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Configure notifications

Zorn Hsu edited this page Nov 5, 2021 · 2 revisions


Desc: The self-healing and anomaly detection is the crown feature of Cruise Control, but often the actions taken by Cruise Control provide less visibility to its operation. Adding a slack notification for all the anomaly detection and self-healing will increase Cruise Control visibility.


-- Excerpt from PR#629 by ananthdurai

Changelog: The SlackSelfHealingNotifier extends SelfHealingNotifier and merely override the alerts method to send the notification to Slack.

Configuration: The following property requires to be configured on

slack.self.healing.notifier.webhook (Required) (Slack webhook URL) Ref: (Required) (Slack channel name to send the alert, (e.g) #alerts-cruise-control slack.self.healing.notifier.user (Optional) User name to display in the slack notification message. (default: Cruise Control) slack.self.healing.notifier.icon (Optional) Icon to display in the slack notification message. (default: information_source ) To enable Slack notification, set anomaly.notifier.class=com.linkedin.kafka.cruisecontrol.detector.notifier.SlackSelfHealingNotifier

MS Teams

Changelog: The MSTeamsSelfHealingNotifier extends SelfHealingNotifier and merely override the alerts method to send the notification to MS Teams.

Configuration: The following property requires to be configured on

msteams.self.healing.notifier.webhook (Required) (MSTeams webhook URL) Ref: To enable MSTeams notification, set anomaly.notifier.class=com.linkedin.kafka.cruisecontrol.detector.notifier.MSTeamsSelfHealingNotifier

-- Excerpt from PR#1510 by jrevillard

Changelog: The AlertaSelfHealingNotifier extends SelfHealingNotifier and merely override the alerts method to send the notification to Alerta.

Configuration: The following property requires to be configured on

alerta.self.healing.notifier.api.url (Required) Alerta API base url (see: alerta.self.healing.notifier.api.key (Required) API key used to authenticate, (see: alerta.self.healing.notifier.environment (Optional) Environment attribute used to namespace the alert resource. (See: (default: Alerta API default value)

To enable Alerta notification, set anomaly.notifier.class=com.linkedin.kafka.cruisecontrol.detector.notifier.AlertaSelfHealingNotifier