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Carl Steinbach edited this page Feb 23, 2017 · 1 revision

Table of contents

  • [Fetch Application by ID] (#fetch-application-by-id)
  • [Fetch Application by Job Execution ID] (#fetch-application-by-job-execution-id)
  • [Fetch Application by Flow Execution ID] (#fetch-application-by-flow-execution-id)
  • [Search or Filter Applications ] (#search-or-filter-applications)
  • [Compare Flow Executions] (#compare-flow-executions)

There may be scenarios where a user wants to interact with Dr. Elephant without using the web UI. Dr. Elephant exposes a REST API which can be used to fetch information.

Fetch Application by ID

Given a app/job id, this will fetch the application information which includes general information about the app and the heuristic analysis results.



Request Parameter

parameter description
id The app or job id to search

Response Object

parameter description
id The application id
name The name of the application
username User who submitted the application
queueName The queue the application was submitted to
startTime The time in which application started
finishTime The time in which application finished
trackingUrl The Job history page of the app
jobType Type of the job e.g. pig
severity Aggregate severity of all the heuristics. Ranges from 0(LOW) to 4(CRITICAL)
score The application score which is the sum of heuristic scores
workFlowDepth The application depth in the scheduled flow. Depth starts from 0
scheduler The scheduler which triggered the application
jobName The name of the job in the flow to which this app belongs
jobExecId A unique reference to a specific execution of the job/action(job in the workflow).
flowExecId A unique reference to a specific flow execution.
jobDefId A unique reference to the job in the entire flow independent of the execution.
flowDefId A unique reference to the entire flow independent of any execution.
jobExecUrl A url to the job execution on the schedule
flowExecUrl A url to the flow execution on the scheduler
jobDefUrl A url to the job definition on the scheduler
flowDefUrl A url to the flow definition on the scheduler
yarnAppHeuristicResults Detailed results on individual heuristics

Fetch Application by Job Execution ID

Given a job execution id or job execution url in case of Azkaban, this returns all the applications which were triggered by this job's execution.



Request Parameter

parameter description
id The job execution id or job execution url(azkaban) to search

Response Object

The response object contains list of applications spawned by this job. Each element of this list is of the form shown in response object of 'fetch by application id'.

Fetch Application by Flow Execution ID

Given a flow execution id or flow execution url in case of Azkaban, this returns all the applications which were triggered by this flow's execution.



Request Parameter

parameter description
id The flow execution id or flow execution url(azkaban) to search

Response Object

The response object contains list of applications spawned by this flow. Each element of this list is of the form shown in response object of 'fetch by application id'.

Search or Filter Applications

You can search for a job/flow by providing certain parameters. REST API supports all the search parameters as supported in the UI.



Request Parameter

parameter description
id The job/app execution id to search. If this is provided, no other parameter is valid
flow-exec-id The flow execution id or url(azkaban) to search, if this is provided, no other parameter is valid
username To filter jobs by the user
severity To filter all jobs based on severity
job-type The type of jobs to search
analysis The heuristic name. This goes together with severity.
finished-time-begin The start range of finish time. (Milliseconds since epoch)
finished-time-end The end range of finish time. (Milliseconds since epoch)
started-time-begin The start range of start time. (Milliseconds since epoch)
started-time-end The end range of start time. (Milliseconds since epoch)

Response Object

The response object contains a list of applications where each element of this list is of the form shown in response object of 'fetch by application id'.

Compare Flow Executions

Given two different executions(flow execution id), the results will contain a comparison of the two executions at job level.



Request Parameter

parameter description
flow-exec-id1 Flow execution id or url(azkaban) of first flow
flow-exec-id2 Flow execution id or url(azkaban) of second flow

Response Object

The response object is of the form:

job_def_id1: {
    flow_exec_id1 : {
    flow_exec_id2 : {
job_def_id2: {
    flow_exec_id1 : {
    flow_exec_id2 : {

Where app1_details are the details of job as fetched in response object of 'fetch by application id'.