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Cores and Components

Simon Puchert edited this page Feb 8, 2018 · 1 revision


Cores come in lots of different shapes with more or less power, cost, integrity (a.k.a. hitpoints). More expensive cores and those with higher component-power-to-core-power ratio are better suited for big processes as the extra cost from the components will be less (relative to the core) and yield more gains. It is (theoretically) possible to build arbitrarily strong processes, thus the main goal of your designs should be achieving good performance and low cost.

Mobile cores

Mobile cores are, well, used in mobile processes. Since this is the only practical way of getting anywhere (and also, offense), these will be the backbone of your "fleet". Keep in mind that the design of maps in Liberation Circuit means that static defenses are at an intrinsic disadvantage because there are no natural chokepoints.

Static cores

Static cores are much stronger and much cheaper than mobile cores, but immobile. For the most part, you'll want to use them in fortified bases to guard (and harvest from) data wells. Try not to overdo this though as you'll spread your forces too thin and can't do anything about it as they can't move.


Components can be used to increase the power available to a process and to provide additional links. As of version 1.3, the costs are as follows: 3 links: 6 data 4 links: 9 data 5 links: 12 data 6 links: 16 data I.e. (with the exception of 6-link components) each component gets you the component power (depends on the core) for 5 data (3 base cost + 1 for uplink and downlink each) and additional links for 3 data each (e.g. a 3-link component takes up one link on its parent component and the has 2 free links, netting you 1 extra free link). Because of this, using mostly "small" components and filling out most links delivers good performance per price.

Stats (Cores)

Name Cost hp core power component power interface charge rate
CORE_STATIC_QUAD 8 200 100 14 2
CORE_STATIC_PENT 14 300 120 18 3
CORE_STATIC_HEX_A 28 400 180 22 4
CORE_STATIC_HEX_B 64 500 240 34 5
CORE_STATIC_HEX_C 128 600 300 56 6
CORE_QUAD_A 30 50 50 10 1
CORE_QUAD_B 50 70 60 16 1
CORE_PENT_A 80 100 70 24 2
CORE_PENT_B 100 140 80 30 2
CORE_PENT_C 130 180 90 36 3
CORE_HEX_A 180 220 100 42 3
CORE_HEX_B 230 260 110 48 4
CORE_HEX_C 300 300 120 54 5
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