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Connecting Databus to an Oracle Database

Jingguo Yao edited this page Sep 24, 2015 · 3 revisions

Connecting Databus to an Oracle Database

High-level Flow


The main purpose for databusification on the Oracle side is to provide a mechanism to get a timeline-consistent stream of changes to selected tables. Some requirements and non-requirements are:

  • The changes should be replayable in the same order as the database has applied them. This ensures that the end image is the same by applying the changes to some point as it is on the database.
  • If multiple changes occur on a row in a certain time period, it is not necessary to get each intermediate change. As long as the last image as of a certain point (SCN in this case) is available, it is good enough.



Each Oracle table has a pseudo-column called ora_rowscn that contains the highest SCN that a row was modified at. By default Oracle maintains it at block-level, but by setting rowdependencies to be on, it can be maintained at row-level.

Setup Artifacts

This section lists the main artifacts that are relevant to the flow. There are other artifacts, as well, which are needed for the overall functioning but are not critical for the high-level understanding.

  • Each source table has a txn column added to it. Say source table foo originally has columns (A,B,C). For databusification a txn column needs to be added to the base table. This column is indexed.
  • A sy$txlog table is created per database. This keeps track of transactional changes to each databusified source in the database. Its main columns are (scn, txn, mask, timestamp).
  • There is a before insert/update trigger on each source that does 2 things:
    • Uses sync_core.getTxn() to get the current transaction ID and inserts it into the Source table txn column.
    • Inserts or Updates a row in sy$txlog with Txn set to new txnid, scn initialized to Infinity (9999999), and a new mask.
  • There is a coalesce job that runs in the background every N secs (currently 2 seconds). It updates the rows in sy$txlog that have scn=Infinity to ora_rowscn.


This is the sequence of steps that occurs from the time a transaction is started to when it is committed, and afterward.

  • Txn T1 is started and makes an update to row R1 in Source S1
  • A before update trigger on S1 causes the following to happen:
    • sync_core.gettxn() is invoked and the obtained txn id (T1) is updated to the txn column of R1
    • a new row R2 is added to sy$txlog with scn=INFINITY, tx =T1, mask set to indicate S1 is updated.
  • Txn T1 commits. At this point ora_rowscn in S1 is updated and ora_rowscn in sy$txlog’s new row R2 is updated to the commit SCN of the txn. SCN column of R2 is still INFINITY.
  • Coalesce job kicks after N seconds. It queries for rows in sy$txlog with SCN==INFINITY and updates SCN=ora_rowscn. Therefore, R2.scn becomes equal to ora_rowscn.


Does ordering by Txn ensure that you will get events in the correct order?

No. Event stream has to be ordered by SCN. Ordering by Txn might lead to an incorrect end state. The reason is that the Txn column is populated at the beginning of a transaction. The SCN column is based on ora_rowscn which is assigned at commit time. The correct ordering of updates is based on commit time.

Why is the scn column needed? Why can’t sy$txlog.ora_rowscn be used directly?

The ora_rowscn column cannot be indexed. Therefore the indexable scn column is needed. The background coalesce job keeps this column updated with the ora_rowscn value.

Why is ora_rowscn (and hence scn) column used on the sy$txlog instead of the source table?

Technically each table (and hence source table also) has an ora_rowscn column. In order for the ora_rowscn to be accurate at row level, rowdependencies has to be set at table level. This is an expensive setting. Therefore, instead of using it on each source table, this setting is used only on the sy$txlog table. By sharing the update of the txn column between the source table and sy$txlog table, it is ensured that the ora_rowscn of the sy$txlog row is updated at the same time as the transaction is committed.

Tables, Views, Sequences

Sequence sy$scn_seq

  • Description: Generates txid numbers for sy$txlog
  • Defined in: database/*/createSchema/schema/cdsddl.sqs

Table sy$sources

  • Description: Maintains a persistent mapping of a databus source to a bit number.
  • Defined in: database/*/createSchema/schema/
  • A maximum of 126 sources are supported because the sources bitmask has to fit in a Number.
Column Description
name the name of the Databus source
bitnum the bit number corresponding to this source in the sy$txlog mask column
  • Constraints
    • sy$sources_pk - PK constraint on name; declared in database/*/createSchema/schema/cdsddl.con
  • Indexes
    • sy$sources_I1 - secondary index on bitnum; declared in database/*/createSchema/schema/cdsddl.ind

Table sy$txlog

  • Description: Log of changes to databus sources. The table is updated by the UPDATE/INSERT trigger of a databus source
  • Defined in: database/*/createSchema/schema/
  • Misc
    • rowdependencies enabled
Column Description
txn transaction id (generated from sy$scn_req)
scn System Change Number; the ora_rowscn of the first change in the transaction
mask a mask with the bits of all source that got updated in the transaction; see also sy$sources
ts the transaction timestamp
  • Constraints
    • sy$txlog_pk - PK constraint on txn; declared in database/*/createSchema/schema/cdsddl.con
  • Indexes
    • sy$txlog_I1 - secondary index on scn; declared in database/*/createSchema/schema/cdsddl.ind

Table sync_core_settings

  • Description: Maintains settings for databus
  • Defined in: database/*/createSchema/schema/
Column Description
RAISE_DBMS_ALERTS if ‘N’, conditional alerts by signal_beep are disabled

Databus source view

  • Description: Defines a view over a table to be exported through databus
  • Defined in: database/*/createSchema/schema/cdsddl.vw
create or replace force view sy$T as

Stored Procedures

Package sync_core

  • Description: Core databus methods
  • Defined in: database/*/createSchema/schema/cdsddl.prc1

Package variables

Variable name Description
lastTxID the DBMS_TRANSACTION.LOCAL_TRANSACTION_ID of the lastest transaction; used in getTxn() to determine transaction boundaries
currentTxn the txn column value in sy$txlog for the last updated/inserted row
currentMask the mask column value in sy$txlog for the last updated/inserted row
source_bits map from a databus source name to a source bitmask

Package methods

Method prototype Description
function getScn(v_scn in number, v_ora_rowscn in number) return number Implements infinity == v_scn ? v_ora_rowscn : v_scn
function getMask(source in varchar) return number Returns the bitmask corresponding to a databus source name.
function getTxn(source in varchar) return number Denotes that source is being updated by a transaction. Updates sy$txlog accordingly. Returns the txn of the transaction.
procedure coalesce_log Updates all records in sy$txlog for which the scn field is not set to the corresponding ora_rowscn value. This is needed because the ora_rowscn is generated at transaction commit time, i.e., after the row in sy$txlog has been added.
procedure signal_beep Raises a sy$alert alert if RAISE_DBMS_ALERTS in sync_core_settings is set to ‘Y’.
unconditional_signal_beep Raises a sy$alert alert.

Package sync_alert

  • Description: Routines for managing alerts from databus sources
  • Defined in: database/*/createSchema/schema/cdsddl.prc

Package variables

Variable name Description
is_registered Boolean flag: whether the sy$alert alert is registered

Package methods

Method prototype Description
function registerSourceWithVersion(source in varchar, version in number) return number Registers a source with a version: after registration, all events occurring on this source will be returned by waitForEvent; returns null if the source does not exist (otherwise returns the source)
procedure unregisterAllSources Unregisters all sources. After this call, no more events are returned by waitForEvent.
function waitForEvent(maxWait in number) return varchar Wait for an event no longer than the specified timeout (in seconds). Returns the message that was associated with the event.



  • Description: Runs sync_core.coalesce_log every 2 seconds.
  • Defined in: database/*/createSchema/schema/cdsddl.prc


  • Description: Runs sync_core.unconditional_signal_beep every second.
  • Defined in: database/*/createSchema/schema/cdsddl.prc


Databus source on-insert/on-update

T is the name of the databus source.

  before insert or update on T
  referencing old as old new as new
  for each row
  if (updating and :new.txn < 0) then
    :new.txn := -:new.txn;
    :new.txn := sync_core.getTxn('T');
  end if;

Pull Queries

Regular query

  • Configuration settings: chunkedScnThreshold == -1, useRowChunking = N/A
  • Query parameters
    • sinceScn - the last SCN read from the relay/client
SELECT /*+ first_rows LEADING(tx) */ sync_core.getScn(tx.scn, tx.ora_rowscn) scn, tx.ts event_timestamp, src.*
FROM sy$<SOURCE_VIEW_NAME> src, sy$txlog tx
WHERE src.txn=tx.txn AND tx.scn > :sinceScn AND tx.ora_rowscn > :sinceScn

Row chunking query

  • Configuration settings: chunkedScnThreshold > 0, useRowChunking = true
  • Query parameters
    • sinceScn - the last SCN read from the relay/client
    • rowsPerChunk - chunk size (in sy$txlog rows)
SELECT scn, event_timestamp, src.*
          ( SELECT /*+ first_rows LEADING(tx) */ sync_core.getScn(tx.scn, tx.ora_rowscn) scn, tx.ts event_timestamp, tx.txn, row_number() OVER (ORDER BY TX.SCN) r
            FROM sy$txlog tx ");
         WHERE tx.scn > :sinceScn AND tx.ora_rowscn > :sinceScn AND tx.scn < 9999999999999999999999999999) t
WHERE src.txn = t.txn AND r<= :rowsPerChunk


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