention.ms ms. Relevant only if idempotency is enabled (see maintenance.event.enable.idempotence). |
maintenance.event.stop.ongoing.execution | Boolean | N | true | The flag to indicate whether a maintenance event will gracefully stop the ongoing execution (if any) and wait until the execution stops before starting a fix for the anomaly. |
provisioner.class | Class | N | com.linkedin.kafka.cruisecontrol.detector.NoopProvisioner | A provisioner class for adding / removing resources to / from the cluster. Different platforms (e.g. Azure ) should implement their own custom provisioners. |
Name | Type | Required? | Default Value | Description |
completed.user.task.retention.time.ms | Integer | Y | The maximum time in milliseconds to store the response and access details of a completed user task. | |
max.cached.completed.user.tasks | Integer | N | 100 | The maximum number of completed user tasks for which the response and access details will be cached. |
max.active.user.tasks | Integer | N | 5 | The maximum number of user tasks for concurrently running in async endpoints across all users. |
completed.kafka.monitor.user.task.retention.time.ms | Long | N | null | The maximum time in milliseconds to store the response and access details of a completed kafka monitoring user task. If this config is missing, the value set in config completed.user.task.retention.time.ms will be used. |
completed.cruise.control.monitor.user.task.retention.time.ms | Long | N | null | The maximum time in milliseconds to store the response and access details of a completed cruise control monitoring user task. If this config is missing, the value set in config completed.user.task.retention.time.ms will be used. |
completed.kafka.admin.user.task.retention.time.ms | Long | N | null | The maximum time in milliseconds to store the response and access details of a completed kafka administration user task. If this config is missing, the value set in config completed.user.task.retention.time.ms will be used. |
completed.cruise.control.admin.user.task.retention.time.ms | Long | N | null | The maximum time in milliseconds to store the response and access details of a completed cruise control administration user task. If this config is missing, the value set in config completed.user.task.retention.time.ms will be used. |
max.cached.completed.kafka.monitor.user.tasks | Integer | N | null | The maximum number of completed kafka monitoring user tasks for which the response and access details will be cached. If this config is missing, the value set in config max.cached.completed.user.tasks will be used. |
max.cached.completed.cruise.control.monitor.user.tasks | Integer | N | null | The maximum number of completed cruise control monitoring user tasks for which the response and access details will be cached. If this config is missing, the value set in config max.cached.completed.user.tasks will be used. |
max.cached.completed.kafka.admin.user.tasks | Integer | N | null | The maximum number of completed kafka administration user tasks for which the response and access details will be cached. If this config is missing, the value set in config max.cached.completed.user.tasks will be used. |
max.cached.completed.cruise.control.admin.user.tasks | Integer | N | null | The maximum number of completed cruise control administration user tasks for which the response and access details will be cached. If this config is missing, the value set in config max.cached.completed.user.tasks will be used. |
Name | Type | Required? | Default Value | Description |
topic.config.provider.class | Class | N | com.linkedin.kafka.cruisecontrol.config.KafkaTopicConfigProvider | The provider class that reports the active configuration of topics. |
webserver.http.port | Int | N | 9090 | Cruise Control Webserver bind port. |
webserver.http.address | String | N | | Cruise Control Webserver bind ip address. |
webserver.http.cors.enabled | Boolean | N | false | CORS enablement flag. true if enabled, false otherwise |
webserver.http.cors.origin | String | N | * | Value for the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header. |
webserver.http.cors.allowmethods | String | N | OPTIONS, GET, POST | Value for the Access-Control-Request-Method header. |
webserver.http.cors.exposeheaders | String | N | User-Task-ID | Value for the Access-Control-Expose-Headers header. |
webserver.api.urlprefix | String | N | /kafkacruisecontrol/* | REST API default url prefix |
webserver.ui.diskpath | String | N | ./cruise-control-ui/dist/ | Location where the Cruise Control frontend is deployed |
webserver.ui.urlprefix | String | N | /* | URL Path where UI is served from |
webserver.request.maxBlockTimeMs | Long | N | 10000 | Time after which request is converted to Async |
webserver.session.maxExpiryTimeMs | Long | N | 60000 | Default Session Expiry Period |
webserver.session.path | String | N | / | Default Session Path (for cookies) |
webserver.accesslog.enabled | Boolean | N | true | true if access log is enabled |
webserver.accesslog.path | String | N | access.log | HTTP Request log path |
webserver.accesslog.retention.days | Integer | N | 7 | HTTP Request log retention days |
two.step.verification.enabled | Boolean | N | false | Enable two-step verification for processing POST requests. |
two.step.purgatory.retention.time.ms | Long | N | 1209600000 | The maximum time in milliseconds to retain the requests in two-step (verification) purgatory. |
two.step.purgatory.max.requests | Integer | N | 25 | The maximum number of requests in two-step (verification) purgatory. |
request.reason.required | Boolean | N | false | Require specifying reason via for non-dryrun rebalance/add_broker/remove_broker/demote_broker/fix_offline_replicas/topic_configuration request. |
We are still trying to improve cruise control. And following are some configurations that are for development and experiment.
Name | Type | Required? | Default Value | Description |
use.linear.regression.model | Boolean | N | false | Whether to use the linear regression model to predict the broker CPU utilization. |
linear.regression.model.cpu.util.bucket.size | Integer | N | 5 | The CPU utilization bucket size for linear regression model training data. The unit is percents. |
linear.regression.model.required.samples.per.bucket | Integer | N | 100 | The number of training samples required in each CPU utilization bucket specified by linear.regression.model.cpu.util.bucket |
linear.regression.model.min.num.cpu.util.buckets | Integer | N | 5 | The minimum number of full CPU utilization buckets required to generate a linear regression model. |
Name | Type | Required? | Default Value | Description |
metric.reporter.sampler.bootstrap.servers | String | N | The same as bootstrap.servers config from Cruise Control |
The Kafka cluster to consume the interested metrics collected by CruiseControlMetricsReporter. |
metric.reporter.topic | String | N | "__CruiseControlMetrics" | The exact topic name from which the sampler should be consuming the interested metrics from. |
metric.reporter.sampler.group.id | String | N | 60,000 | The consumer group id to use for the consumers to consume from the Kafka cluster. |
Name | Type | Required? | Default Value | Description |
prometheus.server.endpoint | String | Y | The HTTP endpoint of the Prometheus server which is to be used as a source for sampling metrics. | |
prometheus.query.resolution.step.ms | Integer | N | 60,000 | The resolution of the Prometheus query made to the server. If this is set to 30 seconds for a 2 minutes query interval, the query returns with 4 values, which are then aggregated into the metric sample. |
prometheus.query.supplier | Class | N | com.linkedin.kafka.cruisecontrol.monitor.sampling.prometheus.DefaultPrometheusQuerySupplier | The class that supplies the Prometheus queries corresponding to Kafka raw metrics. If there are no customizations done when configuring Prometheus node exporter, the default class should work fine. |
Name | Type | Required? | Default Value | Description |
partition.metric.sample.store.topic | String | Y | The topic in which Cruise Control will store its processed metric samples as a backup. When Cruise Control is rebooted, it will load the metrics from this topic to populate the load monitor. | |
broker.metric.sample.store.topic | String | Y | The topic in which Cruise Control will store its broker metric samples as a backup. When Cruise Control is rebooted, it will load the broker metric samples from this topic to train its cluster model. | |
num.sample.loading.threads | Integer | N | 8 | The number of threads to load from the sample store topics |
sample.store.topic.replication.factor | Integer | N | 2 | The config for the replication factor of Kafka sample store topics |
partition.sample.store.topic.partition.count | Integer | N | 32 | The config for the number of partition for Kafka partition sample store topic |
broker.sample.store.topic.partition.count | Integer | N | 32 | The config for the number of partition for Kafka broker sample store topic |
min.partition.sample.store.topic.retention.time.ms | Integer | N | 3600000 | The config for the minimal retention time for Kafka partition sample store topic |
min.broker.sample.store.topic.retention.time.ms | Integer | N | 3600000 | The config for the minimal retention time for Kafka broker sample store topic |
skip.sample.store.topic.rack.awareness.check | Boolean | N | false | The config to skip rack awareness sanity check for sample store topics |
Name | Type | Required? | Default Value | Description |
partition.metric.sample.store.on.execution.topic | String | Y | The topic in which Cruise Control will store its processed partition metric samples during ongoing execution. | |
partition.metric.sample.store.on.execution.topic.replication.factor | Integer | N | 2 | The config for the replication factor of Kafka partition metrics sample store during ongoing execution topics. |
partition.metric.sample.store.on.execution.topic.partition.count | Integer | N | 32 | The config for the number of partition for Kafka partition metrics sample store during ongoing execution topic. |
partition.metric.sample.store.on.execution.topic.retention.time.ms | Integer | N | 3600000 | The config for the retention time for Kafka partition metrics sample store during ongoing execution topic. |
Name | Type | Required? | Default Value | Description |
maintenance.event.topic | String | N | __MaintenanceEvent | The name of the Kafka topic to consume maintenance events from |
maintenance.event.topic.replication.factor | Short | N | min(2, #alive-brokers) | The replication factor of the maintenance event topic |
maintenance.event.topic.partition.count | Integer | N | 8 | The partition count of the maintenance event topic |
maintenance.event.topic.retention.ms | Long | N | 21600000 | The retention of the maintenance event topic |
Name | Type | Required? | Default Value | Description |
capacity.config.file | String | Y | config/capacityJBOD.json | The path to the configuration JSON file that provides the capacity of the brokers. |
Broker capacity resolution is handled by a pluggable component.
The default capacity resolver implementation requires users to manually populate a capacity file with broker capacities.
If users have access to an external resolver for broker capacities, they can also customize their resolver to use this
source for the capacity information. The rest of this section describes how to use one of these options.
Option-1 (default)
: The following steps allow users to set the initial broker capacities or update capacities upon addition of
new brokers out-of-the-box:
- Check
file to verify that thecapacity.config.file
config points to the file you are modifying. By default, this config is set to useconfig/capacityJBOD.json
. If you have- a non-JBOD deployment, where each broker has the same number of cores, you may use
, or - a non-JBOD deployment, where brokers may have varying number of cores, you may use
and modify this file.
- a non-JBOD deployment, where each broker has the same number of cores, you may use
- Ensure that the capacity file picked in
contains either a default capacity for missing broker ids, or explicitly specifies capacities for brokers with specific ids provided by user. - Finally, bounce your Cruise Control instance.
Option-2 (implement your own resolver)
: BrokerCapacityConfigResolver
is a pluggable component. Hence, you can write your own pluggable capacity
resolver to dynamically resolve the broker capacities if you have a source to provide the capacity information.
Using this approach, you may avoid restarting your CC instance upon a (1) capacity change or (2) addition of a broker
with a non-default capacity. See:
- The relevant interface,
- Its default implementation by BrokerCapacityConfigFileResolver, and
- The relevant configuration to set the config resolver to be used.
Name | Type | Required? | Default Value | Description |
broker.failure.alert.threshold.ms | Long | N | 900,000 | Defines the threshold to mark a broker as dead. If a non-empty broker leaves the cluster at time T and did not join the cluster before T + broker.failure.alert.threshold.ms, the broker is defined as dead broker since T. An alert will be triggered in this case. |
broker.failure.self.healing.threshold.ms | Long | N | 1,800,000 | If self-healing is enabled and a broker is dead at T,,self-healing will be triggered at T + broker.failure.self.healing.threshold.ms. |
self.healing.enabled | Boolean | N | false | Whether to enable Enable self healing for all anomaly detectors, unless the particular anomaly detector is explicitly disabled. |
self.healing.broker.failure.enabled | Boolean | N | <self.healing.enabled> | Whether enable self-healing for detected broker failure or not. If disabled, the SelfHealingNotifier will only log the anomaly, but not take a fix action. |
self.healing.goal.violation.enabled | Boolean | N | <self.healing.enabled> | Whether enable self-healing for detected goal violation or not. If disabled, the SelfHealingNotifier will only log the anomaly, but not take a fix action. |
self.healing.metric.anomaly.enabled | Boolean | N | <self.healing.enabled> | Whether enable self-healing for detected metric anomaly or not. If disabled, the SelfHealingNotifier will only log the anomaly, but not take a fix action. |
self.healing.disk.failure.enabled | Boolean | N | <self.healing.enabled> | Whether enable self-healing for detected disk failure or not. If disabled, the SelfHealingNotifier will only log the anomaly, but not take a fix action. |
self.healing.topic.anomaly.enabled | Boolean | N | <self.healing.enabled> | Whether enable self-healing for detected topic anomaly or not. If disabled, the SelfHealingNotifier will only log the anomaly, but not take a fix action. |
self.healing.maintenance.event.enabled | Boolean | N | <self.healing.enabled> | Whether enable self-healing for detected maintenance event or not. If disabled, the SelfHealingNotifier will only log the anomaly, but not take a fix action. |
Name | Type | Required? | Default Value | Description |
cruise.control.metrics.topic | String | N | "__CruiseControlMetrics" | The topic to which CruiseControlMetricsReporter will produce the interested metrics. The metrics can be consumed by com.linkedin.kafka.cruisecontrol.monitor.sampling.CruiseControlMetricsReporterSampler to derive the partition level workload. |
cruise.control.metrics.reporter.bootstrap.servers | String | Y | The Kafka cluster to which CruiseControlMetricsReporter should produce the interested metrics. It is usually just the hosting Kafka cluster where the metrics reporter is running, but users can choose to produce to another cluster if they want to. | |
cruise.control.metrics.reporter.metrics.reporting.interval.ms | Long | N | 60,000 | The interval of collecting and sending the interested metrics. |
cruise.control.metrics.reporter.kubernetes.mode | Boolean | N | false | Whether the CruiseControlMetricsReporter should report metrics using methods that are aware of container boundaries. |
cruise.control.metrics.topic.auto.create | Boolean | N | false | Whether the metrics reporter should enforce the creation of the topic at launch. |
cruise.control.metrics.topic.auto.create.timeout.ms | Long | N | 10000 | Timeout on the Cruise Control metrics topic creation. |
cruise.control.metrics.topic.auto.create.retries | Integer | N | 5 | The number of retries the metrics reporter will attempt for the topic creation. |
cruise.control.metrics.topic.num.partitions | Integer | Y | NA | The number of partitions of Cruise Control metrics topic. |
cruise.control.metrics.topic.replication.factor | Short | Y | NA | The replication factor of Cruise Control metrics topic. |
cruise.control.metrics.topic.retention.ms | Long | N | 18000000 | The retention time in milliseconds for metric messages in the Cruise Control metrics topic. |
cruise.control.metrics.topic.min.insync.replicas | Integer | N | Kafka cluster default | The minimum number of insync replicas for the Cruise Control metrics topic. |
Name | Type | Required? | Default Value | Description |
metric.anomaly.percentile.upper.threshold | Double | N | 95.0 | The upper percentile threshold for the metric anomaly detector to identify an increase in the metric values of a broker as a metric anomaly. The current metric value is compared against the historical value corresponding to given percentile in the metric history after the application of the upper margin. |
metric.anomaly.percentile.lower.threshold | Double | N | 2.0 | The lower percentile threshold for the metric anomaly detector to identify a decrease in the metric values of a broker as a metric anomaly. The current metric value is compared against the historical value corresponding to given percentile in the metric history after the application of the lower margin. |
metric.anomaly.upper.margin | Double | N | 0.5 | The upper margin of metric anomaly sets the minimum ratio that the current metric value should be greater than the historical metric value determined via percentile upper threshold in order for the metric anomaly detector to identify a metric anomaly. For example, if the historical metric value determined based on the percentile upper threshold is 10, the current metric value is 12, and the upper margin is 0.5, then metric anomaly detector will not consider the current metric value as an anomaly because 12 < (10 * (1 + 0.5)). |
metric.anomaly.lower.margin | Double | N | 0.2 | The lower margin of metric anomaly sets the minimum ratio that the current metric value should be smaller than the historical metric value determined via percentile lower threshold in order for the metric anomaly detector to identify a metric anomaly. For example, if the historical metric value determined based on the percentile lower threshold is 5, the current metric value is 2, and the lower margin is 0.2, then metric anomaly detector will not consider the current metric value as an anomaly because 2 > (5 * 0.2). |
Name | Type | Required? | Default Value | Description |
self.healing.slow.broker.removal.enabled | Boolean | N | false | Whether to allow broker removal as self-healing operation for detected slow broker anomaly. |
slow.broker.bytes.in.rate.detection.threshold | Double | N | 1024.0 | The bytes in rate threshold in unit of kilobytes per second to determine whether to include broker in slow broker detection. |
slow.broker.log.flush.time.threshold.ms | Double | N | 1000.0 | The log flush time threshold in unit of millisecond to determine whether to detect a broker as slow broker. |
slow.broker.metric.history.percentile.threshold | Double | N | 90.0 | The percentile threshold used to compare latest metric value against historical value in slow broker detection. |
slow.broker.metric.history.margin | Double | N | 3.0 | The margin used to compare latest metric value against historical value in slow broker detection. |
slow.broker.peer.metric.percentile.threshold | Double | N | 50.0 | The percentile threshold used to compare last metric value against peers' latest value in slow broker detection. |
slow.broker.peer.metric.margin | Double | N | 10.0 | The margin used to compare last metric value against peers' latest value in slow broker detection. |
slow.broker.demotion.score | Integer | N | 5 | The score threshold to trigger a demotion for slow broker. |
slow.broker.decommission.score | Integer | N | 50 | The score threshold to trigger a removal for slow broker. |
slow.broker.self.healing.unfixable.ratio | Double | N | 0.1 | The maximum ratio of slow broker in the cluster to trigger self-healing operation. |
Besides the above configurations, CruiseControlMetricsReporter takes all the configurations for vanilla KafkaProducer with a prefix of "cruise.control.metrics.reporter."
It is often required to resolve an environment variable as a config value. Such case is when a password is set by the environment to avoid putting them into config files.
For instance the following config will resolve the SSL_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD
environment variable and set its value as the actual value of the webserver.ssl.keystore.password
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