A test literary NFT contract for an open-source NFT e-book library. To duplicate, initialise a local Hardhat project and copy the contracts folder from this repository.
We wanted to build a library for rental of e-books, where the books borrowed are web3 assets themselves, in the form of NFTs. This service allows for full digital ownership of books (for the duration of the rental period) for users, enhancing the reading experience.
- Rent-to-Buy - allow users to permanently buy books which they have particularly enjoyed past their rental period.
- Third-Party Hosting - we can transition to a model of hosting a marketplace for people to rent and sell their literary NFTs to others, allowing for a total 'free market' of books!
- L2 Integration - using Optimism we can create rental contracts more fluidly.
- InWriting - we can integrate the InWriting interface to allow for users to both create and upload literary NFTs directly to the marketplace.
- Alternate Media - this can eventually be expanded to other forms of media, such as film, photography or art.