This is a botnet module based on ns-3 and BRITE topology generator. This tool can help generate simulated DDoS datasets for research purposes.
This module is dependent on ns-3.37 and BRITE. Refer to BRITE integration for integration setup.
Requires CMake version > 3.10
For more information regarding the design and usage of the module, check out the doc folder.
To generate config files with BRITE GUI, refer to patched BRITE.
Change file name of seedfile.default to seedfile.
Run: make
to generate the GUI executable.
Run: ./britegui
Copy the generated file GUI_GEN.conf to botnet/examples/conf_files and change the conf_file variable in the botnet examples to try out different topologies.
Modify GUI_GEN.conf by commenting out the last three lines since they are not supported by the parser:
BRITE = 1 #1/0=enable/disable output in BRITE format
OTTER = 0 #1/0=enable/disable visualization in otter
# DML = 0 #1/0=enable/disable output to SSFNet's DML format
# NS = 0 #1/0=enable/disable output to NS-2
# Javasim = 0 #1/0=enable/disable output to Javasim
- BW: Bandwidth (MBytes/sec)
Place the repository in the contrib directory as shown in this example.
In ns3-3.7 directory:
./ns3 configure --with-brite=<BRITE_path> --enable-examples --enable-tests
To run the botnet examples, do:
./ns3 run botnet-example
for and ./ns3 run botnet-example-2
To run the botnet examples, and save the logs to a file, do:
./ns3 run botnet-example > log.txt 2>&1
Reference: link
Additional installations:
pip install cppyy
sudo apt install gir1.2-goocanvas-2.0 python3-gi python3-gi-cairo python3-pygraphviz git1.2-gtk-3.0 ipython3
Change configuration to enable python bindings:
./ns3 configure --with-brite=<BRITE_path> --enable-examples --enable-tests --enable-python-bindings
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=<brite path>:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
Run examples:
./ns3 run <example-application> --vis
TraceMetric is a tool for analyzing ascii trace files generated by a simulation. The advantage of choosing ascii traces over pcap traces is that ascii traces allow combining traffic output from different nodes to the same file. This limits the number of file streams generated during the simulation.